A once proud swimming nation is no longer offering lessons to every school student. What are the risks?
New Australian research strengthens evidence against bottle feeding in bed.
In the media
Meet the workplace vibers powered by AI
You’ve met them: colleagues who present flawlessly articulated ideas they can’t defend, or outline complex topics with confidence until challenged. But what of true expertise, ask Associate Professor Sandra Peter and Professor Kai Riemer of the University of Sydney Business School.
Who cares for the carers?
In Australia, there are approximately 3 million carers and the burden on informal carers can be overwhelming. Professor Brendan McCormack from the Syndey Policy Lab asks what more can be done to help those who are caring for our vulnerable.
In NSW, swimming lessons started in 1880. Now some schools struggle to put a relay team together
A lot of students are missing out due to factors including funding costs of pools, says Dr Steve Georgakis of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.