April - The University of Sydney



07 April 2016

Australian elections not as good as you think

We might have a reputation for fair and free elections, but how well do Australian elections fare when compared to other countries? Professor Rodney Smith and Dr Ferran Martinez i Coma explain. 

07 April 2016

Alumni achievement awards celebrate a diversity of success

The University of Sydney will celebrate the ideas, leadership and dedication of our diverse community when we recognise the work of an artist, a scientist, a musician, an anaesthetist, a physiotherapist and an entrepreneur at our Alumni Awards this month.

07 April 2016

WHO global diabetes report shows Australia must lift its game

Australia should do more to prevent diabetes and provide better care for those living with the disease, according to an author of the World Health Organisation's (WHO) first global diabetes report.

06 April 2016

Chemistry for community wins Inaugural Westpac Research Fellowship

Development of a technology that will enable community members, especially in remote areas, to easily detect and measure environmental chemicals has won Dr Elizabeth New a prestigious research fellowship.

05 April 2016

Alumna's teen tales urge new generation to seize the future

Master of Media Practice graduate Sarah Ayoub is a journalist-turned-novelist whose high school stories are connecting with young Australians. 

05 April 2016

Intel internship for young Aussie algorithm designer

Amid growing concerns surrounding the potential environmental impacts of massive data centres, Duncan Moss, has been invited to undertake a yearlong research internship with multinational technology company, Intel. 

05 April 2016

Man's best friend is getting smaller

Australian fans of purebred dogs now favour small, brachycephalic breeds - with shorter and wider heads - which are more susceptible to a number of health problems.

05 April 2016

Marketing to nurses to influence hospital purchasing decisions

Hospital-based nurses have high levels of contact with pharmaceutical and medical device sales people but receive little guidance about managing purchasing decisions, a new study in Annals of Internal Medicine reveals.

04 April 2016

Difference in a federal system should be cherished not feared

If states controlled more of their school funding, competition could lead to innovation where the best ideas are adopted nationwide, writes Professor Anne Twomey.

01 April 2016

Operatic scale conservation

Sydney's iconic Opera House has embarked on a concrete conservation project that will keep the grand diva of construction looking its best for future artists, audiences and visitors.