
Statement regarding 2014 incident on campus

9 March 2017

The University of Sydney today made the following statement in relation to CCTV footage of an alleged sexual assault on campus in 2014: 

  • The University of Sydney has never been asked, and therefore never expressed a view, about the release of video footage related to assaults on campus.
  • In a letter to NSW Police in August 2016, the University responded to a request for release of documents objecting because some of the information in the documents contained information provided to the University on a confidential basis, and contained personal information of a sensitive nature. 
  • Students and staff who provide this information have an expectation that such matters will be treated on a confidential basis. The records contained details including specific details such as location, time and nature of the assault which could allow individuals who share this information with the University to be identified.   
  • It is the University’s view that the overriding public interest lies in the nature of protecting any individual who provides this information to the University.