Business School achieves ‘triple crown’ with AMBA accreditation - The University of Sydney
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Business School achieves 'triple crown' with AMBA accreditation

15 January 2020
The University of Sydney Business School has cemented its place among the world's leading providers of business education with accreditation from AMBA, a leading authority on postgraduate management studies.

Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditation, which is widely considered to be the highest achievement in postgraduate business education, acknowledges "the Business School's continuing commitment to excellence."

The Dean of the Business School, Professor Greg Whitwell, has welcomed the accreditation, saying the Association's "rigorous assessment criteria ensure that only the highest-calibre programs demonstrating the highest standards in teaching, curriculum, and student interaction are recognised."

"Importantly, this highly prestigious accreditation means that the University of Sydney Business School is now a member of that one percent of tertiary institutions around the world with triple crown status," Professor Whitwell said.

Schools that have been accredited by AMBA as well as the world's other two accreditation bodies, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), include the London Business School, HEC Paris and Hult International Business School.

AMBA says that its accreditation is international in scope and reach, and that "the organisation works under the belief that accredited programs should be of the highest standard and reflect changing trends and innovation in postgraduate management education."

AMBA only accredits the world's top Business Schools.
Andrew Main Wilson, Chief Executive AMBA

Members of AMBA's visiting accreditation panel, including senior managers at AMBA-accredited Business Schools globally, commended the University of Sydney Business School strong leadership, which they said provided a "caring and supportive atmosphere for students."

The panel was also impressed with the diversity within the School's MBA program, with special mention of its gender balance. The location of the School was commended as excellent, and the facilities on the campus were said to be a "real strength" to the School.

"AMBA only accredits the world's top Business Schools," said Andrew Main Wilson, Chief Executive of the Association of MBAs and Business Graduates Association. "I congratulate the Business School on becoming a triple crowned institution and being the only triple crown and AMBA accredited institution in Sydney."

"There is no doubt that this AMBA accreditation reaffirms our reputation as one of the world's leading providers of quality management education," Professor Whitwell concluded. "It is also recognition of our commitment to providing students with the skills to lead in a challenging world."

The University of Sydney Business School's MBA, which was launched initially as a part-time program in 2013, its Executive MBA program and its Master of Management course are all ranked number one in Australia.

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