The staff member is receiving appropriate medical care and we wish them a quick recovery.
The staff member worked or visited spaces in our Chemistry and Madsen (Geosciences) buildings. Access to those spaces are currently being restricted and deep cleaning is underway in accordance with NSW Health protocols. All other areas of campus/the building will remain open for essential activity only.
We are supporting NSW Health in their efforts to urgently identify anyone who may be a contact of the affected staff member. We have advised our community to immediately get tested, self-isolate, and wait for further instructions from NSW Health if they visited those buildings:
- Chemistry Building (F11) - 19 July and 20 July
- Madsen Building (F09) - 20 July
Staff and students in the Schools of Chemistry and Core Research Facilities have been communicated with directly.
The health and wellbeing of our staff, students and community is our highest priority and we will continue to follow all government directions, as well as NSW Health advice.