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Multivariate brain activity patterns underlying consciousness

Research Supervisor Connect. Clinical assessment of consciousness is one of the most significant issues in brain injury and general anaesthesia, yet it remains challenging for medical practitioners. Terrifyingly, up to 40% of brain-damaged patients
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Inferring the dimensionality of dynamical systems automatically using machine learning

Research Supervisor Connect. This research will develop methods to infer the dimensionality of a dynamical system automatically, by adapting dimensionality reduction methods to high-dimensional time-series feature spaces. Masters/PHD. Finding simple
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Time-series biomarkers of neurological disorders

Research Supervisor Connect. This research will develop a new machine learning framework for finding and quantifying patterns of brain dynamics that distinguish patients with brain disorders from healthy controls. Masters/PHD. Despite the ability of
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Highly comparative time-series analysis

Research Supervisor Connect. This research involves developing new methods for time-series analysis based on a new analytic framework for understanding structure in time series. Masters/PHD. The world is constantly changing around us: from the
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Analysing non-stationary complex systems with applications to sleep

Successful applicants will be supervised by Dr Ben Fulcher and focus primarily on their own PhD projects.
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Characterising Information Flow Networks Across Brain Regions in Rest and Task

Ben Fulcher (Physics) and their teams as part of their Systems Neuroscience and Complexity collaboration, within the University’s Centre for Complex Systems.
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Fighting the spread of misinformation

Research Supervisor Connect. The development of a quantitative measure of the spread of misinformation, for the purposes of developing a strategy to counter science denial. Masters/PHD. Why aren't scientific results having more impact on public