Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research opportunities_

Measures to Increase Trust and Reliability of Robotic Systems in the Presence of Adversity

Research Supervisor Connect. Development of low-profile sensing techniques for stealthy robotic platforms in unstructured environments. This includes minimising electromagnetic and acoustic signatures while performing mission requirements.
Research opportunities_

Cross-Spectral Imaging and Classification of Concealed Targets in Cluttered Environments

Research Supervisor Connect. This project involves developing a software defined radar system to improve robotic perception in highly unstructured environments. Can multi-spectral techniques be used to iteratively resolve further into an obstructing
Research opportunities_

Active Perception at the System Level, Including Human-(on-the-loop)-Unmanned Teaming

Research Supervisor Connect. Active perception involves moving a sensor to maximise information gain. For a system comprised of multiple heterogeneous platforms including humans, the problem of maximising information of the system as a whole is
Research opportunities_

Electromagnetic Simulation of Complex Dynamic Environments to Assist Cognitive Active Perception

Research Supervisor Connect. Active perception involves moving a sensor to maximise information gain about the local environment. Cognitive radar goes even further, to change the sensor parameters themselves to better probe the environment. In this