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Offshore study opportunities

The program aims to develop the general skills of comparative lawyers, to effectively and critically assess contemporary developments in one of the world's wealthiest democracies. ... content. It’s one thing to learn about constitutionalism in the
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Industry projects

Work with our industry and community partners on real world projects and gain invaluable industry experience.
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Overseas exchange opportunities

It’s a crowded and competitive graduate market, and an exchange provides you with a point of differentiation, a means of standing out from the crowd. ... Canada - Queen’s University, Ontario and University of Victoria, British Columbia. China - East
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Migration and Migrant Cultures

It is framed by three general and connecting themes: (a) anthropology's turn from bounded cultures to the study of movement and contested identities; (b) the role of migration in transnational
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Introduction to Australian History

Taking advantage of the university's location, the unit uses Sydney-area museums and site visits to bring Australia's past to life. .
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Culture and Development

Culture and Development - ANTH2625. Year - 2023. The 1949 speech by US president, Harry Truman, declared his country's commitment to the 'development' of the Third World, and began what many consider
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Korean Popular Culture

It approaches Korea's cultural industries historically and critically, questioning their relationships to colonialism, militarism, social hierarchies, national identities, and economic globalization.
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Politics of China

The primary focus will be on ideology, leadership, institutions and political processes of the People's Republic.
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Applied Computational Mathematics

On the one hand the computer is a mathematician's laboratory in which to model problems too hard for analytical treatment and to test existing theories; on the other hand, computational
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Fluid Dynamics (Advanced)

It develops elementary theorems and tools, including Bernoulli's equation, the role of vorticity, the vorticity equation, Kelvin's circulation theorem, Helmholtz's theorem, and an introduction to the use of