MUSE Issue 18, October 2017

The digitisation project is producing stunning images of artefacts and natural history specimens in the collections. ... 1931, an event that stimulated some of her most evocative depictions of the natural world.

Sydney Environment Institute Annual Report 2020

We must appreciate the complexity of the natural environment as it shifts and emerges over time and minimise negative human impact on it. ... He earned his PhD in English at Vanderbilt, where he specialized in the relationship between natural history and

SEI Magazine: Representing Heat Through Performance

I would create one image and then massage it until I created the final product. ... interplay between climate and the social, on natural disaster and the breakdown of human connection.

Introduction to trigonometric functions

The radian is a natural unit for measuring angles. We use radian measure in calculusbecause it makes the derivatives of trigonometric functions simple. ... Thus we canuse the product, quotient and chain rules to differentiate combinations of

MUSE Issue 19, March 2018

This provides guarantees for the consumer that products are made of woodchips from well-managed forests and other controlled sources with strict environmental, economical and social standards. ... The Macleay Museum offers the opportunity for school

Stochastic quantisation of locally supersymmetric models

This provides the quantum theory with a natural probabilistic interpretation, without any reference to the concept of an inner product or a Hilbert space structure.

Hensher Bus Contracts under Transition to a Green Fleet

grams CO2e per mile for natural gas and 2,212 grams carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per mile for a diesel hybrid. ... imagine a bus manufacturer putting drivers on their products and suddenly being able to take the role of a bus operator).

Introduction to integration part 1: the anti-derivative

Notice that x cos x is a product, so we must use the product rule to differentiate it. ... It may seem reasonable towonder whether there is a similar rule for products.

Graded Steinberg algebras and their representations

In the first part of the paper, we show that this category is isomorphic to the category of unital left modules over the Steinberg algebra of the skew-product groupoid arising ... To do this, we show that the Steinberg algebra of the skew product is

Faculty of Engineering: 2019/2020 Summer Research Projects The University ...

Faculty of Engineering: 2019/2020 Summer Research Projects. AMME2019/15 Natural Language Processing for Advanced State Inference and Prediction. ... removed. As such new clinical treatment schemes are necessary to augment the body’s natural healing