
Climate change a greater risk for Indigenous families

3 November 2021 -
Climate change a greater risk for Indigenous families. 4 November 2021. Indigenous housing uninhabitable with increasing temperatures. Without urgent change, housing in regional and remote areas of Australia will become inhospitable for many

Spider facts

21 January 2017 -
9 nifty things to know about spiders. 28 October 2016. Here are nine little-known reasons why you should be fascinated rather than frightened of spiders. Having recently completed her PhD on ecological impact on spiders, Lizzy Lowe shares some of

New data shows 6 countries have hit their meat consumption peak

7 December 2021 -
A new study by Dr Diana Bogueva from the University of Sydney has investigated whether meat consumption increases as income increases, revealing the countries that may have already reached 'peak meat'.

A year of innovations

31 July 2018 -
A year of world-changing innovations. 27 July 2018. From 3D printed bones and new drugs that combat addiction to an iWitness app that aids convictions and prevents miscarriages of justice, the University is a hub of innovation. To celebrate our

Lorikeets might get their wings back, thanks to University

1 February 2021 -
Lorikeets might get their wings back, thanks to University. 29 January 2021. WIRES funding for native animals research. Two hundred thousand dollars from WIRES will help fund various projects, from determining where wombats cross dangerous roads, to

LGBTIQ pride and support at Sydney

4 April 2019 -
In preparation for the 2017 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, read about support structures and ways you can stand with our LGBTIQ staff and students.

First Sydney Scholars India winners

23 September 2019 -
First Sydney Scholars India winners. 20 September 2019. India’s future visionary leaders. Undergraduate students Madhullikaa Singh from Mumbai and Aryan Bhatia from Delhi are the inaugural recipients of the two major scholarships offered under the

Be a climate hero – switch on the fan

13 August 2021 -
Switching on the humble fan is a great first step to reducing climate change which is a major threat to Australians' health, says Professor of Planetary Health Tony Capon.

What is needed to improve diversity and inclusion in Australia

2 August 2021 -
What is needed to improve diversity and inclusion in Australia. 21 March 2019. Combatting racism and making Australia a more inclusive country. Harmony Day, a day set aside every year to celebrate Australia's cultural diversity, is celebrated on the

Fun and VR games in the workplace

3 March 2020 -
A first-time study by a team from the University of Sydney shows that embedding a VR (virtual reality) game studio in the workplace can provide physical benefits. The paper explores whether a VR game studio can help workers in sedentary jobs achieve