Associate Professor Adriana Dutkiewicz

Associate Professor Adriana Dutkiewicz

Room 431
ARC Future Fellow
+61 2 9351 5192
F09 - Madsen Building
The University of Sydney
Associate Professor Adriana Dutkiewicz

Employment History

2020-present: ARC Future Fellow

2010- present: Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney

2005-2010: ARC QEII Research Fellow, The University of Sydney

2000-2004: ARC APD Fellow, The University of Sydney.

1996-2000: Project geologist, CSIRO Division of Petroleum Resources

PhD Thesis: Quaternary Palaeoclimate From the Lake Malata-Lake Greenly Complex, South Australia. Flinders University, South Australia. Supervisor: Chris von der Borch.

I am a sedimentologist and have worked on a variety of sedimentary rocks and sediments ranging in age from Archaean to Quaternary. My current research is focused on the synthesis of large sedimentological and geochemical datasets in order to provide new insights into fundamental processes underpinning the composition of marine sediments, ocean chemistry, and the global carbon cycle. All of my research is multi-disciplinary and combines traditional sedimentology with an aspect of cutting-edge technology. A list of some of my key publications is shown below. Also below you will find links to 3D globes and data sets associated with my publications.



Global seafloor lithology

Polymetallic nodules




Global seafloor lithology

Global sediment thickness since 200 Ma

Carbonate sediment thickness since 120 Ma

Polymetallic nodules



Dutkiewicz, A. Boulila, S. and Müller, R.D., 2024. Deep-sea hiatus record reveals orbital pacing by 2.4 Myr eccentricity grand cycles. Nature Communications, 15, 198.

Dutkiewicz, A. & Müller, R.D., 2024. Submarine volcanism along shallow ridges did not drive Cryogenian cap carbonate formation. Geology,

Dutkiewicz, A., Merdith, A.S., Collins, A.S., Mather, B., Ilano, L., Zahirovic, S. and Müller, R.D., 2024. Duration of Sturtian ‘Snowball Earth’ glaciation linked to exceptionally low mid-ocean ridge outgassing. Geology,

Dutkiewicz, A. & Müller, R.D., 2022. The history of Cenozoic carbonate flux in the Atlantic Ocean constrained by multiple regional carbonate compensation depth reconstructions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC010667. (OPEN ACCESS)

Dutkiewicz, A. & Müller, R.D., 2022. Deep-sea hiatuses track the vigor of Cenozoic ocean bottom currents. Geology, v. 50, p. 710–715. doi: (open access)

Müller, R.D., Mather, B., Dutkiewicz, A., Keller, T., Merdith, A., Gonzalez, C.M., Gorczyk, W. and Zahirovic, S. 2022. Evolution of Earth’s tectonic carbon conveyor belt. Nature, v. 605, p. 629–639. (Invited review article).

Dutkiewicz, A. & Müller, R.D., 2021. The carbonate compensation depth in the South Atlantic Ocean since the Late Cretaceous. Geology, v. 49, p.873-878.

Dutkiewicz, A. Judge, A., Müller, R.D., 2020. Environmental predictors of deep-sea polymetallic nodule occurrence in the global ocean. Geology, v. 48, p. 293-297.

Dutkiewicz, A., Müller, R.D., Cannon, J., Vaughan, S., Zahirovic, S., 2019. Sequestration and subduction of deep-sea carbonate in the global ocean since the Early Cretaceous. Geology, v. 47, p. 91-94. DOI: 10.1130/G45424.1. FULL TEXT.

Müller, R. D.& Dutkiewicz, A., 2018. Oceanic crustal carbon cycle drives 26-million-year atmospheric carbon dioxide periodicities. Science Advances, v. 4. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq0500. (OPEN ACCESS)


GEOS3103/3803 "Evironment, Sediment and Climate Change" (Semester 1)

GEOS2124/2924 "Earth's History and the Biosphere" (Semester 2)

The deep-sea carbon reservoir through geological time

Despite being by far the largest carbon reservoir on Earth, deep-sea carbonate and its recycling through the Earth system are the most significant missing links in our knowledge of the global carbon cycle. This project aims to track the evolution of the deep-sea carbon reservoir over the last 150 million years by using recently developed spatio-temporal computational and model-data synthesis tools. The project will provide the first rigorous quantification of the distribution and volume of carbon in deep-sea carbonate, and its fluxes between the Earth’s surface and interior. It will advance our understanding of the history and rate of carbon dioxide storage and degassing over geological time, and inform public debate on climate change.

2024: Mawson Medal & Lecture (Australian Academy of Science)

2020: ARC Future Fellow

2006: Dorothy Hill Award (Australian Academy of Science)

2006: CSIRO Medal for Scientific Achievement (group award)

2005: JG Russell Award (Australian Academy of Science)

2005-2010: ARC QEII Research Fellow, The University of Sydney

2000-2004: ARC APD Fellow, The University of Sydney.

1997: Ph.D. thesis selected for special commendation by Flinders University (accepted without revision)

1991: The Western Mining Prize for Excellence in Geoscience (top First Class Honours).



Please note that the Geological Society of America journal Geology has been #1 in "geology" category for 15 years in a row.

Dutkiewicz, A., Rasmussen, B. and Buick, R., 1998. Oil preserved in fluid inclusions in Archaean sandstones. Nature, v. 395, p. 885-888.

Müller, R.D., Mather, B., Dutkiewicz, A., Keller, T., Merdith, A., Gonzalez, C.M., Gorczyk, W. and Zahirovic, S. 2022. Evolution of Earth’s tectonic carbon conveyor belt. Nature. In press.

Dutkiewicz, A., Müller R.D., O'Callaghan, S. and Jónasson, H., 2015, Census of seafloor sediments in the world's ocean, Geology, 43, 795-798. OPEN ACCESSS
The supplementary information is available here.

3D Interactive Globe of Seafloor Lithogy

Youtube movie of 3D globe

Dutkiewicz, A. & Müller, R.D., 2022. Deep-sea hiatuses track the vigor of Cenozoic ocean bottom currents. Geology. doi: OPEN ACCESS

Dutkiewicz, A. & Müller, R.D., 2021. The carbonate compensation depth in the South Atlantic Ocean since the Late Cretaceous. Geology, v. 49, p.873-878.

Dutkiewicz, A. Judge, A., Müller, R.D., 2020. Environmental predictors of deep-sea polymetallic nodule occurrence in the global ocean. Geology, v. 48, p. 293-297.

Dutkiewicz, A., Müller, R.D., Cannon, J., Vaughan, S., Zahirovic, S., 2019. Sequestration and subduction of deep-sea carbonate in the global ocean since the Early Cretaceous. Geology, v. 47, p. 91-94. DOI: 10.1130/G45424.1.

Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, R., Hogg, A., Spence, P. (2016). Vigorous deep-sea currents cause global anomaly in sediment accumulation in the Southern Ocean. Geology, 44, 663-666.

Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., Ridley, J., George, S., 2003. Biomarkers, brines and oil in the Mesoproterozoic, Roper Superbasin, Australia. Geology, v. 31, p. 981-984.

Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., George, S.C., Ridley, J. and Buick, R., 2006. Biomarkers sealed in oil-bearing fluid inclusions trapped before the Great Oxidation Event. Geology, v. 34, p. 437-440.

Dutkiewicz, A., Landgrebe, T., Rey, P., 2015. Origin of Silica and Fingerprinting of Australian Sedimentary Opals. Gondwana Research, 27(2), 786-795

Dutkiewicz, A., Mossman, D.J., Ridley, J., George, S.C. and Volk, H., 2007. Oil and its biomarkers associated with the Palaeoproterozoic Oklo natural fission reactors, Gabon. Chemical Geology, v. 244, p. 130-154.

Dutkiewicz, A., Ridley, J. and Buick, R., 2003. Oil-bearing CO2-CH4-H2O fluid
inclusions: oil survival since the Palaeoproterozoic after high temperature entrapment. Chemical Geology, v. 194, p. 51-79.

Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., Ridley, J. and George, S.C., 2004. Geochemistry of oil in fluid inclusions in a Middle Proterozoic igneous intrusion: implications for the source of hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks. Organic Geochemistry, v. 35, p. 937-957.


Project titleResearch student
Carbon sequestration in the Pacific and Indian oceans since the Late CretaceousFaranak DALVAND


Book Chapters

  • George, S., Volk, H., Dutkiewicz, A. (2012). Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Analysis of Oil and Gas Trapped in Fluid Inclusions. In Michael S. Lee (Eds.), Mass Spectrometry Handbook, (pp. 647-675). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Merdith, A., Collins, A., Mather, B., Ilano, L., Zahirovic, S., Muller, D. (2024). Duration of Sturtian “Snowball Earth” glaciation linked to exceptionally low mid-ocean ridge outgassing. Geology, 52(4), 292-296. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2024). Submarine volcanism along shallow ridges did not drive Cryogenian cap carbonate formation. Geology, 52(5), 321-325. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2022). Deep-sea hiatuses track the vigor of Cenozoic ocean bottom currents. Geology, 50(6), 710-715. [More Information]


  • Muller, D., Xiaodong, Q., Sandwell, D., Dutkiewicz, A., Williams, S., Flament, N., Maus, S., Seton, M. (2017). The GPlates Portal: Cloud-based interactive 3D and 4D visualization of global geological and geophysical data and models in a browser. 19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017, Vienna: Copernicus Publications.
  • Siljestrom, S., Lausmaa, J., Volk, H., George, S., Sjovall, P., Dutkiewicz, A., Hode, T. (2011). Analysis of single Precambrian oil-bearing fluid inclusions as a way of constraining evolution of eukaryotes. EGU General Assembly, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Elsevier.
  • Merdith, A., Landgrebe, T., Dutkiewicz, A., Rey, P. (2011). Data Mining for Opal Exploration. National Opal Symposium, Lightning Ridge: Thomson Reuters.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • George, S., Dutkiewicz, A. (2012). Chemical fossils: Marking the origins of life. chemistry in australia.


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Merdith, A., Collins, A., Mather, B., Ilano, L., Zahirovic, S., Muller, D. (2024). Duration of Sturtian “Snowball Earth” glaciation linked to exceptionally low mid-ocean ridge outgassing. Geology, 52(4), 292-296. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2024). Submarine volcanism along shallow ridges did not drive Cryogenian cap carbonate formation. Geology, 52(5), 321-325. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2022). Deep-sea hiatuses track the vigor of Cenozoic ocean bottom currents. Geology, 50(6), 710-715. [More Information]
  • Muller, D., Mather, B., Dutkiewicz, A., Keller, T., Merdith, A., Gonzalez, C., Gorczyk, W., Zahirovic, S. (2022). Evolution of Earth's tectonic carbon conveyor belt. Nature, 605(7911), 629-639. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2022). The history of Cenozoic carbonate flux in the Atlantic Ocean constrained by multiple regional carbonate compensation depth reconstructions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(11). [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2021). The carbonate compensation depth in the South Atlantic Ocean since the Late Cretaceous. Geology, 49(7), 873-878. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Judge, A., Muller, D. (2020). Environmental predictors of deep-sea polymetallic nodule occurrence in the global ocean. Geology, 48(3), 293-297. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D., Cannon, J., Vaughan, S., Zahirovic, S. (2019). Sequestration and subduction of deep-sea carbonate in the global ocean since the Early Cretaceous. Geology, 47(1), 91-94. [More Information]


  • I'Anson, A., Deighton, I., Muller, D., Dutkiewicz, A., Heine, C. (2018). Burial and exhumation history of the Galilee Basin, Australia: Implications for unconventional hydrocarbon prospectivity. AAPG Bulletin, 102(3), 483-507. [More Information]
  • Thran, A., Dutkiewicz, A., Spence, P., Muller, D. (2018). Controls on the global distribution of contourite drifts: Insights from an eddy-resolving ocean model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, 228-240. [More Information]
  • Muller, D., Dutkiewicz, A. (2018). Oceanic crustal carbon cycle drives 26-million-year atmospheric carbon dioxide periodicities. Science Advances, 4(2), 1-7. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D., Wang, X., O'Callaghan, S., Cannon, J., Wright, N. (2017). Predicting Sediment Thickness on Vanished Ocean Crust Since 200 Ma. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18(12), 4586-4603. [More Information]
  • Muller, D., Xiaodong, Q., Sandwell, D., Dutkiewicz, A., Williams, S., Flament, N., Maus, S., Seton, M. (2017). The GPlates Portal: Cloud-based interactive 3D and 4D visualization of global geological and geophysical data and models in a browser. 19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017, Vienna: Copernicus Publications.


  • Dutkiewicz, A., O'Callaghan, S., Muller, D. (2016). Controls on the distribution of deep-sea sediments. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17(8), 3075-3098. [More Information]
  • Peters, C., Piazolo, S., Webb, G., Dutkiewicz, A., George, S. (2016). In search of early life: Carbonate veins in Archean metamorphic rocks as potential hosts of biomarkers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 453, 44-55. [More Information]
  • Muller, D., Qin, X., Sandwell, D., Dutkiewicz, A., Williams, S., Flament, N., Maus, S., Seton, M. (2016). The GPlates Portal: Cloud-Based Interactive 3D Visualization of Global Geophysical and Geological Data in a Web Browser. PloS One, 11(3), 1-17. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D., O’Callaghan, S., Jonasson, H. (2015). Census of seafloor sediments in the world's ocean. Geology, 43(9), 795-798. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Landgrebe, T., Rey, P. (2015). Origin of Silica and Fingerprinting of Australian Sedimentary Opals. Gondwana Research, 27(2), 786-795. [More Information]


  • Muller, D., Dutkiewicz, A., Seton, M., Gaina, C. (2014). Seawater chemistry driven by supercontinent assembly, breakup and dispersal: REPLY. Geology, 42(5), E335-E335. [More Information]


  • Siljestrom, S., Volk, H., George, S., Lausmaa, J., Sjovall, P., Dutkiewicz, A., Hode, T. (2013). Analysis of single oil-bearing fluid inclusions in mid-Proterozoic sandstones (Roper Group, Australia). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 122, 448-463. [More Information]
  • Landgrebe, T., Merdith, A., Dutkiewicz, A., Muller, D. (2013). Relationships between palaeogeography and opal occurrence in Australia: A data-mining approach. Computers and Geosciences, 56, 76-82. [More Information]
  • Muller, D., Dutkiewicz, A., Seton, M., Gaina, C. (2013). Seawater chemistry driven by supercontinent assembly, breakup, and dispersal. Geology, 41(8), 907-910. [More Information]


  • George, S., Dutkiewicz, A. (2012). Chemical fossils: Marking the origins of life. chemistry in australia.
  • George, S., Volk, H., Dutkiewicz, A. (2012). Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Analysis of Oil and Gas Trapped in Fluid Inclusions. In Michael S. Lee (Eds.), Mass Spectrometry Handbook, (pp. 647-675). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. [More Information]


  • Siljestrom, S., Lausmaa, J., Volk, H., George, S., Sjovall, P., Dutkiewicz, A., Hode, T. (2011). Analysis of single Precambrian oil-bearing fluid inclusions as a way of constraining evolution of eukaryotes. EGU General Assembly, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Elsevier.
  • Merdith, A., Landgrebe, T., Dutkiewicz, A., Rey, P. (2011). Data Mining for Opal Exploration. National Opal Symposium, Lightning Ridge: Thomson Reuters.
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Landgrebe, T., Rey, P. (2011). Elemental Characteristics of Australian Sedimentary Opals and their Implications for Opal Formation and Gemstone Fingerprinting. AGU 2011 Fall Meeting, USA: Thomson Reuters.


  • George, S., Volk, H., Maria-Fernanda, R., Dutkiewicz, A., Mossman, D. (2010). Diisopropyl naphthalenes: Environmental contaminants of increasing importance for organic geochemical studies. Organic Geochemistry, 41(9), 901-904. [More Information]
  • Rey, P., Dutkiewicz, A. (2010). The formation of seam opals at Lightning Ridge. 13TH QUADRENNIAL IAGOD SYMPOSIUM 2010, South Australia: IAGOD.


  • George, S., Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., Ridley, J., Mossman, D., Buick, R. (2009). Oil-bearing fluid inclusions from the Palaeoproterozoic: A review of biogeochemical results from time-capsules >2.0 Ga old. Science in China. Series D: Earth Sciences, 52(1), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Sestak, S., Singh, V., Volk, H., George, S., Dutkiewicz, A. (2009). Pyrolysis of Jamison Sandstone solid bitumen from the Mesoproterozoic Roper Superbasin. Journal Of Geochemical Exploration, 101(1), 94-94. [More Information]


  • Mossman, D., Gauthier-Lafaye, F., Dutkiewicz, A., Bruning, R. (2008). Carbonaceous substances in Oklo reactors-Analogue for permanent deep geologic disposal of anthropogenic nuclear waste. Reviews in Engineering Geology, XIX, 1-13.
  • George, S., Volk, H., Dutkiewicz, A., Ridley, J., Buick, R. (2008). Preservation of hydrocarbons and biomarkers in oil trapped inside fluid inclusions for > 2 billion years. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(3), 844-870. [More Information]
  • Mossman, D., Minter, W., Dutkiewicz, A., Hallbauer, D., George, S., hennigh, Q., Reimer, T., Horscroft, F. (2008). The indigenous origin of Witwatersrand "carbon". Precambrian Research, 164(3-4), 173-186. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., George, S., Mossman, D., Ridley, J., Volk, H. (2007). Oil and its biomarkers associated with the Palaeoproterozoic Oklo natural fission reactors, Gabon. Chemical Geology, 244(1-2), 130-154. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., Ridley, J., George, S. (2007). Precambrian inclusion oils in the Roper Group: a review. CABS 2005 Central Australian Basins Symposium Petroleum and Minerals Potential, Northern Territory: Northern Territory Geological Survey.


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., George, S., Ridley, J., Buick, R. (2006). Biomarkers from Huronian oil-bearing fluid inclusions: An uncontaminated record of life before the Great Oxidation Event. Geology, 34(6), 437-440. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., George, S., Ridley, J., Mossman, D., Buick, R. (2006). Oil and its biomarkers trapped inside fluid inclusions ca. 2.45–2.0 Ga. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(18, Supplement 1), A153-A153.
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., George, S., Ridley, J., Mossman, D. (2006). Oil-bearing fluid inclusions: Biogeochemical time-capsules for >2.0 billion years. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(18), A198-A198.


  • Volk, H., George, S., Dutkiewicz, A., Ridley, J. (2005). Characterisation of fluid inclusion oil in a Mid-Proterozoic sandstone and dolerite (Roper Superbasin, Australia. Chemical Geology, 223(1-3), 109-135. [More Information]


  • George, S., Ruble, T., Volk, H., Lisk, M., Brincat, M., Dutkiewicz, A., Ahmed, M. (2004). Comparing the geochemical composition of fluid inclusion and crude oils from wells on the Laminaria High, Timor Sea. The Timor Sea Symposium, Australia: Northern Territory Geological Survey.
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., Ridley, J., George, S. (2004). Geochemistry Of Oil In Fluid Inclusions In A Middle Proterozoic Igneous Intrusion: Implications For The Source Of Hydrocarbons In Crystalline Rocks. Organic Geochemistry, 35(8), 937-957. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Volk, H., Ridley, J., George, S. (2003). Biomarkers, brines, and oil in the Mesoproterozoic, Roper Superbasin, Australia. Geology, 31(11), 981-984. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., George, S., Volk, H., Ridley, J. (2003). Geochemistry and microthermometry of ~ 1400 million year-old oil in fluid inclusions in sedimentary and igneous rocks in the Roper Superbasin, Australia. Acta Mineralogica Petrographica, Hungary: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica.
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Ridley, J. (2003). Hydrocarbon pseudo-inclusions in barite: how to recognize and avoid artifacts. Journal Of Sedimentary Research, 73(2), 171-176. [More Information]


  • Dutkiewicz, A., Von Der Borch, C., Prescott, J. (2002). Geomorphology of the Lake Malata-Lake Greenly complex, South Australia, and its implications for late quaternary palaeoclimate. Royal Society of South Australia. Transactions, 126(2), 103-115.
  • George, S., Ruble, T., Dutkiewicz, A., Eadington, P. (2002). Reply to comment by Oxtoby on "Assessing the maturity of oil trapped in fluid inclusions using molecular geochemistry data and visually determined fluorescence colours". Applied Geochemistry, 17(10), 1375-1378. [More Information]
  • Dutkiewicz, A., Von Der Borch, C. (2002). Stratigraphy of the Lake Malata Playa Basin, South Australia. Royal Society of South Australia. Transactions, 126(2), 91-102.


  • Dutkiewicz, A., George, S., Ruble, T., Eadington, P. (2001). Assessing the maturity of oil trapped in fluid inclusions using molecular geochemistry data and visually-determined fluorescence colours. Applied Geochemistry, 16(4), 451-473.
  • Dutkiewicz, A. (2001). Hydrocarbon fluid inclusions and pyrobitumen nodules in the uraniferous Matinenda Formation: implications for oil migration during the early Proterozoic. European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions, Portugual: Universidade de Porto.
  • Dutkiewicz, A., George, S., Ruble, T. (2001). The use and abuse of fluorescence colours as maturity indicators of oil in inclusions from Australasian petroleum systems. APPEA Journal, 41 part 1, 505-522.

Selected Grants


  • The deep-sea carbon reservoir through geological time, Dutkiewicz A, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Future Fellowships (FT)


  • Global distribution of deep-sea sediments from 130 million years ago to present day, Dutkiewicz A, Faculty of Science/Seed Funding

In the media

Mars's Gravitational Pull May Be Strong Enough to Stir Earth's Oceans — New Scientist

Mars could be driving ‘giant whirlpools’ in the Earth’s deep oceans, new study finds — CNN

Mars influences Earth’s climate, scientists discover — The Telegraph

New study uncovers Mars’ role in Earth’s climate cycles — NBC

Mars’s influence on climate and currents revealed by seabed drilling — The Times

Earth is warming in a cycle that runs millions of years — and it’s linked to Mars — Down to Earth

Mars secretly makes Earth's oceans dance to its tunes — India Today

How Earth Might Have Turned Into a Snowball — NYTimes

Snowball earth: our planet’s greatest ice age probably didn’t have single cause — IFLScience!

Scientists discover what caused Earth’s 57-million-year-long ice age — Cosmos

Cosmos: When the Earth warms, the ocean speeds up

IFLScience: Global Heating Means Faster Ocean Currents, 66 Million Years Of Data Suggests

Vista Al Mar: El calentamiento global acelera las corrientes en el océano profundo

Notimerica: El calentamiento acelera las corrientes en los abismos oceánicos

Die globale Erwärmung beschleunigt Strömungen im Abgrund des Ozeans

Chinese News

The Most Comprehensive Map of the Deep Seafloor Yet - NYTimes

The Earth Has A 30-Million-Year Carbon Cycle Driven From The Depths Of The Ocean - IFLScience!

Using AI to Map the Seafloor - AXIOS

Vast Oceanic Ridge Captures Southern Ocean’s Sediment - IFLScience!

First digital map of seafloor reveals kaleidoscope of diversity – The Sydney Morning Herald

What the Earth would look like stripped of oceans: First ever digital map of the sea floor reveals our planet’s ‘alien’ landscape – Daily Mail

Verborgene Landschaften: Weltatlas zeigt Belag des Meeresbodens - Der Spiegel

See the continents form and explore the Earth as never before: Incredible interactive globes show our planet’s geology evolving– Daily Mail

You can now travel in time and see how Earth’s geology changed – ZME Science

Virtual ‘time machine’ helps see how Earth’s geology evolved – The Economic Times

Now visualise how Earth evolved geologically with your smartphone– Khaleej Times

Virtual time machine of Earth’s geology now in the cloud– Space Daily

Scientists use virtual reality to show Earth’s evolution– The Times of India

Scientists device a virtual time machine to see the evolution of Earth’s geology– Business Insider

Now, visualise how Earth evolved geologically on your smartphone– The Economic Times

Other related news stories
First Digital Map of the Seafloor Reveals Secrets in the Sediments – National Geographic
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Big data maps world’s ocean floor – ScienceDaily
First digital map of seafloor reveals kaleidoscope of diversity – Farm Weekly
Digital Map Reveals the Geology of the Global Ocean Floor – Softpedia
Digital Seafloor Map Finally Replaces Hand-drawn 70s Standard – Wired
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This Is What The Earth Would Look Like Without Its Oceans – Huffington Post
Digital seafloor map finally replaces hand-drawn 70s standard – Tulane Hullabaloo
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Crean el primer mapa digital del suelo marino de la Tierra – rtve
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Primer mapa del fondo marino – El Espectador
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Crean el primer mapa digital del suelo marino de la Tierra – Costaricaon
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Scientists create first digital map of seafloor’s geology – Junior College
Online la prima mappa 3D dei fondali marini – Pianetacellulare

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