Professor Alex Holcombe
Alex and his team investigate how the mind connects with the world, using experiments on perception designed to isolate information bottlenecks in the brain. Alex also does meta-science, investigating how science is done and how that may be made more effective and effiicient.
As you read this text, your mind rapidly samples and processes the words on the page. Experiments in my lab reveal how such streams of visual information are buffered and prioritized for recognition and processing into memory. We have developed techniques that recently have provided insights into how naps can boost learning and into how damage to the parietal lobe of the brain affects rapid letter processing.
One challenge during reading and other tasks is keeping separated, while processing in parallel, the representations of rapidly encountered stimuli. This is also an issue when we try to keep track of multiple moving objects in a busy scene. Behavioral experiments, illustrated by some animations here, compare speed limits for different features and the dynamics of how these features are bound into a coherent percept.
I am also interested, along with others at the Centre for Time, in how the architecture of the mind affects our representations of the past, present, and future.
Project title | Research student |
How Temporal Binding Organises Conscious Perception | Rasmus PEDERSEN |
Tactile Perception of Surface Spatial Features: Visual and Temporal Influence on Tactile Orientation and Spatial Frequency Perception | Guandong WANG |
- Holcombe, A. (2023). Attending to Moving Objects. Online: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Holcombe, A. (2015). The temporal organisation of perception. In Johan Wagemans (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization, (pp. 820-839). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2014). Are There Cracks in the Facade of Continuous Visual Experience? In Valtteri Arstila, Dan Lloyd (Eds.), Subjective Time: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Temporality, (pp. 179-198). Cambridge: The MIT Press. [More Information]
- Stiefel, K., Holcombe, A. (2014). Neurocomputation and Coding in the Claustrum: Comparisons with the Pulvinar. In John R. Smythies, Lawrence R. Edelstein, Vilayanur S. Ramachadran (Eds.), The Claustrum: Structural, Functional, and Clinical Neuroscience, (pp. 193-207). San Diego: Elsevier. [More Information]
- Holford, D., McLean, J., Holcombe, A., Puebla, I., Kempe, V. (2024). Engaging undergraduate students in preprint peer review. Active Learning in Higher Education. [More Information]
- Hosseini, M., Holcombe, A., Kovacs, M., Zwart, H., Katz, D., Holmes, K. (2024). Group authorship, an excellent opportunity laced with ethical, legal and technical challenges. Accountability in Research. [More Information]
- Azadi, R., Holcombe, A., Edelman, J. (2024). Hypometria of saccadic eye movements to targets in rapid circular motion. Journal of Vision, 24(1), 2. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Pashler, H. (2010). Online Evidence Charts To Help Students Systematically Evaluate Theories And Evidence. 16th UniServe Science Annual Conference 2010, Sydney: University of Sydney.
- Holcombe, A. (2007). Ancient history of sexual arousal and alcohol. World Congress for Sexual Health, Sydney, Australia.
- Cavanagh, P., Holcombe, A. (2007). Non-retinotopic crowding. Vision Sciences Society.
- Holcombe, A. (2012), Spread the word: Scientists are tearing down publishers' walls.
- Holford, D., McLean, J., Holcombe, A., Puebla, I., Kempe, V. (2024). Engaging undergraduate students in preprint peer review. Active Learning in Higher Education. [More Information]
- Hosseini, M., Holcombe, A., Kovacs, M., Zwart, H., Katz, D., Holmes, K. (2024). Group authorship, an excellent opportunity laced with ethical, legal and technical challenges. Accountability in Research. [More Information]
- Azadi, R., Holcombe, A., Edelman, J. (2024). Hypometria of saccadic eye movements to targets in rapid circular motion. Journal of Vision, 24(1), 2. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2023). Attending to Moving Objects. Online: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Hosseini, M., Colomb, J., Holcombe, A., Kern, B., Vasilevsky, N., Holmes, K. (2023). Evolution and adoption of contributor role ontologies and taxonomies. Learned Publishing, 36(2), 275-284. [More Information]
- Cottier, T., Turner, W., Holcombe, A., Hogendoorn, H. (2023). Exploring the extent to which shared mechanisms contribute to motion-position illusions. Journal of Vision, 23(10). [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2022). Ad hominem rhetoric in scientific psychology. British Journal of Psychology, 113(2), 434-454. [More Information]
- Chin, J., Holcombe, A. (2022). Rethinking Replication in Empirical Legal Research. University of Western Australia Law Review, 49(2), 76-112.
- Latham, A., Holcombe, A. (2022). What do VR experiments teach us about time? Frontiers in Psychology, 13. [More Information]
- Vater, C., Gray, R., Holcombe, A. (2021). A critical systematic review of the Neurotracker perceptual-cognitive training tool. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 28(5), 1458-1483. [More Information]
- Nakayama, R., Holcombe, A. (2021). A dynamic noise background reveals perceptual motion extrapolation: The twinkle-goes illusion. Journal of Vision, 21(11), 1-14. [More Information]
- Chin, J., DeHaven, A., Heycke, T., Holcombe, A., Mellor, D., Pickett, J., Steltenpohl, C., Vazire, S., Zeiler, K. (2021). Improving the Credibility of Empirical Legal Research: Practical Suggestions for Researchers, Journals and Law Schools. Law, Technology and Humans, 3(2), 107-132. [More Information]
- Callahan-Flintoft, C., Holcombe, A., Wyble, B. (2020). A delay in sampling information from temporally autocorrelated visual stimuli. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1852. [More Information]
- Nakayama, R., Holcombe, A. (2020). Attention updates the perceived position of moving objects. Journal of Vision, 20(4), 21. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Kovacs, M., Aust, F., Aczel, B. (2020). Documenting contributions to scholarly articles using CRediT and tenzing. PloS One, 15(12), e0244611. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2019). Color and Categorical Claims. Metapsychology Online Reviews, 3, 1-5. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2019). Contributorship, Not Authorship: Use CRediT to Indicate Who Did What. Publications, 7(3), 1-11. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2019). Farewell authors, hello contributors. Nature, 571, 147. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Gershman, S. (2018). Bayesian belief updating after a replication experiment. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, 24-25. [More Information]
- Ransley, K., Goodbourn, P., Nguyen, E., Moustafa, A., Holcombe, A. (2018). Reading Direction Influences Lateral Biases in Letter Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44(10), 1678-1686. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Nguyen, E., Goodbourn, P. (2017). Implied Reading Direction and Prioritization of Letter Encoding. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(10), 1420-1437. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Brown, N., Goodbourn, P., Etz, A., Geukes, S. (2016). Does sadness impair color perception? Flawed evidence and faulty methods. F1000Research, 5, 1-9. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2016). Introduction to a Registered Replication Report on Ego Depletion. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(4), 545-545. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2016). Introduction to the Registered Replication Report: Hart & Albarracan (2011). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(1), 156-157. [More Information]
- Goodbourn, P., Holcombe, A. (2015). Pseudoextinction': Asymmetries in simultaneous attentional selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(2), 364-384. [More Information]
- Cellini, N., Goodbourn, P., McDevitt, E., Martini, P., Holcombe, A., Mednick, S. (2015). Sleep after practice reduces the attentional blink. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 77, 1945-1954. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2015). The temporal organisation of perception. In Johan Wagemans (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization, (pp. 820-839). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- McIntyre, S., Seizova-Cajic, T., Birznieks, I., Holcombe, A., Vickery, R. (2014). Adaptation to Motion Presented with a Tactile Array. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 8618, 351-359. [More Information]
- Simons, D., Holcombe, A., Spellman, B. (2014). An Introduction to Registered Replication Reports at Perspectives on Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(5), 552-555. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2014). Are There Cracks in the Facade of Continuous Visual Experience? In Valtteri Arstila, Dan Lloyd (Eds.), Subjective Time: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Temporality, (pp. 179-198). Cambridge: The MIT Press. [More Information]
- Maruya, K., Holcombe, A., Nishida, S. (2013). Rapid encoding of relationships between spatially remote motion signals. Journal of Vision, 13(2), 1-20. [More Information]
- Chen, W., Howe, P., Holcombe, A. (2013). Resource demands of object tracking and differential allocation of the resource. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 75(4), 710-725. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Chen, W. (2013). Splitting attention reduces temporal resolution from 7 Hz for tracking one object to (less than) 3 Hz when tracking three. Journal of Vision, 13(1), 1-19. [More Information]
- Saiki, J., Holcombe, A. (2012). Blindness to a simultaneous change of all elements in a scene, unless there is a change in summary statistics. Journal of Vision, 12(3), 1-11. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Chen, W. (2012). Exhausting attentional tracking resources with a single fast-moving object. Cognition, 123(2), 218-228. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Clifford, C. (2012). Failures to bind spatially coincident features: comment on Di Lollo. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(8). [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Linares, D., Vaziri-Pashkam, M. (2011). Perceiving spatial relationships via attentional tracking and shifting. Current Biology, 21(13), 1135-1139. [More Information]
- Howard, C., Masom, D., Holcombe, A. (2011). Position representations lag behind targets in multiple object tracking. Vision Research, 51(17), 1907-1919. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Pashler, H. (2010). Online Evidence Charts To Help Students Systematically Evaluate Theories And Evidence. 16th UniServe Science Annual Conference 2010, Sydney: University of Sydney.
- Howard, C., Holcombe, A. (2010). Unexpected changes in direction of motion attract attention. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 72(8), 2087-2095. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Altschuler, E., Over, H. (2009). A developmental theory of synaesthesia, with long historical roots: A comment on Hochel & Milán (2008). Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26(2), 227-229. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2009). Seeing slow and seeing fast: two limits on perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(5), 216-221. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2009). Temporal binding favours the early phase of colour changes, but not of motion changes, yielding the colour-motion asynchrony illusion. Visual Cognition, 17(1-2), 232-253. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Seizova-Cajic, T. (2008). Illusory motion reversals from unambiguous motion with visual, proprioceptive, and tactile stimuli. Vision Research, 48, 1743-1757. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Cavanagh, P. (2008). Independent, synchronous access to color and motion features. Cognition, 107, 552-580. [More Information]
- Cavanagh, P., Holcombe, A., Chou, W. (2008). Mobile computation: Spatiotemporal integration of the properties of objects in motion. Journal of Vision, 8(12), 1-23. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2007). Ancient history of sexual arousal and alcohol. World Congress for Sexual Health, Sydney, Australia.
- Cavanagh, P., Holcombe, A. (2007). Non-retinotopic crowding. Vision Sciences Society.
- Holcombe, A., Judson, J. (2007). Visual binding of English and Chinese word parts is limited to low temporal frequencies. Perception, 36(1), 49-74. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Cavanagh, P. (2006). Apparent asynchrony between the perception of color and motion: An issue of different latencies or of attention? Vision Sciences Society.
- Grayson, L., Holcombe, A., Briscoe, J. (2006). Broader Autistic Phenotype, weak central coherence and perceptual causality. European Conference for Visual Perception, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Howard, C., Holcombe, A. (2006). Progressively poorer perceptual precision and progressively greater perceptual lag: Tracking the changing features of one, two and four objects. Vision Sciences Society.
- Cavanagh, P., Holcombe, A. (2005). Distinguishing pre-selection from post-selection processing limits using a moving window of selection. Vision Sciences Society.
- Kline, K., Holcombe, A., Eagleman, D. (2005). Illusory motion reversal does not imply discrete processing: Reply to Rojas et al. Vision Research, 46(6-7), 1158-1159. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Clifford, C., Eagleman, D., Pakarian, P. (2005). Illusory motion reversal in tune with motion detectors. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(12), 559-560. [More Information]
- Horowitz, T., Holcombe, A., Wolfe, J., Arsenio, H., DiMase, J. (2004). Attentional pursuit is faster than attentional saccade. Journal of Vision, 4(7), 585-603. [More Information]
- Kline, K., Holcombe, A., Eagleman, D. (2004). Illusory motion reversal is caused by rivalry, not by perceptual snapshots of the visual field. Vision Research, 44(23), 2653-2658. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., MacLeod, D., Mitten, S. (2004). Positive afterimages caused by a filled-in representation. Holcombe. Vision Sciences Society.
- Eagleman, D., Holcombe, A. (2003). Improving science through online commentary: The Internet offers a timely opportunity to widen, and reduce delays in, scientific debate. Nature, 423(6935), 15. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2003). Occlusion cues resolve sudden onsets into morphing or line motion, disocclusion, and sudden materialization. Journal of Vision, 3(8), 562-572. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A. (2003). Perceptual binding of letters into a word is low temporal resolution. Vision Sciences Society.
- Eagleman, D., Holcombe, A. (2002). Causality and the perception of time. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(8), 323-325.
- Holcombe, A. (2001). A purely temporal transparency mechanism in the visual system. Perception, 30(11), 1311-1320.
- Holcombe, A., Cavanagh, P. (2001). Early binding of feature pairs for visual perception. Nature Neuroscience, 4(2), 127-128. [More Information]
- Holcombe, A., Kanwisher, N., Treisman, A. (2001). The midstream order deficit. Perception and Psychophysics, 63(2), 322-329.
Selected Grants
- Using object tracking to understand reward-driven attention and ageing, Holcombe A, School of Psychology/Core Funding Grant
- The word bottleneck Internal Bridging, Holcombe A, DVC Research/Bridging Support Grant
- BrainVision 64-channel EEG system, Alais D, Holcombe A, Harris J, DVC Research/Equipment Grant
Improving Scientific Practice
Alex contributes to initiatives that improve reproducibility in science and advance open access. He co-founded the Registered Replication Reports format, now published at a journal he also co-founded, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. He occasionally speaks about open science, and also writes about it, e.g.: