Dr Billy Haworth
Dr Billy Tusker Haworth (they/them or he/him) is a geographer with expertise uniquely positioned at the intersection of critical human geography, geographic information systems (GIS), and international disaster research, policy and practice. Central to all Billy’s work is the desire to expose and potentially empower marginalised voices, with emphasis on community engagement and knowledge exchange beyond academia.
I am presently a Research Fellow in the School of Geosciences, working on the Marine Resources Initiative (MRI) project; a DFAT-fundedresearch and capacity-building project investigating marinespatial planning and stakeholder engagement in the Indo-Pacific region in the face of various threats to marine environments and livelihoods, such as climate change or regional pressures on fisheries. I am primarily working with marine science and GIS colleagues at University of Sydney (such as Professor Elaine Baker and A/Proff Eleanor Bruce), geospatial experts at Geoscience Australia, and local government in the Philippines through the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff.
2022: Highly Commended Award (LGBTQIA+ Covid-19 project), Making a Difference Awards, University of Manchester
2021: Nominated for Positive Role Model (LGBT) award at 2021 National Diversity Awards (UK)
2020: Nominated for Positive Role Model (LGBT) award at 2020 National Diversity Awards (UK)
2019: Students’ Outstanding Teaching Award (nominated), Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester
2016: Special Recognition Award, Bushfire & Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre
2015: Special Recognition Award for contributions to the School of Geosciences, University of Sydney
2015: Esri Young Scholars Award, ESRI Australia
2015: Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement, University of Sydney
(University of Manchester) Honorary Affiliate and collaborator at Humanitarian Conflict and Response Institute (HCRI) |
- Haworth, B., McKinnon, S., Eriksen, C. (2022). Advancing disaster geographies: From marginalisation to inclusion of gender and sexual minorities. Geography Compass, 16(11). [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Lepp, E., Arthur, C., Vogel, B. (2022). Your wall cannot divide us: Graffiti in Cyprus and insights into conflict-affected landscapes. SAUC-Street Art and Urban Creativity, 8(2), 35-49.
- Haworth, B., Barros Cassal, L., de Paula Muniz, T. (2022). ‘No-one knows how to care for LGBT community like LGBT do’1: LGBTQIA+ experiences of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom and Brazil. Disasters. [More Information]
- Biggs, E., Boruff, B., Bruce, E., Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Duce, S., Horsley, J., Curnow, J., Neef, A., McNeill, K., Van Ogtrop, F., et al (2015). Environmental Livelihood Security in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
- Biggs, E., Boruff, B., Bruce, E., Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Duce, S., Horsley, J., Curnow, J., Neef, A., McNeill, K., Van Ogtrop, F., et al (2014). A Water-Energy-Food-Livelihoods Nexus Approach for Spatially Assessing Change.
- Biggs, E., Boruff, B., Bruce, E., Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Duce, S., Horsley, J., Curnow, J., Neef, A., McNeill, K., Van Ogtrop, F., et al (2014). Environmental Livelihood Security in Southeast Asia and Oceania: A Water-Energy-Food-Livelihoods Nexus Approach for Spatially Assessing Change.
- Haworth, B., McKinnon, S., Eriksen, C. (2022). Advancing disaster geographies: From marginalisation to inclusion of gender and sexual minorities. Geography Compass, 16(11). [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Lepp, E., Arthur, C., Vogel, B. (2022). Your wall cannot divide us: Graffiti in Cyprus and insights into conflict-affected landscapes. SAUC-Street Art and Urban Creativity, 8(2), 35-49.
- Haworth, B., Barros Cassal, L., de Paula Muniz, T. (2022). ‘No-one knows how to care for LGBT community like LGBT do’1: LGBTQIA+ experiences of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom and Brazil. Disasters. [More Information]
- Huck, J., Perkins, C., Haworth, B., Moro, E., Nirmalan, M. (2021). Centaur VGI: A Hybrid Human–Machine Approach to Address Global Inequalities in Map Coverage. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(1), 231-251. [More Information]
- Duncan, J., Boruff, B., Biggs, E., Haworth, B., Wales, N., Bruce, E. (2021). Do integrated landscape approaches moderate climate impacts on livelihoods? A review of the evidence from agricultural landscapes. Regional Environmental Change, 21(1), 25. [More Information]
- Walkling, B., Haworth, B. (2020). Flood risk perceptions and coping capacities among the retired population, with implications for risk communication: A study of residents in a north Wales coastal town, UK. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51(Article 101793). [More Information]
- Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Boruff, B., Wales, N., Biggs, E., Bruce, E. (2020). Managing multifunctional landscapes: Local insights from a Pacific Island Country context. Journal of Environmental Management, 260, 1-11. [More Information]
- Vogel, B., Arthur, C., Lepp, E., O'Driscoll, D., Haworth, B. (2020). Reading social-political and spatial experiences through street art in conflict-affected societies. Third World Quarterly, 41(12), 2148-2168. [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Biggs, E., Duncan, J., Wales, N., Boruff, B., Bruce, E. (2018). Geographic information and communication technologies for supporting smallholder agriculture and climate resilience. Climate, 6(4), 1-20. [More Information]
- Haworth, B. (2018). Implications of volunteered geographic information for disaster management and GIScience: A more complex world of volunteered geography. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(1), 226-240. [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Bruce, E., Whittaker, J., Read, R. (2018). The good, the bad, and the uncertain: Contributions of volunteered geographic information to community disaster resilience. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 1-15. [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Whittaker, J., Bruce, E. (2016). Assessing the application and value of participatory mapping for community bushfire preparation. Applied Geography, 76, 115-127. [More Information]
- Haworth, B. (2016). Emergency management perspectives on volunteered geographic information: Opportunities, challenges and change. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 57, 189-198. [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Bruce, E. (2015). A Review of Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Management. Geography Compass, 9(5), 237-250. [More Information]
- Haworth, B., Bruce, E., Middleton, P. (2015). Emerging technologies for risk reduction: Assessing the potential use of social media and VGI for increasing community engagement. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 30(3), 36-41. [More Information]
- Biggs, E., Boruff, B., Bruce, E., Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Duce, S., Horsley, J., Curnow, J., Neef, A., McNeill, K., Van Ogtrop, F., et al (2015). Environmental Livelihood Security in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
- Biggs, E., Boruff, B., Bruce, E., Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Duce, S., Horsley, J., Curnow, J., Neef, A., McNeill, K., Van Ogtrop, F., et al (2014). A Water-Energy-Food-Livelihoods Nexus Approach for Spatially Assessing Change.
- Biggs, E., Boruff, B., Bruce, E., Duncan, J., Haworth, B., Duce, S., Horsley, J., Curnow, J., Neef, A., McNeill, K., Van Ogtrop, F., et al (2014). Environmental Livelihood Security in Southeast Asia and Oceania: A Water-Energy-Food-Livelihoods Nexus Approach for Spatially Assessing Change.
- Haworth, B., Bruce, E., Iveson, K. (2013). Spatio-temporal analysis of graffiti occurrence in an inner-city urban environment. Applied Geography, 38, 53-63. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Reimagining resilience in disaster scholarship, policy and practice in Australia: lessons from building a community resilience alliance in the Northern Rivers, NSW., McNaught R, Haworth B, Sydney Environment Institute/SEIs Collaborative Fellowship