Science Alliance - Faculty of Science
A crowd in the Great Hall takes part in an elimination game for a special Science Festival event.

Science Alliance

Stay in touch with news, events and special offers

For years we have been running public events, programs for high school and primary schools and promoting science through our many ambassadors, including Dr Karl.

With programs ranging from public lectures to HSC workshops, and from teacher seminars to holiday camps, we aim to make science exciting and accessible. 

Sign up for our newsletter

Sign up to Science Alliance and stay up to date on all events, news and discoveries. You'll also receive our e-newsletters and alerts to special promotions.

Our Science Alliance Newsletter is published three times throughout the year and aims to keep you up-to-date with the latest science happenings as well as to inform you about science programs and events at the University of Sydney.

It features a regular column by Julius Sumner Miller Fellow and Triple J science guru, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, as well as many articles written by Faculty of Science academic staff and students.