Industry partnerships

Partner with us

We're focused on your needs, goals and priorities.

We connect our leading researchers and students with industry, business, and government partners. We're working with external partners to tackle issues ranging from climate change to quantum computing.  We create new business solutions that improve performance or solve challenges.

Why partner with us

We deliver tangible benefits to our partners. When you partner with us, you'll work with people who are leaders in their fields and have the ability to solve some of the greatest challenges faced by industry, businesses and government. 

You'll also have access to our state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. 

Our competitive rates ensure your organisation maximises R&D budgets and allows you to claim the R&D tax incentive. We can scope projects according to your budget without the need to hire or retain costly full-time staff. We can access government funding and grants, to increase your research budget. 

Professor Michael Biercuk demonstrating technology

What we offer

A partnership with us is much more than just a business arrangement. With a collaboration that’s tailored to the specific objectives of your business, it’s all about creating mutually beneficial outcomes:

  • Build impact through research collaboration
  • Innovate with us or licence our intellectual property
  • Build your profile with advice and thought leadership
  • Professional development for your employees
  • Recruitment and work experience
  • Contribute to student learning and teaching
  • Talent exchange with our researchers
  • Access our state-of-the-art research facilities

Our partners

Contact us

Find out how to best connect with us or make an enquiry.

Strategic Partnerships and External Engagement