
Poultry Research Foundation

Operating since 1958
Providing an interface between the Australian poultry and allied industries, and the University of Sydney School of Veterinary Science.

Our aims

The Foundation sponsors industry related research, assists in the training of scientific personnel and acts in an industrial liaison capacity.

The Foundation's contribution to the development of the Australian poultry and stockfeeds industries has been achieved through research programs directed at achieving better understanding of the metabolism and nutritional requirements of poultry.

The Foundation has regularly hosted workshops, seminars and symposia. We also have a large number of publications.

Our research

  • Low protein diets
  • Digestive dynamics
  • The role of feed additives in antibiotic-free production
  • Optimal amino acid and energy balance in broiler diet formulation
  • Mineral and amino acid nutrition in layers
  • Climate, variety, and feed grain quality
  • Interaction between nutrition, health and welfare in laying hens
  • Impact of management on feed efficiency, health and egg quality
  • Epidemiology of Spotty Liver Disease in cage-free layers.
  • Control of Salmonella in layers using vaccination.
  • Understanding and improving drinking water vaccination against ILT in broilers.


For information about opportunities to study or collaborate with us, please contact us.

Poultry Research Foundation

  • 425 Werombi Road, Camden NSW 2570 J.L. Shute C01