HDR training modules and workshops - The University of Sydney
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HDR training modules and workshops

As a research student, you will be required to complete HDR training modules during your degree.

HDR training modules and workshops

HDR training modules and workshops

As a research student, depending on your faculty or school you will be required to complete some compulsory training modules as part of your degree. There are also a range of workshops and other training opportunities available to help you develop your research and writing skills.

The University provides certain online training modules that you need to complete as progress milestones toward your degree. You may have to complete additional modules depending on your faculty or school.

The modules can be accessed through Canvas. Each module will take about 20-30 minutes to complete and consists of a manual, tutorial questions and a multiple-choice quiz.

As a domestic or international research student, you do not have to pay any tuition fees to complete the modules.

Required progress milestones

You will need to complete the relevant modules below to show progress towards your degree.

Module name Faculty or school Completion timeframe
Work, Health and Safety – Induction All Within six weeks of commencement
Responsible Research Practice All Within six weeks of commencement
Consent Matters All Within three months of commencement. This module is administered by the Safer Communities Office and enrolment is automated for all students (coursework and HDR) across the University. For any questions relating to the Consent Matters module, please contact consent-matters.module@sydney.edu.au.
Research Data Management All Within three months of commencement. Applicable for students starting their course from 1 March 2023 onwards. For any questions relating to the Research Data Management module, please contact digital.research@sydney.edu.au.
Human Ethics module – General
  • Architecture, Design and Planning, Business, Science, Music
  • For students undertaking human-based research: Education, Law
  • Optional: Faculty of Medicine and Health
Within six months of commencement. For optional students, please discuss with your research supervisor.
Human Ethics module – Health and Medical
  • Optional: Faculty of Medicine and Health
Within six months of commencement. For optional students, please discuss with your research supervisor.
Animal Ethics module All commencing students conducting research which involves animal ethics approval Within six months of commencement
Biosafety All commencing students conducting research which involves biological materials Within six months of commencement
Chemical safety training All commencing students conducting research which involves chemicals Within six months of commencement
Laser safety awareness As directed by supervisors Within six months of commencement

Enrol in a module

With the exception of Consent Matters, all modules require you to self enrol. Once you have enrolled in your degree, you should enrol in the required training modules as indicated in the table above and complete them before the required deadline.

How to enrol in a module

To enrol yourself in a module:

  1. Log in to Canvas.
  2. Select 'Courses' then 'All courses' in the menu on the left.
  3. Select 'Browse more courses'.
  4. Check the 'Open enrolment courses only' box, type the course name into the search field and then select 'Search'.
  5. Find the HDR module you'd like to join and select '+Join this course'.

We have created a video demonstrating this process in Canvas (mp4, 7.9MB).

If you have problems completing the self-enrolment, email hdrac.ops@sydney.edu.au and include details of the module that you're trying to enrol in.

If you can demonstrate that you have previously completed the compulsory modules, as either a staff member or student, you can email hdrac.ops@sydney.edu.au and attach evidence of completion (e.g. Careerpath certificate).

The Consent Matters module is available by self-enrolment, but the Safer Communities team that administer this module will automatically enrol all students (HDR and coursework) and send routine reminders for its completion.

For any questions relating to the Consent Matters module, please contact consent-matters.module@sydney.edu.au.

For any questions relating to the Research Data Management module, please contact digital.research@sydney.edu.au.

The Open Learning Environment

The Open Learning Environment (OLE) is a collection of short units of study that are available to all students. 5000-level units are designed specifically to support HDR students to develop research skills and project manage their research.

Research skills development

The Learning Hub runs practical workshops designed to help you in your initial stages of research.

You can also find information about reading more efficiently, thinking analytically, improving the style and structure of your academic writing and using evidence.

The Library offers a broad range of research support including information, learning tools and one-on-one consultations with an Academic Liaison Librarian.

Career development

You can access support programs in research career planning, networking and the development of research skills through the Talent and Organisational Development team.

Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre


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9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Last updated: 13 November 2024

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