Commonwealth supported places (CSPs)

Commonwealth supported places (CSPs)

Save money and advance your career with a CSP in a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. No separate application is required.

What is a CSP?

A Commonwealth supported place (CSP) is a place at university where your course fees are partially subsidised by the Australian government and you pay a Student Contribution Amount. 

It means that you don't pay the full course fees. The Australian government pays a portion, and you pay a smaller remaining amount.

Who can apply?

Both undergraduate and postgraduate students will be assessed for CSPs based on specific eligibility criteria relating to citizenship and resident status set by the Australian government.

How much do I pay?

The Australian Government groups each area of study into a band, and sets a range for the Student Contribution Amount within each band. The University then sets the Student Contribution Amount for each band within this range.

If you have a Commonwealth supported place in your undergraduate or postgraduate course, you may be eligible to defer your student contribution through HECS-HELP.

Undergraduate students

Most domestic undergraduate students are eligible for a CSP and most undergraduate courses have CSPs available, so you do not pay the full fee. The Student Contribution Amount can be deferred via HECS-HELP.  

You do not need to apply separately for a CSP. All eligible students will be considered when you apply for admission via UAC. 

Postgraduate students

CSPs are available for some postgraduate courses and in limited places. So, it's best to apply early. The number of places and applicable courses vary each year, based on government funding. They are allocated based on academic merit. 

You will be automatically considered if the course you apply for has CSPs available. Some postgraduate courses have earlier closing dates to be considered for a CSP.

Your letter of offer will tell you if the place you have been offered is a CSP.

Postgraduate courses with CSPs