The MOOC consists of five modules, with a certificate of completion issued if you undertake all the in-MOOC assessments. The time taken to complete each module will depend on your level of understanding, but we estimate six hours per module. To meet the maths prerequisite, you will also have to sit a online proctored post-MOOC exam administered by the University of Sydney.
These exams will be conducted online, and dates for exams will be set per intake.
For entry into courses you can apply to do the online proctored post-MOOC exam administered by the University of Sydney. Your exam outcome will be shared with you via email within 48 hours of completing the exam.
The post-MOOC exam dates are set to allow you time to make changes to your application and UAC preferences and be eligible for consideration for in the relevant UAC offer rounds in February and July, in time for Semester 1 and 2 commencement.
Some University of Sydney courses may be closed before these offer rounds, for example, the combined Bachelor of Laws degrees (see below: ‘Does the maths prerequisite apply to me if I want to study in one of the combined Bachelor of Laws degrees