
Employability and careers

Graduate ready for work with a degree from Sydney
Access opportunities, programs and internships that enhance your employability and give you direct access to industry and real-world experience.

As a University of Sydney student, you will have access to a diverse range of opportunities that will enhance your student experience and employability.

Discover some of the companies our students have recently partnered with:

  • Adobe
  • Airbus
  • Alibaba
  • ANZ Bank
  • BHP Foundation
  • City of Sydney
  • Deloitte
  • Facebook
  • GE Healthcare
  • Google
  • Greenpeace
  • KPMG
  • Microsoft
  • NAB
  • Qantas
  • Rio Tinto
  • Singapore Airlines

University-wide programs

  • Undergraduate students can undertake an industry project where you will collaborate with a leading organisation and work on real-world projects.
  • Any student can undertake the new Design Your Future unit of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE). This unit will help you reflect on your strengths and ambitions to create a personalised career and life plan.
  • Our Careers Centre provides career counselling services and other resources that'll enable you to be in the best career position by the end of your degree.
  • Combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies students can undertake the Startup Year, which builds your entrepreneurship skills and will assist you in joining the INCUBATE accelerator program to launch your startup.
  • You can access student entrepreneurship programs that equip you with the skills to accelerate your ideas, career or research.
  • Students can build cultural competence by collaborating on real-world projects identified by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through the Service Learning in Indigenous Communities program.
  • Our research students can collaborate with startups, non-profits and corporate organisations at Sydney Knowledge Hub.
  • Higher degree by research students can complete a paid 3-6 month internship with an industry partner in a sector related to their research.

Study area programs

Job Smart Edge is the Business School's award-winning program that gives students industry experience and career coaching to prepare you for work.

At the Business School, you will also have a dedicated Careers and Employability Office that can help you plan your career and prepare for job interviews.

The award-winning Professional Engagement Program at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science aims to develop your workplace competencies and transferable employability skills that companies look for in engineering graduates.

Internships and placements

The majority of our degrees offer embedded or elective placements and internships that range in duration from two-weeks to a full-year. Each hands-on program is developed specific to your area of study and will enhance your employability.

Student stories