

30 September 2016

How to launch a successful startup

As a judge of our Innovation Week Student Challenge, Dr. Jay Spence is helping other young entrepreneurs to get their start. We asked him for his tips on pitching and launching a successful startup.
29 September 2016

5 things you learn about yourself at university

Self-reflect and learn about yourself: discover what you’re passionate about, learn how to embrace change and what your best qualities are, and how to let your self-confidence shine through.

27 September 2016

Become a graduation expert in 4 easy steps

Graduation is a tradition that goes back centuries, but how much do you really know about this grand event? Why do people wear academic gowns? Why do graduates throw their hats in the air? And what does alumni really mean?
23 September 2016

7 ways to quit procrastinating and make the most of your break

It’s easy to lose track of time with binge watching or gaming while you are on break, but by using your time effectively you can knock-off your responsibilities and still have time for some much-needed relaxation.
19 September 2016

Become a more independent person with these 5 tips

Growing into yourself is part of learning how to be an independent person. What’s the best way to survive being thrown in the deep end when you start uni? Gain financial independence, know what drives you, and seek help when you need it.
09 September 2016

How to make friends at university

Sparking a conversation with a stranger can feel awkward, especially when you’re new to university. Here are five of our tried-and-true tips for feeling confident, getting involved and increasing your chances to make friends.