General practice

Our skilled staff are here to provide compassionate care for all your pet's general care needs.

Dr Nicolle Kirkwood - Senior Lecturer in Primary Care

BSc BVMS (Hons 1) MANCVSc (Small Animal Medicine) DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice) FHEA

Dr Kirkwood graduated from Murdoch University in Western Australia with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Surgery with first class honours in 1992.  After 5 years working in small animal private practice, she accepted a position as Registrar in Primary Care at the teaching hospital at Murdoch University in 1998 and was successful in obtaining membership to the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists (Small Animal Medicine) in July of that year.  In 2016 she commenced a position at the University of Sydney as Senior Clinical Veterinary Registrar in Primary Care and was appointed as Unit Head in 2019.  In November 2019 she achieved certification as a Diplomate by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in Canine and Feline Practice.  in 2020 she completed the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Higher Education) and was awarded a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (UK).  She has a special interest in infectious diseases and vaccinology with research interests in canine parvovirus and canine leptospirosis.

Dr Kirkwood is loving living and working in the beautiful city of Sydney.  In her spare time, she enjoys, hiking, dining out, watching movies, reading and spending time with her beautiful family comprising one husband, 3 children, Meg the Border Terrier and Stanley the ginger cat

Image of Dr Sandeep Karna

Dr Sandeep Karna - Senior Veterinary Registrar


Dr Sandeep is a Senior Veterinary Registrar, currently working across the Primary Care and Emergency and Critical Care services at UVTHS.

Dr Cicilia Muller - Clinical Veterinary Registrar

BSc BVSc MANZCVS (Feline Medicine)

Dr Cicilia graduated from The University of Pretoria in South Africa in 2009 with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. She started her career working in emergency veterinary and animal welfare clinics in the city of Cape Town.

In 2013 she moved to the Middle East and worked at the very first small animal veterinary clinic in Qatar and the first ISFM gold standard cat friendly clinic in Abu Dhabi. During 2018 she obtained her membership in Feline Medicine and was admitted to the Feline Medicine Chapter in the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. Cicilia relocated to Sydney in 2019 and soon after joined the UVTHS Primary Care team.

Throughout her travels she had her husband, two dogs (Frankie and Luna) and cat (Dexter) by her side. Dr Cicilia has a special interest in Feline behavior and she loves talking about everything cat related. She is passionate about helping you have a better understanding of your feline friend.

Dr Alison Wardman - Clinical Veterinary Registrar

BVSc(Merit) MANZCVS (Small Animal Medicine) B.A.

Alison has been part of our Primary Care team since 2016. She graduated from Sydney University Veterinary Science in 2008 and worked in a Country Mixed Animal Practice in NSW for 5 years. She then moved back to Sydney and worked primarily as a locum small animal Veterinarian before joining our team at UVTHS in 2016. Alison passed her membership exams in 2018 and was proud to become a member of the small animal medicine chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists.

Alison has a passion for small animal medicine and dentistry. Her next career goal is to sit the exams for her memberships in Small Animal dentistry and oral Surgery.
She loves teaching Veterinary students and helping pets and their owners through providing excellence in Veterinary care. She finds it particularly rewarding to establish a long-term relationship with clients and their pets where she can follow a pet through the different stages of their life.

In the past, Alison has helped run a ferret rescue group and she has owned ferrets herself (as well as almost every other pet you can name). She loves treating pocket pets in addition to dogs and cats.

Outside of work Alison is kept busy with her young daughter, two tiny rescued chihuahuas with neurological disorders, and two rescued cats. She has been known to adopt a considerable number of small dogs with “special needs” when they have come across her path, and at one stage she had nine small dogs at once! Alison also loves horse riding and has a paint horse called Zorro.

Alison loves her job at UVTHS and can’t ever see herself working anywhere else.