There are 3 types of intestinal worms that your kitten needs to be protected against:
Intestinal worms are picked up from the faeces of infected animals and from the environment. Signs of a worm burden in kittens include a pot-belly, a dull coat, diarrhoea, and slow weight gain. Hookworm and whipworm also attach to the walls of the intestine and feed on your kitten’s blood, which can lead to life-threatening anaemia.
Kittens will need to be wormed for intestinal worms on the following schedule:
Allwormer worming products protect your kitten against all intestinal worms – we recommend Aristopet Wormer Paste worming paste for kittens aged 2-4 weeks, and Milbemax Allwormer tablets from 6-weeks of age, which can be given every 3 months to adult cats.