Senior leadership team - The University of Sydney

Senior leadership team

Meet the staff responsible for managing the University

Our senior leadership team contributes to decision-making across the University on strategy, management, administration and related policy.

Led by the Vice-Chancellor, each member of our leadership team furthers the development of the University through the management of a specific portfolio.

Professor Annamarie Jagose

Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor 

Professor Annamarie Jagose, PhD Wellington, FAHA

Appointed: October 2021

Duties: As Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Annamarie Jagose works across the executive and academic community to oversee academic enterprise and strengthen the University’s operations and performance. She is responsible for ensuring a focus on outstanding academic performance and scholarship and strategic planning across the faculties, centres and other units. 

Professor Jagose also continues to manage our University Schools, as she has since September 2020 as Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (University Schools).

Biography: Professor Jagose is an internationally renowned scholar, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales. She is also the author of a number of monographs and an award-winning novelist and short story writer. Professor Jagose joined the University of Sydney in 2011 as the Head of the School of Literature, Art and Media.

From 2017 to 2021, Professor Jagose was Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). In this role, she led the development and implementation of a number of the Faculty’s key initiatives including its 2017–2021 Strategic Plan, comprehensive reviews of curriculum and coursework programs, and FutureFix, a suite of multidisciplinary flagship research projects partnering humanities and social sciences researchers with industry and community on issues of global importance.

Professor Jagose has also contributed to a number of University-wide committees, boards and initiatives, including the strategy towards massive open online courses (MOOCs) and the Parramatta/Westmead Campus.

Prior to joining the University of Sydney, Professor Jagose held positions at the University of Melbourne and the University of Auckland.

Susan Rowland

Vice Provost

Professor Susan Rowland BSc Hons Sydney, PhD Sydney Biochemistry, Grad. Cert. Higher Ed. (UQ) PFHEA

Appointed: February 2023

Duties: As Vice Provost, Professor Susan Rowland is responsible for working with the Senior Executive, Deans and Heads of School to oversee enterprise-wide initiatives that support and enhance the academic business of the University. She is a delegate for the Provost in key areas of academic management and operation such as chairing thematic reviews, academic appointment and promotion committees, academic planning and development processes, and gifts administration. Her portfolio includes the University Libraries and the SAGE/Athena Swan initiative. 

Biography: Professor Rowland is an Australian leader in the field of science education and an internationally recognised expert in the areas of large-scale undergraduate research experiences and science communication. Throughout her career, Professor Rowland has focused on teaching and learning strategy, educational innovation, and improving the student and staff experience through academic professional development. 

After completing her BSc Hons and PhD at the University of Sydney, Susan was a Human Frontier Science Program long-term postdoctoral fellow at the University of Connecticut. She returned to Australia in 2006 to teach and research at the University of Queensland. As a teaching focused academic she served in several leadership positions including Deputy Director (Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation), Associate Dean Academic and Deputy Executive Dean (Faculty of Science), and Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning). 

Susan has held the Manning Clark Fellowship and the American Society for Microbiology Biology Scholars Fellowship. Her teaching and education leadership has been recognised with awards that include an AAUT Award for Teaching Excellence and Principal Fellowship of the HEA.  

A Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), Susan has served on the boards of the Lodge Youth Support Service, the Australian Collaborative Education Network, and the QUEX Institute. She currently chairs the Sydney University Press Advisory Board.

Joanne Wright

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Professor Joanne Wright BA (Joint Hons) Kent, MLitt Aberdeen, PhD ANU 

Appointed: June 2022

Duties: Professor Wright is responsible for the University’s strategy around teaching, learning and students’ educational experience. She oversees institution-wide development of better support for student learning and the student experience, including our approach to student support, curriculum renewal, new thinking in pedagogy, learning and teaching analytics, face-to-face, online and blended learning, and quality assurance.

Biography: Prior to joining the University of Sydney, Professor Wright was Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for the University of Queensland (UQ). She previously held senior level academic leadership roles for many years, starting with her position as Dean of the Faculty of History and Social Sciences at Royal Holloway University of London in 2002. 

Professor Wright has held responsibility for teaching and learning portfolios at the University of Sussex and the University of South Australia where she also held the appointment of Acting Vice-Chancellor for a period, before moving to UQ in 2013. She was at the forefront of UQ’s work on blended learning and curriculum reform and led the University’s teaching and learning response to the global pandemic.

Professor Wright has well-established relationships in the higher education sector, serving as a member of several national advisory bodies and working groups through Universities Australia and the Group of Eight (Go8).

Professor Jennifer Barrett

Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Indigenous (Academic)

Professor Jennifer Barrett, PhD University of Technology Sydney

Appointed: October 2021

Duties: The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services) leads our institution-wide strategy to advance Indigenous participation, engagement, education and research including the University's One Sydney, Many People 2021-2024 strategy. In her role as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Indigenous (Academic), Professor Barrett supports opportunities for higher education for Indigenous students, as well as Indigenous contributions to the academic programs of the University. Adopting a whole of university approach, she will be involved in the development of protocols, repatriation issues, and contribute to a comprehensive approach to curriculum. She will grow engagement between the Indigenous Strategy and Services (ISS) portfolio and the academic community as the University collectively delivers on the objectives of One Sydney, Many People, and its commitment to achieve parity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students.

Biography: Professor Barrett has a breadth of work and deep experience at the University of Sydney, recently as Director of the National Centre for Cultural Competence (NCCC), previously as the Director of the University’s Culture Strategy, and prior to that her role as Pro Dean, Academic in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS).

Professor Barrett is of Dunghutti heritage from the Macleay River region in northern NSW and has worked in various roles in the University of Sydney since 2000, becoming Professor of Museum and Heritage Studies in January 2020.

Core to her professional history has been involvement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, colleagues and leaders, in teaching, research, external engagement and leadership roles in the arts and cultural sectors.

 Professor Julie Cairney

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Julie Cairney, B.Met.Eng. UNSW, PhD UNSW

Appointed: November 2024

Duties: As DVCR, Professor Cairney is responsible for helping to develop and deliver the University’s strategic research priorities and support the pursuit of outstanding fundamental and applied research across the institution. 


A leading authority in the field of materials engineering, Professor Cairney specialises in using advanced microscopy to study the three-dimensional structure of materials at the atomic scale. Her projects cover hydrogen embrittlement in steels, corrosion, nuclear materials and biominerals. Many of these projects are carried out in collaboration with industry. Her work is published in the top international journals, including Science and the Nature series, and has been cited nearly 15,000 times. In 2022 she was awarded the Acta Materialia Silver Medal, an international prize that recognises scientific contributions and leadership in materials science. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW and the International Field Emission Society.

A highly influential figure in the Australian research sector, she serves as a special advisor to the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council and a Director on the boards of Cicada Innovations, Uniseed, and a number of University start-ups. She was previously on the ARC College of Experts and the New Zealand Marsden Fund. Professor Cairney has also worked as Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research Enterprise), the Director of the Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis and the CEO of Microscopy Australia, a national facility that is supported by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

Rossie Ogilvie

Vice-President (Advancement)

Rosalind Ogilvie  LLB BA University of Melbourne

Appointed: February 2019

Duties: As Vice President, Rossie is guiding the Advancement team through a period of transformation and preparation for the next campaign, following the immense success of INSPIRED (see below). A passionate advocate for the University and its mission, Rossie will oversee an innovative new program of work that will continue to support the University’s objectives for generations to come.

Biography: Rossie Ogilvie has more than 20 years of experience in the higher education sector, leading teams in both Australia and the United Kingdom. At the University of Cambridge, Rossie was a key part of the team that raised more than £1 billion in its first ever campaign. As Executive Director of Advancement at the University of Sydney she was responsible for planning and implementing the historic INSPIRED campaign, which engaged more than 64,000 donors and raised $1 billion, making the University of Sydney the first university in Australia to do so.

Rossie's most recent role was serving as the University’s Chief of Staff to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal. An exemplary leader and strategist, she has been a key player in the successful implementation of the University’s strategic plan and senior leadership effectiveness. 

Kirsten Andrews

Vice-President (External Engagement)

Kirsten Andrews BA (Hons) UniSA, MPP Sydney

Appointed: February 2022

Duties: Kirsten Andrews is the strategic lead for externally facing activities and has direct responsibility for the University’s engagement with industry and community, Marketing and Communications, Media and Public Relations, Museums and Cultural Engagement, Events and Student Recruitment, Admissions and Mobility.

Biography: Kirsten Andrews joined The University of Sydney in 2013 as Head of Media and PR before becoming Director of Media and Government Relations.  She then spent three years as Chief of Staff to the Vice-Chancellor.

Prior to joining the University, Kirsten held senior positions in government and the not-for-profit sector, including at the National Heart Foundation, as Chief of Staff to a federal minister, and Deputy Director of Communications to the Premier of New South Wales. She began her career at the University of South Australia where she worked in public affairs and student recruitment.

Nicole Gower

Vice-President (Operations)

Nicole Gower BA/LLB (Hons) University of Technology Sydney

Appointed: October 2024

Duties: As Vice-President (Operations), Nicole Gower has direct responsibility for University Infrastructure (UI), Campus Operations Services (COS), Finance, Human Resources (HR), Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), Risk Management and Safety and Wellbeing.

Biography:  Prior to joining the University of Sydney, Nicole held executive and senior leadership roles at Macquarie University and UNSW Sydney.  Nicole is an experienced senior executive with a track record of successful organisational transformation, dedication to service and effective leadership of high performing teams. She specialises in corporate services, people and culture, change management, digital technologies, and enterprise leadership. Nicole is known as a down to earth, persuasive leader and a passionate advocate for diversity, inclusion and belonging.

Nicole’s industry specialisations include Higher Education, Health, Professional Services and Superannuation. She maintains a complementary portfolio of Non-Executive Director appointments, including as Deputy Chair and Director of UniSuper.

Nicole holds a BA/LLB (Hons) from the University of Technology Sydney and is an accredited mediator and graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Nicole is also a graduate of Harvard’s esteemed Advanced Management Program and is an active member of the Harvard alumni.

Narelle Leong

Vice-President (Strategy)

Narelle Leong BEc LLB Sydney, GradDip Finance Macq, MBA UNSW

Appointed: August 2024

Duties: As Vice-President (Strategy), Narelle Leong leads the University’s strategic direction under our Sydney in 2032 strategy. A member of the University Executive, she provides leadership to teams responsible for strategy development, implementation and measurement; new strategic ventures; business intelligence, advanced analytics and planning; and program design and implementation.

Biography: An alumna of the University of Sydney, Narelle has more than 20 years experience in providing strategic leadership in large, complex organisations facing significant external challenges.

She has held a number of senior roles at large Australian corporates including Qantas, Telstra and Fairfax Media (now Nine), with roles primarily focused on strategy, and also encompassing finance, research and transformational projects.  At Qantas, she led the Group Strategy team and then the Customer Strategy, Research and Finance unit. At Telstra, she focused on customer-centric strategies, before helping to build and then lead the nascent Telehealth business as part of Telstra Health.  Prior to Telstra, Narelle led strategy for the Financial Review Group at Fairfax Media.

Earlier in her career, Narelle worked in management consulting at Port Jackson Partners, investment banking at Rothschild Australia and at NSW Treasury as a policy advisor. Her most recent role before joining the University of Sydney was as a partner at boutique strategy consulting firm GNG Partners.

Professor Adam Bridgeman

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Educational Innovation) 

Professor Adam Bridgeman BA Oxford, PGCE Birmingham, PhD Cambridge

Appointed: May 2018

Duties: As Pro Vice-Chancellor (Educational Innovation) and a member of the leadership team within the Education portfolio, Professor Bridgeman leads the University’s support for enhancing the learning experience for students through the development of collaborative and interactive teaching styles and the technologies that support and enable them.

Biography: Professor Bridgeman gained his undergraduate degree in chemistry from St Catherine’s College at the University of Oxford and his PhD in computational inorganic chemistry from Trinity Hall at the University of Cambridge. He was Director of First-Year Studies in Chemistry and Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) in Science at the University of Sydney before joining the Education Portfolio as Director and then Pro Vice-Chancellor (Educational Innovation). In this role he leads our work to provide professional development and collaborative support for teaching and learning activities. Professor Bridgeman also held the role of Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) from January to June 2022.

An Australian National Teaching Fellow, Professor Bridgeman has dedicated his career to enhancing student learning and the student experience. He has received numerous teaching awards in the UK and Australia, including four University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor Awards for Support of the Student Experience and Teaching Excellence, and an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Award for Programs that Support Learning. 

Kathy Belov

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global & Research Engagement

Professor Kathy Belov, AO FAA FRSN BSc (Hons), PhD Macquarie

Appointed: February 2016 (Global Engagement), 2022 (Global & Research Engagement)

Duties: As Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global and Research Engagement), Professor Belov has responsibility for pivotal areas of the University’s Research Portfolio related to academic research partnerships, centres and institutes. She leads the Office of Global Engagement, oversees the University’s multidisciplinary initiatives and stewards relations and agreements with the University’s affiliated research institutes. She also focuses on developing the University’s national and international partnerships to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Biography: Professor Belov is one of Australia’s leading geneticists and leads a team of researchers using immunogenetics to study immunity and health in Australia’s native wildlife, including Tasmanian devils, koalas, wallabies, platypus and other species. She has participated in large international sequencing consortia and was an active participant in the opossum, platypus and tammar wallaby genome projects.

In recognition of her research discoveries, she is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of NSW. She was awarded the Fenner Medal by the Australian Academy of Sciences in 2014, the Crozier Medal by the Genetics Society of Australasia (2013) and the MJD White Medal by the Genetics Society of Australasia (2021).

She is a member of the NSW Koala Expert Advisory Group and serves on scientific advisory boards at Taronga Zoo and the Ramaciotti Centre. She is co-chair of the International Policy Advisory Committee of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and a trustee of the Australian Museum, where she chairs the Science Advisory Board. Kathy is also on the Council of the Royal Society of NSW and is a past president of the Genetics Society of Australasia.

Kathy is also passionate about mentoring others and has supervised 11 postdocs, 20 PhD students, 13 masters and 29 honours students.

Portrait of Ben Eggleton in the Sydney Nano building

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Benjamin Eggleton, FAA, FTSE, FOSA, FIEEE, FSPIE, FAIP, FRSN, BSc (Hons), PhD Sydney

Appointed: November 2022 (Research)

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) has executive responsibility for pivotal areas of the University’s Research Portfolio relating to research policy, performance and conduct including clinical trials, research reporting and compliance. The role has responsibility for research integrity and ethics management.

Professor Eggleton is a highly awarded researcher with a breadth of experience in leadership, strategy, external engagement, and commercialisation. He was the Director of the University of Sydney Nano Institute 2018-2022, Co-Director of the NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) and a Professor in the School of Physics where he leads a research group in photonics, nanotechnology and smart sensors. Professor Eggleton is well known for his contributions in the field of nonlinear optics and photons integration with applications to chip-based, ultra-fast, energy efficient information signal processing devices.

Professor Eggleton obtained a PhD degree in Physics from the University of Sydney and was founding Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS) that was headquartered in the School of Physics from 2003-2017. He was a recipient of a NSW Scientist of the Year Award (Physics and Astronomy) in 2008, Eureka Prize for Leadership in Science in 2011, Eureka Prize Winner of the Defence Science and Technology award in 2020 and the Academic of the Year at the 2022 Defence Industry Awards. Ben is also a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and the Australian Academy of Science (AAS).

Antoine van Oijen

Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Enterprise)

Antoine van Oijen, PhD Leiden University

Appointed: February 2025

Duties: Professor van Oijen is the Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Enterprise) in the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research). Leading the implementation of the University's industry, government and community engagement strategy, Professor van Oijen supports the Research Portfolio's work in growing research income across the University, fostering world-class research performance and mentoring, and recognising the impact of our research activities with industry, government and community partners.


Before joining the University of Sydney, Professor van Oijen led research groups at Harvard Medical School, Groningen University in the Netherlands, and the University of Wollongong. In Wollongong he founded Molecular Horizons, a molecular life sciences institute, and led the establishment of major core facilities.

As an expert in molecular imaging, he pioneered the development of tools to visualise individual molecules and played key roles in the commercialisation of next-generation sequencing platforms. At the University of Sydney, Professor van Oijen was the Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health before he took the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Enterprise) role.

Profile image of Simon Ringer

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)

Professor Simon Ringer, BAppSc Uni SA, PhD UNSW, CMatP, FIEAust CPEng APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus), FRSN, FTSE

Appointed: November 2022

Duties: Professor Simon Ringer is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) in the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). He is responsible for strategy, policy and advice relating to research infrastructure, technology and services, including access to major national and international research facilities and leadership of the University’s Core Research Facilities. 

Biography: Professor Ringer has held various leadership roles at Sydney including as centre director of the Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, as an inaugural MDI Director with AINST (now Sydney Nano), and as Director of Core Research Facilities.  

He is an internationally renowned physical metallurgist, having led ground-breaking atomic-scale materials design for next-generation high-strength structural steels, semiconducting materials for nano-electronics, and new light-weight alloys that can dramatically offset our particulate and CO2 emissions. Several examples of his fundamental materials science research have been translated into industrial materials engineering practice.  

Profile image of Louise Sharpe

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training)

Professor Louise Sharpe, BA(Hons) Sydney MClinPsyc Sydney PhD London FASSA FAACBT

Appointed: November 2022

Duties: Professor Louise Sharpe is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training) in the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). She plays a pivotal role in supporting academics at the University during every stage of their careers, from Higher Degree Research candidates and postdoctoral researchers seeking to build their public profiles and attract their first grant funding to senior researchers seeking to establish new partnerships with industry and manage multi-million dollar budgets.  

Biography: Professor Sharpe is an esteemed psychology academic, whose research focuses on how people adjust to illnesses. Her research develops and evaluates psychological treatments to improve psychosocial outcomes and quality of life in a range of chronic physical conditions, like chronic pain and cancer.  

She is a University of Sydney alumnus, having completed both her undergraduate and master’s at the University. During her two-decade career at the University, she has held several leadership positions in research education roles, supervised more than 60 research students, and in 2020, was awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Leadership and Mentoring.  

Darren Goodsir Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff 

Darren Goodsir, BA LAW, Sydney, UTS 

Appointed: June 2022 

Duties: As Chief of Staff, Darren acts as the key advisor to the Vice-Chancellor and President on a broad range of matters internal and external to the University. He also represents the Vice-Chancellor where needed and acts as a conduit between the University Executive and Senate. 

Biography: Darren joined the University with more than 30 years' experience as a media, higher education and government executive. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Sydney Morning Herald and Sun-Herald, Chief Communications Officer at the University of NSW, and the Executive Director of Communication and Engagement at the NSW Department of Education. He has also published two works of non-fiction.

Professor Jane Hanrahan

Chair of the Academic Board

Professor Jane Hanrahan PhD Warwick, GradCertEdStudies(Higher Ed), MRACI CChem

First elected: January 2022

Duties: The Chair of the Academic Board provides the University community with outstanding leadership in research, learning and teaching through benchmarking and quality assurance.

Biography: Professor Jane Hanrahan was previously Deputy Chair of the Academic Board (2016-2021), and has been Chair of the Undergraduate Studies, Admissions, and Academic Standards and Policies sub-committees.

Professor Hanrahan is an academic in Sydney Pharmacy School at the University's Faculty of Medicine and Health and has previously been Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) (in the former Faculty of Pharmacy), a member of Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Advisory Committee on Prescription Medicines (ACPM) and Pharmaceutical Sub-committee (PSC).

She is a member of the National Tertiary Education Union and has been awarded two Vice Chancellors’ Awards for Outstanding Teaching.

University of Sydney General Counsel Olivia Perks

General Counsel

Olivia Perks, MBA Sydney, LLB (Hons) UTS, BA Sydney 

Appointed: January 2022

Duties: As General Counsel, Ms Perks is responsible for overseeing the provision of legal advice to the University as well as the management of its internal audit team, the Trusts Office, and the Policy Management Unit.

Biography: Olivia has more than 22 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer, including 15 years’ experience in the higher education sector. She previously held positions as Senior Counsel at IBM Australia and in private legal practice at Corrs Chambers Westgarth, before joining the University’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) as a Senior Solicitor in 2006.

Olivia was the University’s Director of Legal Services from 2014 to 2021. She has provided advice across the University’s operations and played a pivotal role in the establishment of the University’s Centre in China, the University’s development of its presence in Western Sydney, and the University’s sector-leading approach to addressing modern slavery.

Michelle Stanhope

Chief Governance Officer

Michelle Stanhope, BA (Hons) Musicology Wollongong, Grad Cert Management UTS

Appointed: July 2023

Duties: As Chief Governance Officer, Michelle is the University’s chief governance specialist. She provides expert advice to Senate, the Vice-Chancellor, Chair of Academic Board and senior management, and ensures policies and strategies are implemented to ensure organisational integrity and good governance. Michelle is responsible for the management of the University Governance Office and Archives and Records Management Services and holds the titles of Secretary to Senate and University Returning Officer.

Biography: Michelle has extensive leadership experience in stakeholder management and governance across the education, arts and not for profit sectors. Most recently she has been Executive Director of the Indigenous Strategy and Services Portfolio and has worked closely with stakeholders across the university to oversee the development and implementation of the One Sydney, Many People Strategy. Prior to joining the university, Michelle was General Manager and Company Secretary of the Public Education Foundation, coordinating a cohesive approach to equitable access to education across government, philanthropy and educators. Michelle has also led performing arts organisations at scale, particularly in the classical music sector as Director of Development at Musica Viva Australia, the world’s largest chamber music presenter.

Wayne Andrews

Chief Financial Officer

Wayne Andrews, MAppFin MUC, BBus UTS

Appointed: March 2016

Duties: Wayne is the University of Sydney’s Chief Financial Officer, a position he has held since March 2016. He plays an important role in securing the financial health of the University, and his focus is aligning the University’s financial plan, risk management, capital, investment, funding strategy and systems, with the scale and ambition embedded in the University’s strategy. 

Biography: Wayne has more than 25 years of international experience leading sales, strategy, finance and operations across a range of diverse
sectors including technology, transport, security, maritime, Investment and health. Wayne was formerly the Asia Pacific Vice President of Finance for both Oracle Corporation and Brinks Security. He holds a Master of Applied Finance from Macquarie University, a Bachelor of Business from UTS, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a Fellow of the Australian Society of CPAs. Leveraging a career spent at the cutting edge of technology, Wayne also founded the Automation and Innovation Hub in 2018.