Our portfolios - The University of Sydney

Our portfolios

Our portfolios and professional service units support our operations

Our complex organisation relies on a variety of highly skilled experts in education, research and professional services. 

University-wide strategies and projects are managed by the relevant portfolios and led by the following senior executives:

  • Vice-Chancellor
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Vice-President (Advancement)
  • Vice-President (External Engagement)
  • Vice-President (Operations)
  • Vice-President (Strategy)

Each portfolio is responsible for a specific suite of activities and strategic functions – both academic and administrative.

Find out more about our Senior Leadership Team.


High-level offices and professional services units

The Advancement portfolio is responsible for providing the direction, coordination and management of the fundraising programs for the University including the major giving, planned giving and donor relations programs.  It also engages with alumni and the broader community through a wide range of communications, events and engagement programs.

Contact alumni relations

+61 2 9036 9222


General gift enquiries and donations

+61 2 9552 2539


To donate money to support education and research, visit our giving page.

Within the portfolio of Vice President (Operations) Central Operations Services (COS) is responsible for the ongoing use of our infrastructure, through a focus on the strategic whole-of-life asset management, protective services, safety, as well as enhanced delivery of essential operational services which delivers to our sustainability objectives.

COS manages building/facilities and ground services and maintenance, repairs, cleaning, internal mail, waste collection and recycling, protective services, building access, and venue bookings, and client-service teams.

Contact COS

If you’re a member of staff or a student, you can submit a service request or ask a question through Campus Assist or by calling 1300 226 787.

Contact Campus Security

  • General enquiries: +61 2 9351 3487
  • Emergencies (24 hours): +61 2 9351 3333

The Education Portfolio is responsible for enhancing the student experience and the quality of our teaching and learning.

The Portfolio oversees our curriculum, education strategy, graduate research, educational integrity, quality and analytics, educational innovation, and academic enrichment.

Contact the Education Portfolio.

Browse our academic staff

External Engagement leads our work to improve coordination of the University’s external engagement activities, and includes Student Recruitment and Admissions, Media and Public Relations, Marketing and Communications, the Events Office and Museums and Cultural Engagement.

Contact External Engagement

External Engagement
+61 2 9351 5100

Marketing and Communications

Our Financial Services team coordinates all aspects of our financial management and provides practical support for faculty and corporate financial operations, including reporting, billing, purchasing and payments.

Financial Services also manages the areas of Investment and Capital Management and Procurement Services. 

Contact Financial Services
+61 2 9351 3133

Investment and Capital Management

Investment and Capital Management invests selected donations and bequests gifted to the University. These funds are invested to financially support intended academic and research outcomes.

Investment Report 2024 (pdf, 3.7MB)

Investment Report 2023 (pdf, 422 KB)

Investment Report 2022 (pdf, 502.3KB)

Contact Investment and Capital Management
+61 2 9351 5400

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is responsible for the provision of legal and other services to the University.

Olivia Perks
General Counsel
+61 2 9036 5277

Hope Warner
Senior Manager

The General Counsel is responsible for the following services.

Legal Services

Provides legal advice to the Senate, the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, senior executives and other officers. Coordinates any external legal services provided to the University.

The principal areas of practice of the Legal Services team are:

  • corporate and commercial
  • employment, administrative and discrimination law as well as student affairs
  • intellectual property (IP), commercial and research 
  • property and construction
  • philanthropy and trusts. 

Lydia Sorial
Director, Corporate and Commercial Law

Adina Fargher
Director, Intellectual Property, Research and Commercial Law

Ashley Fry
Director, Employment, Workplace Relations and Administrative Law

Belinda Walker
Director, Property and Construction Law

Katrina Williams
Director, Trusts and Commercial Law

Policy Management Unit 

Develops and manages the University’s internal policy framework and provides policy advice to administrative portfolios and faculties. Manages the Policy Register.

Kerrie Henderson
Director, Policy and Compliance Law

Trusts Office 

Responsible for the Gift Management Register and advice and support in relation to the permitted use of donations and bequests to the University.  

Moira Keane
Director, Trusts Office

Our Office of Global Engagement develops innovative and focused partnerships with leading universities, government, industry and international organisations. It also manages a program of activities including overseas events, international networks and specialist units.

Find out more about our global engagement activities.

The Government Relations team is co-located with the Higher Education Policy and Projects team within the Vice-Chancellor’s Office.

The team works closely with academic and professional staff to advance and support the University’s interests in all levels of government - federal, state and local - and with both elected representatives and senior public servants.

Liz Hannan
Manager, Government Relations
+61 2 8627 6182

Co-located with Government Relations within the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, our Higher Education Policy and Projects team provides advice to members of the University’s senior management team and staff around the University on developments in the external policy and funding relevant to its operations. The team works closely with departments across the University to coordinate its policy advice to government and other organisations. It also manages the early stages of projects arising from changes in government policy and funding. 

See recent submissions to government

Tim Payne
Director, Higher Education Policy and Projects
+61 2 9351 4750

Human Resources is responsible for recruitment, professional development and equal opportunity employment.

Contact Human Resources

Phone: +61 2 8627 1300

Email: hr.servicecentre@sydney.edu.au

The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services) leads our promotion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation, including engagement, education, research and participation, and our outreach to communities.

The office also implements the Indigenous strategy.

Contact the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services)

Phone: 1800 622 742

Email: dvciss@sydney.edu.au

Internal Audit helps the University accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of its controls, working with management to systematically review systems and operations.

Our scope of activities include:

  • Internal reviews (audits). 
  • Identifying, investigating and appropriately addressing allegations of wrongdoing
  • Managing the University's insurance policies.


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is responsible for the development, implementation and support of technology-based services that support the core functions of the University.

Contact the ICT help desk

Phone: +61 2 9351 6000

Together with the Vice-Chancellor, the Provost is responsible for the general management of the University. The Provost is also responsible for the strategic leadership and operational delivery of our academic objectives.

Contact the Provost's office

Email: dvc.provost@sydney.edu.au

Phone: +61 2 8627 9918

The Research portfolio supports our research strengths and provides fertile ground for innovation. It also provides ongoing planning and research support, including help with grants, applications, scholarships and funding.

It also oversees our research centres, major facilities and commercial development and industry partnerships.

Contact the Research portfolio.

Browse our academic staff

The Strategy portfolio comprises Strategic Planning, Strategic Ventures and the Central Program Management Office.

Contact the Strategy portfolio.

Student Administration Services (SAS) reports to the Chief Faculty Experience Officer. SAS is responsible for the strategic leadership and operational management of administrative support for students throughout the student life-cycle, from offer acceptance through to graduation. This includes enrolment management and unit of study availability, timetabling, scholarship and tuition fee management, central examination and results management, special consideration, assessing course completion requirements, enabling award conferral and graduation. The portfolio delivers information and resources to current students and is the initial enquiry point for prospective and current students through the Student Centre.

Student enquiries and requests:
Students can get in touch through the Student Centre.

Staff contacts:
Find out more about SAS on the University's intranet.

Dr Emma Bowen
Interim Chief Faculty Experience Officer

University Infrastructure (UI) shapes the way we deliver infrastructure at the University.

Our strategy is to embed a consistent approach to client-centred property, planning and infrastructure delivery that demonstrates a culture of service excellence. To achieve this, UI will partner with its clients to:

  • be a well-recognised and client-centred professional services unit
  • provide a focus on infrastructure design, development and delivery
  • develop and deliver Infrastructure responses to meet University and Faculty strategies
  • manage the space policy, space allocation issues, utilisation and reporting
  • proactively seek and manage property development opportunities
  • manage the operational models for our student  accommodation and farms