Associate Professor Diane Van Den Broek

Associate Professor Diane Van Den Broek

BA(Hons); PhD UNSW
Honorary Associate Professor
Associate Professor Diane Van Den Broek

Diane has worked on national and international commissioned projects that focus on how marginalised and vulnerable workers navigate the contemporary world of work. As an interdisciplinary researcher, she has advanced knowledge by managing complex projects with policy impact: ensuring budget outcomes and deliverables are met in a timely manner. Her work provides accessible creative analysis that seeks to reform policy settings that improve the material reality of vulnerable workers. Her research collaborations have involved projects with major consultancy firms, professional and industry associations, NGOs and charities which bring together policy makers, practitioners and academics. Her research into worker marginalisation has produced numerous industry reports as well as publications in international journals including: Work, Employment and Society; Journal of Business Ethics: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Business History, Policy Studies; Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations; Economic and Industrial Democracy and British Journal of Social Work, Journal of Industrial Relations and Economic and Labour Relations Review.

Diane has a strong commitment in her teaching to inquiry-based learning. This commitment has led to the awarding of several education innovation grants to develop her ideas. These grants have included the production of a live case involving interviews with soldiers from the Australian Defence Force and the development of lecture content involving Organisational Theatre. Through these methods, Diane has provided for a learning environment where students come together on complex problems facing contemporary workers and firms. While she is currently teaching on the core values and principles of human resource management and the future of work, she applies these practical approaches to all of her areas of teaching. She encourages students to develop a better understanding of why managing staff may be a complex process that requires particular skills and practices and wherever possible draws on the experiences and the knowledge base within the class room.

Recent Units Taught

  • BUSS4001 Business Honours Research Methods

  • WORK2205 Human Resource Processes

  • WORK3207 Future of Work

  • WORK5002 People, Work and Employment

Project titleResearch student
Overseas trained nurses’ characteristics, attitudes, and cultural beliefs: Impact to care approaches in cancer careJay BALANTE



  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D. (2020). Women, Work and Migration: Nursing in Australia. New York: Routledge. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Lansbury, R., Johnson, A., Van Den Broek, D. (2020). Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions. London: Routledge. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Lansbury, R., Johnson, A., Van Den Broek, D. (2020). Introduction. In R.D. Lansbury, A. Johnson & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions, (pp. 1-4). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D. (2020). Migration, skill and career: Organisationally bounded and individually bonded. In R.D. Lansbury, A. Johnson & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions, (pp. 57-72). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D. (2019). Migration, skill and career: Organisationally bounded and individually bonded. In R.D. Lansbury, A. Johnson & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions, (pp. 57-72). London: Routledge.


  • Van Den Broek, D., Black, P., Nikki, N. (2021). Doing Double Time: Women, Incarceration and Employment Discrimination. Work, Employment and Society, 35(5), 968-978. [More Information]
  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2021). How does culture influence work experience in a foreign country? An umbrella review of the cultural challenges faced by internationally educated nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 118, 103930. [More Information]
  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2021). Mixed�]methods systematic review: Cultural attitudes, beliefs and practices of internationally educated nurses towards end�]of�]life care in the context of cancer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(9), 3618-3629. [More Information]


  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2022). How does culture influence work experience in a foreign country? An umbrella review of the cultural challenges faced by internationally educated nurses. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion for CALD Nurses and Midwives Webinar Series 2022, Virtual: NSW Nurses and Midwives Association. [More Information]
  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2021). Nursing care in cancer and end-of-life care setting: understanding the cultural beliefs and practices of internationally educated nurses. International Council of Nurses (ICN) 2021 Congress, Virtual: International Council of Nurses.
  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2021). Understanding the cultural attitudes, beliefs and practices of internationally educated nurses towards end-of-life care in the context of cancer. Oceanic Palliative Care Conference 2021, Virtual: Palliative Care Australia.

Other Works

  • Black, P., Van Den Broek, D. (2013). New Beginnings: Tackling the Problem of Lookism and the Role of Dress for Success. A Research Report for Dress for Success (Sydney), Report 1, 2013, (pp. 1 - 18). United States of America: Dress for Success Worldwide.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Wright, C., Clibborn, S., Howe, J., Van Den Broek, D., Reilly, A. (2020). Pandemic fallout offers chance to rethink farm labour issue. Sydney Morning Herald. [More Information]
  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Clibborn, S., Van Den Broek, D., Wright, C. (2018). Backpacker work plan creates more problems than it solves. The Age. [More Information]
  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Wright, C., Van Den Broek, D. (2016). Backpacker tax: Why it's now Labor's turn to compromise. ABC Online. [More Information]


  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D. (2018). Benchmarking diversity and inclusion practices in Australia. [More Information]
  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Van Den Broek, D., Wright, C. (2016). Submission to the Australian Department of Agriculture: Working Holiday Maker Visa Review, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Australia. [More Information]
  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Van Den Broek, D., Wright, C. (2016). Submission To The Senate Economics Legislation Committee: Review of Income Tax Rates Amendment (Working Holiday Maker Reform) Bill 2016 (Cth) and Treasury Laws Amendment (Working Holiday Maker Reform) Bill 2016 (Cth), Parliament of Australia. [More Information]

Research Reports

  • Howe, J., Clibborn, S., Reilly, A., Van Den Broek, D., Wright, C. (2019). Towards a durable future: Tackling labour challenges in the Australian horticulture industry, (pp. 1 - 133). Adelaide, Australia: University of Adelaide. [More Information]


  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2022). How does culture influence work experience in a foreign country? An umbrella review of the cultural challenges faced by internationally educated nurses. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion for CALD Nurses and Midwives Webinar Series 2022, Virtual: NSW Nurses and Midwives Association. [More Information]


  • Van Den Broek, D., Black, P., Nikki, N. (2021). Doing Double Time: Women, Incarceration and Employment Discrimination. Work, Employment and Society, 35(5), 968-978. [More Information]
  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2021). How does culture influence work experience in a foreign country? An umbrella review of the cultural challenges faced by internationally educated nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 118, 103930. [More Information]
  • Balante, J., Van Den Broek, D., White, K. (2021). Mixed�]methods systematic review: Cultural attitudes, beliefs and practices of internationally educated nurses towards end�]of�]life care in the context of cancer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(9), 3618-3629. [More Information]


  • Lansbury, R., Johnson, A., Van Den Broek, D. (2020). Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions. London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Chi, D., Van Den Broek, D. (2020). Gendered labour activism in the Vietnamese manufacturing industry. Gender, Work and Organization, 27(6), 1145-1164. [More Information]
  • Lansbury, R., Johnson, A., Van Den Broek, D. (2020). Introduction. In R.D. Lansbury, A. Johnson & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions, (pp. 1-4). London: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Wright, C., Van Den Broek, D., Clibborn, S. (2019). A Critical Examination of the Relationship between Labour Hire Intermediaries and Growers in the Australian Horticulture Industry. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 32(1), 83-102.
  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D. (2019). Migration, skill and career: Organisationally bounded and individually bonded. In R.D. Lansbury, A. Johnson & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions, (pp. 57-72). London: Routledge.
  • Howe, J., Clibborn, S., Reilly, A., Van Den Broek, D., Wright, C. (2019). Towards a durable future: Tackling labour challenges in the Australian horticulture industry, (pp. 1 - 133). Adelaide, Australia: University of Adelaide. [More Information]


  • Howe, J., Van Den Broek, D., Reilly, A., Wright, C. (2018). A Tale of Two Visas: Interrogating the Substitution Effect between Pacific Seasonal Workers and Backpackers in Addressing Horticultural Labour Supply Challenges and Worker Exploitation. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 31(2), 209-242.
  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Clibborn, S., Van Den Broek, D., Wright, C. (2018). Backpacker work plan creates more problems than it solves. The Age. [More Information]
  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D. (2018). Benchmarking diversity and inclusion practices in Australia. [More Information]


  • Baines, D., Van Den Broek, D. (2017). Coercive care: Control and coercion in the restructured care workplace. British Journal of Social Work, 47(1), 125-142. [More Information]
  • Groutsis, D., Underhill, E., Van Den Broek, D., Rimmer, M. (2017). Creative Disruption through Digital Connection: Temporary Migrants Organising in Australian Food Production. 31st Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM).
  • Groutsis, D., Van Den Broek, D., O'Leary, J. (2017). Degrees of cultural/ethnic diversity: disentangling definitions from measures to overcome cultural myopia and exclusion. 31st Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM).


  • Wright, C., Van Den Broek, D., Howe, J., Reilly, A. (2016). Analysing the Labour Challenges of Securing Food Production in Australian Horticulture. 28th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics SASE 2016, Berkeley, United States: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.
  • Howe, J., Reilly, A., Wright, C., Van Den Broek, D. (2016). Backpacker tax: Why it's now Labor's turn to compromise. ABC Online. [More Information]
  • Van Den Broek, D., Harvey, W., Groutsis, D. (2016). Commercial migration intermediaries and the segmentation of skilled migrant employment. Work, Employment and Society, 30(3), 523-534. [More Information]


  • Wright, C., Groutsis, D., Van Den Broek, D. (2015). Are employer-sponsored visa schemes inherently 'unfair'? A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of migrant worker protections. 4th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization.
  • Groutsis, D., Van Den Broek, D., Constantin, V., O'Leary, J. (2015). Benchmarking Diversity and Inclusion Practices in Australia: Key Findings.
  • Baines, D., Van Den Broek, D. (2015). Coercive Care? Control and Coercion in the Restructured Care Workplace. 33rd International Labour Process Conference ILPC 2015, Athens, Greece: ILPC.


  • Black, P., Van Den Broek, D. (2014). Tracksuit or business suit: What should a woman wear coming out of prison? Continuum: A Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 28(6), 787-796. [More Information]


  • Van Den Broek, D., Groutsis, D., Wright, C. (2013). Employer-sponsored migration: Mechanism of labour market efficiency or worker vulnerability? ADAPT/UCLA-IRLE: How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation.
  • Black, P., Van Den Broek, D. (2013). New Beginnings: Tacking the Problems of Lookism and the Role of Dress for Success.
  • Black, P., Van Den Broek, D. (2013). New Beginnings: Tackling the Problem of Lookism and the Role of Dress for Success. A Research Report for Dress for Success (Sydney), Report 1, 2013, (pp. 1 - 18). United States of America: Dress for Success Worldwide.


  • Van Den Broek, D., Dundon, T. (2012). (Still) Up to No Good: Reconfiguring Worker Resistance and Misbehaviour in an Increasingly Unorganized World. Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 67(1), 97-121. [More Information]
  • Hall, R., Van Den Broek, D. (2012). Aestheticising retail workers: Orientations of aesthetic labour in Australian fashion retail. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33(1), 85-102. [More Information]
  • Warhurst, C., Van Den Broek, D., Hall, R., Nickson, D. (2012). Great expectations: gender, looks and lookism at work. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 5(1), 72-90. [More Information]


  • Barton, R., Van Den Broek, D. (2011). Agency and the Deunionisation of Managers in an Australian Telecommunications Company. Journal of Management and Organization, 17(2), 210-225. [More Information]
  • Warhurst, C., Van Den Broek, D., Nickson, D., Hall, R. (2011). Heads, Hearts and now Bodies: Employee Looks and Lookism at work. In Adrian Wilkinson and Keith Townsend (Eds.), The Future of Employment Relations - New Paradigms, New Developments, (pp. 122-140). Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
  • Van Den Broek, D., Keating, E. (2011). Rights to a process for the masses or select privileges for the few?: Telework policy and labour market inequality in Australia. Policy Studies, 32(1), 21-33. [More Information]


  • Van Den Broek, D. (2010). From Terranova to Terra Firma: A Critique of the Role of Free Labour and the Digital Economy. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 20(2), 123-133. [More Information]
  • Thompson, P., Van Den Broek, D. (2010). Managerial Control and Workplace Regimes: An Introduction. Work, Employment and Society, 24(3), 1-12. [More Information]


  • Burton, J., Van Den Broek, D. (2009). Accountable and Countable: Information Management Systems and the Bureaucratization of Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 39(7), 1326-1342. [More Information]
  • Cooper, R., Ellem, B., Briggs, C., Van Den Broek, D. (2009). Anti-unionism, Employer Strategy, and the Australian State,1996-2005. Labor Studies Journal, 34(3), 339-362. [More Information]
  • Warhurst, C., Van Den Broek, D., Hall, R., Nickson, D. (2009). Lookism: The New Frontier of Employment Discrimination? Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(1), 131-136. [More Information]


  • Van Den Broek, D. (2008). 'Doing things right', or 'doing the right things'? Call centre migrations and dimensions of knowledge. Work, Employment and Society, 22(4), 601-613. [More Information]
  • Van Den Broek, D., Barnes, A., Townsend, K. (2008). 'Teaming Up': Teams and Team Sharing in Call Centres. Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(2), 257-269. [More Information]


  • Warhurst, C., Van Den Broek, D., Hall, R., Hurrell, S., Nickson, D. (2007). An Analysis of Discrimination Cases Based on Physical Features under the Victorian Equality Opportunity Act 1995.
  • Keating, E., Van Den Broek, D. (2007). Australia. In Roger Blanpain (Eds.), European Framework Agreements and Telework: Law and Practice, A European and Comparative Study, Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations, 62, (pp. 77-92). The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Kluwer Law International).
  • Van Den Broek, D., Hall, R., Warhurst, C., Nickson, D. (2007). Discriminating Tastes: Aesthetic Labour, 'Lookism' and the Law. 25th Annual International Labour Process Conference ILPC 2007.


  • Townsend, K., Barnes, A., Van Den Broek, D. (2006). 'Teaming up: Teams and resistance in call centres'. Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work Conference ACREW 2006, Tuscany, Italy: Monash University.
  • Cooper, R., Briggs, C., Ellem, B., Van Den Broek, D. (2006). Anti unionism in Australia. International Union Rights, 13.
  • Van Den Broek, D. (2006). Book Review: Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report by S Wilson, G Meagher, R Gibson, D Denemark and M Western. Labour and Industry, 16(3), 152-154. [More Information]


  • Van Den Broek, D., Barton, R. (2005). Managing Cultural Change in a Rationalised Telephone Company: A case of 'living the value set' or just 'letting them go'. Labour and Industry, 16(2), 81-96.
  • Cutcher, L., Van Den Broek, D. (2005). Serving time: The temporal dimensions of front-line service work. 19th Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand AIRAANZ 2005, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).


  • Van Den Broek, D. (2004). Call To Arms? Collective And Individual Responses To Call Centre Labour Management. In Stephen Deery, Nick Kinnie (Eds.), Call Centres and Human Resource Management: A Cross-National Perspective, (pp. 267-283). United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Van Den Broek, D. (2004). Globalising Call Centre Capital: Gender, Culture And Worker Identity. Labour and Industry, 14(3), 59-76.
  • Thompson, P., Callaghan, G., Van Den Broek, D. (2004). Keeping Up Appearances: Recruitment, Skills And Normative Control In Call Centres. In Stephen Deery, Nick Kinnie (Eds.), Call Centres and Human Resource Management: A Cross-National Perspective, (pp. 129-152). United States: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Van Den Broek, D. (2003). Recruitment strategies and union exclusion in two Australian call centres. Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 58(3), 515-536.
  • Van Den Broek, D. (2003). Selling human Services: Public Sector Call Centres & Managerialism. 17th Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
  • Van Den Broek, D. (2003). Selling human services: Public sector rationalism and the call centre labour process. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 29(3), 236-252.


  • Van Den Broek, D. (2002). Monitoring and Surveillance in Call Centres: Some Responses From Australian Workers. Labour and Industry, 12(3), 43-58.

Selected Grants


  • Investigating Labour Supply Options Across the Australian Vegetable Industry, Howe J, Reilly A, Van Den Broek D, Wright C, Horticulture Innovation Australia/Research & Development Grant


  • Nursing Journeys, Van Den Broek D, DVC Research/Brown Fellowships