Dr. León Poblete is an Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden, and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sydney Business School.
Dr. Poblete's research interests include interorganizational relationships and complex industrial networks. The aviation industry is currently the main empirical context in his research.
He has published his research work in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Research and Harvard Business Review.
Doctoral thesis monograph
Poblete, L. (2017). Rekindled Business Relationships: A study of the re-activation process of buyer-supplier relationships in the defence and security industry in Sweden (Doctoral dissertation, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University).
Scientific Articles
af Hällström, A., Bosch-Sijtsema, P. and Poblete, L. (2024). Challenges with collaboration: the interaction of formal and informal ties in infrastructure construction. Construction Management and Economics, pp.1-19.
Poblete, L., Eriksson, E., Hellström, A., and Glennon, R. (2023). User Involvement and Value Co-creation in Well-being Ecosystems. Journal of Health Organization and Management. Vol. 37 No. 9, pp. 34-55.
Poblete, L., Havila V., Andersson, H., Gidhagen, M., and Medlin, C. (2022). Resuming Business Operations After a Hiatus: The Case of Reappearing Relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 106, pp. 256-266.
Poblete, L., Kadefors, A., Rådberg, K.K. and Gluch, P. (2022). Temporality, temporariness and keystone actor capabilities in innovation ecosystems.Industrial Marketing Management,Vol. 102, pp. 301-310.
Prenkert, F., Hedvall, K., Hasche, N., Frick, J, E., Abrahamsen, M., Aramo-Immonen, H., Baraldi, B., Bocconcelli, R., Harrison, D., Huang, L., Huemer, L., Kask, J., Landqvist, M., Pagano, A., Perna, A., Poblete, L., Ratajczak-Mrozek, M., Wagrell, S. (2022). Resource interaction: Key concepts, relations and representations. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 105, pp. 48-59.
Poblete,L., Murnighan, K., and Mizruchi, M. (2021). The reconstitution of broken interfirm relations. Long Range Planning, pp.102 122.
Fontana, E., Öberg, C., and Poblete, L. (2021). Nominated procurement and the indirect control of nominated sub-suppliers: Evidence from the Sri Lankan apparel supply chain. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 127, pp. 179-192.
Hallström A., Bosch, P., Poblete, L., Rempling, R., and Karlsson, M. (2021). The role of social ties in collaborative project networks: a tale of two construction cases. Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 723-738.
Poblete, L., and Bengtson, A.(2020). “I want you back”: On the strategic roles of boundary spanners in supplier switching-back processes.Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 91, pp. 234–245.
Poblete, L., and Bengtson, A. (2020). Friends or strangers? Attempts at reactivating buyer–supplier relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 177-190.
Poblete, L. (2020).Resource transformation in the reconstitution of broken interorganizational relationships. Journal of Strategy and Management. Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 207-226.
Poblete, L., and Cespedes, F. (2019). How B2B Companies Can Win Back Customers They’ve Lost. Harvard Business Review. 0017-8012 (ISSN), Vol. June 3rd.
Poblete, L., Arnäs, P-O, Hamnén, F., and Larsson, M. (2019). Många intressenter och många krav på e-handels distribution. Supply Chain Effects. pp. 14-17. Online publication.
Poblete, L., and Nakamura, R. (2013). Foreign investment and economic integration: Meat industry in the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Worlds, Vol 6. (3-4), pp. 38-44.
Dr. Poblete teaches at the Master Programme in Business and Economics, and at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Master Programme in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering at Uppsala University in Sweden.
He has extensive teaching experience at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. As a head teacher and lecturer in the master course “Markets and Marketing” at Uppsala University, he guided a group of students to win the global L'Oréal Brandstorm competition in 2021. More than 70.000 students from around the world participated in this competition.
Dr. Poblete has also taught in the Supply Chain Management master programme, and in the bachelor’s programme in Industrial Economics and Management at the Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology as well as in the bachelor's programme in International Business and Politics at Stockholm University in Sweden.
Since 2018, he has been co-supervising doctoral student Anna af Hällström at Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Technology Management and Economics.
Disruption and restarting of business activities:
Dr. Poblete focuses on studying business activities that are restarted after a disruption of some sort. The Covid-19 pandemic with many business closures and possible restarting of business activities is an example of his research interest. Today’s business world is continuously challenged by critical events such as economic crisis, pandemics, natural disasters, or geopolitical issues that affect companies in the business landscape. To this regard, managing the disruption and planning for a future restarting has quickly become an important operational task for many companies. For instance, the entire aviation industry has been influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic with many types of “disruptions”, such as fewer persons transported, laying off employees and bankruptcies.
The results are expected to contribute to research within the field of business dynamics, and especially on radical type of change processes caused by events or actions beyond the control of individual companies. It includes not only a relational and temporal aspect, but also a spatial aspect including directly and indirectly connected stakeholders in the business landscape such as suppliers, customers, competitors, end-users and municipalities dealing with issues related to disrupting and subsequent restarting business activities.
In the media
Dr. Poblete has the ambition to take a visible role in facing some of the main challenges of our time such as democracy, immigration and globalization. Therefore, He commonly participates in public debates (e.g., Svenska Dagbladet, SVT, TV4). For example, he has discussed long-term social and economic positive effects of immigration in Sweden.
· Poblete L., (2018). Invandringen har gett en nettovinst som inte kan överskattas. SVT Nyheter
He is also interested in issues related to re-democratization in developing countries. Inspired by theoretical tools that he has been developing through the years, Prof. Silva Pedraza (Department of Sociology at the University of Michigan, USA) and Dr. Poblete have discussed the re-activation of the relationship between the United States and Cuba.
· Poblete L., and Pedraza S. (2015). Chans till frihet för kubanerna. Svenska Dagbladet SvD.
These theoretical instruments have also contributed to analyse the collapse of democracy in Venezuela, and the subsequent process of re-democratization in the country. Together with Miguel Santos (Senior Researcher at Harvard University, USA, and London School of Economics and Political Science, UK), they have written several Op-Ed articles on this issue:
· Poblete L. (2019). Den verkliga orsaken till Venezuelas kris. Näringslivets medieinstitut (NMI).
· Poblete L., and Santos M. (2018). Så kollapsade nationen Venezuela.SVT Nyheter.
· Poblete L., and Santos M. (2015). Ta avstånd från Venezuelas auktoritära regim. Svenska Dagbladet SvD.
· Poblete L., and Santos M. (2015). Venezuelas socialism vägen till fattigdom och förtryck. SVT Nyheter.
· Poblete L. (2014). Kollaps hotar Karibiens pärla. SVT Nyheter.
Other media appearances
· Seven million people have fled Venezuela - but the crisis is deprioritised. The Swedish Development Forum. Interview with Vilma Ellemark (23 Nov 2022).
· “La esperanza que trajo Guaidó hace dos años ha caído”La Provincia. Interview with Isabel Duran. (13 March 2021).
· Venezuela's opposition-controlled PDVSA board criticizes Nynas deal. Reuters. Interview with Luc Cohen. (13 May 2020).
· “Venezuela går igenom sin största kris i modern tid”. Breaking News, Expressen. (4 May 2019).
· “La situación en Venezuela es mucho peor de lo que se ve desde fuera"La Provincia. Interview with A. Saavededra. (4 April 2020).
· Guaidós representant i Sverige: Så ska Nynas slippa sanktionerna.Dagens Industri. Interview with Anders Davison. (5 March 2020).
· “Stor möjlighet att Guaidó tar över makten”Breaking News, Expressen. (30 April 2019).
· Ett halvår senare – regimen kvar i sargat Venezuela.SVT Nyheter. Aftonbladet Sweden (19 July 2019).
· Maktövertagande i Venezuela kan vara nära – ”Avgörande ögonblick”. Breaking News, TV4 Sweden (19 april 2019).
· Maktskiftet rycker närmare.Dagens ETC. Interview with Adolfo Diaz. (7 Februari 2019).
· Spänt läge i Venezuela.Breaking News, Radio Interview with Hanna Malmodin. Sveriges radio (24 January 2019).
· “Detta väntar den fruktade ledaren: ”Läskigt”. Interview with Ida Vanhaiden. (23 January 2019).
· En miljon för en kopp kaffe – här skenar inflationen. SvD. Interview with Sophia Sanclair. (7 July 2018).
· Venezuela väntas släppa ägandet i Nynas. Breaking News, Radio Interview with Hanna Malmodin. Sveriges radio (04 January 2018).
· Dukan bara rösta ja i valet!Live-Tv Interview with Lottie Cronestrand. TV4 Sweden (30 July 2017).
· Valet i Venezuela. Breaking News, Tv Interview with Anders Pihlblad. TV4 Sweden (30 July 2017).