Mr Matt Faber

Mr Matt Faber

BA Oxf. MTM, EMPA Syd.
Honorary Associate
Mr Matt Faber

Matt Faber’s subject matter knowledge, industry relationships and practical wisdom have been accrued over 30 years in the Australian transport sector. Matt is known for his hands-on leadership of transit, roads, interchange and active transport initiatives through planning, development and delivery, with and for government agencies and local councils. Matt has been proudly associated with the Institute of Transport Logistics Studies since embarking on the Master of Transport Management program in 1993; in 1994 he was awarded the Chartered Institute of Transport Prize for Best First Year Student. Matt currently supports the Institute as a guest lecturer to Transport and Infrastructure Foundations students.

Much of Matt’s work has been in an urban growth environment where dynamic land use change, and major transport projects, create both the pressure and the opportunity to provide local access in new ways that detach urban growth from car dependence. Recent and current projects for all three levels of government in Australia include preparing transport content for a national infrastructure audit (for Infrastructure Australia in 2019), leading passenger transport business cases (for Transport for NSW, the former NSW Roads & Maritime Services and The Hills Shire Council) and developing place-based transport plans at different scales (e.g., for Nepean Hospital, Castle Hill and Parramatta centres, and the Liverpool to Western Sydney Airport corridor).

In roles with the NSW Government Transport cluster Matt led Future Transport 2056 planning for light rail, bus, point-to-point and ferry products, and drove the Western Sydney T-ways, Northern Beaches B-Line and Bus Head Start program business cases. Matt is currently employed as Associate Director – Transport for Infrastructure Australia, leading the development of sectoral reforms for the Australian Infrastructure Plan 2021.

Strategic integrated land use and transport planning; Walking, cycling and active transport; Bus systems and road-based public transport; Public administration including cross-cultural management and governance of transport systems

  • ‘Transport planning in Sydney’, ITLS5100 Transport & Infrastructure Foundations, since 2017
  • ‘Local public transport and planning frameworks’, UITP Public Transport Fundamentals, 2017
  • ‘Greater Sydney’s rapid transit system: Growing the urban economy one service at a time’, UTS Master of Urban Economics, 2017-18



  • Faber, M. (2019). I want it, and I want it now! Some tiny observations on on-demand transport: in the city and the country. Transport Australia Society seminar: On-Demand Transport - Success and Failure, why?, Sydney, Australia: Transport Australia society (TAs).
  • Faber, M. (2019). Will we never learn? Public transport planning on the edge. Transport Australia Conference 2019, Sydney, Australia: Transport Australia society (TAs). [More Information]
  • Lehman, R., Faber, M. (2009). Cycling at the centre: using evidence to guide investment in active transport. AITPM National Conference 2009, Adelaide, Australia: Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management (AITPM). [More Information]


  • Faber, M. (2019). I want it, and I want it now! Some tiny observations on on-demand transport: in the city and the country. Transport Australia Society seminar: On-Demand Transport - Success and Failure, why?, Sydney, Australia: Transport Australia society (TAs).
  • Faber, M. (2019). Will we never learn? Public transport planning on the edge. Transport Australia Conference 2019, Sydney, Australia: Transport Australia society (TAs). [More Information]


  • Lehman, R., Faber, M. (2009). Cycling at the centre: using evidence to guide investment in active transport. AITPM National Conference 2009, Adelaide, Australia: Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management (AITPM). [More Information]


  • Faber, M. (2005). Transitways: Regional Road-Based Public Transport Supporting Urban Change on Sydney's Growth Frontier. Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting 2005, Melbourne, Australia: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). [More Information]


  • Faber, M. (2003). The Liverpool - Parramatta T-way: A short primer in integrated transport and land use planning. Smart Urban Transport Conference 2003, Sydney, Australia: Transport Roundtable Australasia. [More Information]


  • Fleming, R., Faber, M., Pund, G., Turner, P. (2001). Public transport solutions for low density cities: The Australian experience. 54th UITP World Congress 2001, London, UK: International Association of Public Transport.


  • Faber, M. (2000). The western Sydney transitway network: Inventing a 100 km regional public transport system. Smart Urban Transport Conference 2000, Brisbane, Australia: Transport Roundtable Australasia. [More Information]


  • Faber, M. (1998). Light rail, heavy choices: A strategic transport planning adventure. 22nd Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF) 1998, Sydney, Australia: Transport and Population Data Centre, NSW. [More Information]


  • Faber, M. (1997). Big wheels and little wheels: Rail and bike - the sustainable urban transport option. Pathways to Sustainability Conference 1997, Newcastle, Australia: Pathways to Sustainability Conference.


  • Faber, M., Wyatt, K. (1996). Big wheels and little wheels: Making Sydney's rail network work for cyclists. Velo Australis International Bicycle Conference 1996, Fremantle, Australia: Velo Australis.


  • Faber, M., Smith, J. (1995). Wheels in motion: Sydney's Integrated Transport Strategy and the momentum of change. 7th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 1995, Sydney, Australia: World Conference on Transport Research Society.


  • Faber, M. (1994). Student review of 'The funding of urban passenger railways' (B Garnham). Transport Policy Workshop Policy Perspectives 94, Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.


  • Faber, M. (1992). Bicycle user groups: Voices sounding above the traffic. AUSBIKE National Bicycle Conference 1992, Melbourne, Australia: Bicycle Federation of Australia.