Associate Professor Chinh Ho

Associate Professor Chinh Ho

BE (Hons) HCMUT; ME Nagoya; PhD Sydney
Associate Professor in Spatial Analytics and Logistics
+61 2 9114 1892
Associate Professor Chinh Ho
Project titleResearch student
Measuring Active Transport Equity: A Spatial Decision-Support System for Inclusive Transport Planning.Ashikur RAHMAN
Implications of Autonomous Vehicles for Accessibility and Transport-related Social ExclusionArkar THAN WIN
Designing Demand Responsive Transport for Environmental And Social Sustainability: A Systematic and Context Dependent Evaluation ApproachChia-jung YEH



  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Mulley, C., Nelson, J., Smith, G., Wong, Y. (2020). Understanding Mobility As a Service (MaaS): Past, Present and Future. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [More Information]
  • Ho, C. (2013). An investigation of intra-household interactions in travel mode choice. Sydney, NSW, Australia: The University of Sydney.

Book Chapters

  • Hensher, D., Ho, C. (2024). Mobility as a service, new technologies, service-based travel. In D. Potoglou, J. Spinney (Eds.), Handbook of Travel Behaviour, (pp. 364-387). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Balbontin, C., Ho, C., Mulley, C., Macario, R., Stewart, A. (2019). Evaluating bus rapid transit and light rail transit on a level playing field in developed economies: a cross-cultural comparison. In Fiona Ferbrache (Eds.), Developing Bus Rapid Transit: The Value of BRT in Urban Spaces, (pp. 68-89). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Balbontin, C., Ho, C., Mulley, C., Macário, R., Stewart, A. (2019). Evaluating bus rapid transit and light rail transit on a level playing field in developed economies: A cross-cultural comparison. In Fiona Ferbrache (Eds.), Developing Bus Rapid Transit: The Value of BRT in Urban Spaces, (pp. 68-89). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.


  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Wei, E. (2025). Development, practical challenges, and application of a state-wide transport model system in Australia. Transportation Planning and Technology, 48(1), 1-42. [More Information]
  • Ho, C. (2025). Integrating on-demand transport into the public transport network: assessing the value for money of replacing fixed routes. Transportation Planning and Technology, Published online: 11 December 2024. [More Information]
  • Militao, A., Ho, C., Nelson, J. (2025). Mobility-as-a-service and travel behaviour change: How multimodal bundles reshape our travel choices. Transportation Research Part A, 191, 104310. [More Information]


  • Ho, C. (2024). Integrating On-Demand Transport into an Existing Transport Network: A Data-Driven Simulation Approach. 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures, CIGOS 2024, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Springer. [More Information]
  • Xi, H., Li, Q., Hensher, D., Nelson, J., Ho, C. (2023). Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on travel behavior in different socioeconomic segments. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC: Transportation Research Board. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Mulley, C., Ho, C., Nelson, J., Smith, G., Wong, Y. (2019). Understanding MaaS: Past, present and future. The 2nd International Conference on Mobility as a Service (ICoMaaS) 2019, Tampere, Finland: Conference on Mobility as a Service.

Working Paper Internal

  • Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2012). Multiple purposes at single destination: a key to a better understanding of the relationship between tour complexity and mode choice.

Research Reports

  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Reck, D., Smith, G., Lorimer, S., Lu, I. (2021). The Sydney Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Trial: Design, Implementation, Lessons and the Future, March 2021, Port Melbourne, Australia: iMOVE Australia. [More Information]


  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Wei, E. (2025). Development, practical challenges, and application of a state-wide transport model system in Australia. Transportation Planning and Technology, 48(1), 1-42. [More Information]
  • Ho, C. (2025). Integrating on-demand transport into the public transport network: assessing the value for money of replacing fixed routes. Transportation Planning and Technology, Published online: 11 December 2024. [More Information]
  • Militao, A., Ho, C., Nelson, J. (2025). Mobility-as-a-service and travel behaviour change: How multimodal bundles reshape our travel choices. Transportation Research Part A, 191, 104310. [More Information]


  • Kandanaarachchi, T., Nelson, J., Ho, C. (2024). Conceptualising trust and collaboration among stakeholders in MaaS ecosystems. Transport Policy, 157, 98-110. [More Information]
  • Ho, C. (2024). Integrating On-Demand Transport into an Existing Transport Network: A Data-Driven Simulation Approach. 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures, CIGOS 2024, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Springer. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Ho, C. (2024). Mobility as a service, new technologies, service-based travel. In D. Potoglou, J. Spinney (Eds.), Handbook of Travel Behaviour, (pp. 364-387). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [More Information]


  • Hensher, D., Wei, E., Liu, W., Ho, T., Ho, C. (2023). Development of a practical aggregate spatial road freight modal demand model system for truck and commodity movements with an application of a distance-based charging regime. Transportation, 50(3), 1031-1071. [More Information]
  • Loyola, M., Nelson, J., Clifton, G., Ho, C. (2023). Factors influencing the patronage of flexible transport in urban and rural areas. A case study in NSW, Australia. Research in Transportation Economics, 99, 101295. [More Information]
  • Balbontin, C., Hensher, D., Ho, C. (2023). Light commercial vehicles destination choice: Understanding preferences relative to the number of stop and tour-based trip type. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 171, 103042. [More Information]


  • Ho, C. (2022). Can MaaS change users' travel behaviour to deliver commercial and societal outcomes? Transportation Research Part A, 165, 76-97. [More Information]
  • Tang, L., Ho, C., Hensher, D., Zhang, X. (2022). Investigating traveller's overall information needs: What, when and how much is required by urban residents. Travel Behaviour and Society, 28, 155-169. [More Information]
  • Xi, H., Li, Q., Hensher, D., Nelson, J., Ho, C. (2022). Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on travel behavior in different socio-economic segments. SSRN, 22 August 2022. [More Information]


  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Reck, D. (2021). Corrigendum to "Mobility as a service and private car use: Evidence from the sydney MaaS trial" [Transp. Res. Part A 145 (2021) 17-33]. Transportation Research Part A, 149, 226. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Hensher, D., Reck, D. (2021). Drivers of participant's choices of monthly mobility bundles: Key behavioural findings from the Sydney Mobility as a Service (MaaS) trial. Transportation Research Part C, 124, 102932. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Hensher, D., Reck, D., Lorimer, S., Lu, I. (2021). MaaS bundle design and implementation: Lessons from the Sydney MaaS trial. Transportation Research Part A, 149, 339-376. [More Information]


  • Li, Z., Hensher, D., Ho, C. (2020). An empirical investigation of values of travel time savings from stated preference data and revealed preference data. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 12(3), 166-171. [More Information]
  • Balbontin, C., Hensher, D., Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2020). Do preferences for BRT and LRT change as a voter, citizen, tax payer, or self-interested resident? Transportation, 47(6), 2981-3030. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Teye, C., Liu, W., Wei, E. (2020). Integrating Business Location Choices into Transport and Land Use Planning Tools. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 54(2), 121-150.


  • Echaniz, E., Ho, C., Rodriguez, A., dell'Olio, L. (2019). Comparing best-worst and ordered logit approaches for user satisfaction in transit services. Transportation Research Part A, 130, 752-769. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Balbontin, C., Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2019). Cross-cultural contrasts of preferences for bus rapid transit and light rail transit. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 53(1), 47-73.
  • Hensher, D., Balbontin, C., Ho, C., Mulley, C., Macario, R., Stewart, A. (2019). Evaluating bus rapid transit and light rail transit on a level playing field in developed economies: a cross-cultural comparison. In Fiona Ferbrache (Eds.), Developing Bus Rapid Transit: The Value of BRT in Urban Spaces, (pp. 68-89). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]


  • Mulley, C., Ho, C., Ho, T., Hensher, D., Rose, J. (2018). How far are travellers willing to walk to access a more frequent service: an international comparison? 14th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT) and the 4th International Workshop and Symposium on Research and Applications on the Use of Passive Data from Public Transport (Transit Data), Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland.
  • Clifton, G., Mulley, C., Ho, T., Ho, C., Yen, B. (2018). How the distribution of arrival times at a railway station varies with headway: A study using smart card data. 14th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT) and the 4th International Workshop and Symposium on Research and Applications on the Use of Passive Data from Public Transport (Transit Data), Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland.
  • Ho, C., Hensher, D., Mulley, C., Wong, Y. (2018). Potential uptake and willingness-to-pay for Mobility as a Service (MaaS): A stated choice study. Transportation Research Part A, 117, 302-318. [More Information]


  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Beck, M. (2017). A simplified and practical alternative way to recognise the role of household characteristics in determining an individual's preferences: the case of automobile choice. Transportation, 44(1), 225-240. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Hensher, D. (2017). Application of irrelevance of state-wise dominated alternatives (ISDA) for identifying candidate processing strategies and behavioural choice rules adopted in best-worst stated preference studies. Journal of Choice Modelling, 25, 40-49. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Mulley, C., Tsai, C., Ison, S., Wiblin, S. (2017). Area-wide travel plans - targeting strategies for greater participation in green travel initiatives: a case study of Rouse Hill Town Centre, NSW Australia. Transportation, 44(2), 325-352. [More Information]


  • Ho, C., Hensher, D. (2016). A workplace choice model accounting for spatial competition and agglomeration effects. Journal of Transport Geography, 51, 193-203. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2016). Developing good practice outcomes in passenger transport: Strategic policy and practical implementation: Editorial. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 20, 1-2. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2016). Disruption costs in bus contract transitions. Research in Transportation Economics, 59, 75-85. [More Information]


  • Ho, C., Hensher, D. (2015). Greening Demand Chains in Urban Passenger Transport: Emissions Saving from Complex Trip Chains. In Behnam Fahimnia, Michael G.H. Bell, David A. Hensher, Joseph Sarkis (Eds.), Green Logistics and Transportation: A Sustainable Supply Chain Perspective, (pp. 131-146). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2015). Identifying preferences for public transport investments under a constrained budget. Transportation Research Part A, 72, 27-46. [More Information]
  • Hensher, D., Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2015). Identifying resident preferences for bus-based and rail-based investments as a complementary buy in perspective to inform project planning prioritisation. Journal of Transport Geography, 46, 1-9. [More Information]


  • Ison, S., Mulley, C., Mifsud, A., Ho, C. (2014). A Parking Space Levy: A Case Study of Sydney, Australia. In Stephen Ison, Corinne Mulley (Eds.), Parking Issues and Policies, (pp. 317-333). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Hensher, D. (2014). Housing prices and price endogeneity in tenure and dwelling type choice models. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2(3), 107-115. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2014). Metrobuses in Sydney: How high capacity and high frequency services are benefiting the Metropolitan fringe. Research in Transportation Economics, 48, 339-348. [More Information]


  • Ho, C. (2013). An investigation of intra-household interactions in travel mode choice. Sydney, NSW, Australia: The University of Sydney.
  • Mulley, C., Ho, C. (2013). Evaluating the impact of bus network planning changes in Sydney, Australia. Transport Policy, 30, 13-25. [More Information]
  • Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2013). Group travel and public transport use: the effect of fare discounts. 36th Australasian Transport Research Forum ATRF 2013, Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.


  • Mulley, C., Ho, C. (2012). Evaluating the impact of bus network planning changes in Sydney, Australia. 35th Australasian Transport Research Forum ATRF 2012, Perth, Australia: Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
  • Ho, C., Mulley, C. (2012). Multiple purposes at single destination: a key to a better understanding of the relationship between tour complexity and mode choice.


  • Ho, C., Yamamoto, T. (2011). The role of attitudes and public transport service on vehicle ownership in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. 34th Australasian Transport Research Forum ATRF 2011, Adelaide, Australia: Planning and Transport Research Centre (PATREC).

Selected Grants


  • Design of a Regional Town and Rural Hinterland (RTRH) MaaS Blueprint, Nelson J, Hensher D, Ho C, Balbontin C, Pinto A, iMOVE Australia Ltd/CRC Research Agreement