Professor Susan McGrath-Champ
Susan McGrath-Champ is Professor in Work and Organisational Studies at the University of Sydney Business School. She has a PhD from Macquarie University, Sydney and a Masters degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
Susan’s main research interests lie in human resource management, and the geographical (spatial) aspects of work and employment. Her current and recent research includes studies of the effects of choice and competition on teachers’ working conditions, the role of labour in global production networks, gender pay equity, and organisations’ policies for the safety, security and evacuation of international assignees. She was awarded jointly a large Swedish-funded International Collaboration Grant for research concerning the effects of choice and competition on school teachers' work and working conditions, and has ongoing industry-funded collaboration in this area with organisations which are implementing the research findings.
As sole or lead chief investigator on Australian Research Council projects, Associate Professor McGrath-Champ has analysed the spatial aspects of enterprise agreements, examined training, migration and global aspects of the Australian construction industry and analysed restructuring of the coal industry. Susan was a recipient of an Exchange from the Australian Academy of Social Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, through which she researched performance management aspects of international assignments within international and global firms.
Susan is a member of groups which researchWomen, Work and Leadership,Global Cities and Global Value ChainsandEducational Practice in Business, and publishes in high level journals includingWork, Employment and Society, Journal of Economic Geography,andJournal of Education Policy.
- WORK2217 International Human Resource Management
- WORK6108 International Dimensions of HRM
Selected publications
- Rainnie, A., Herod, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2024). Industry 4.0 and the Future of Work: Global Production Networks, Global Disassembly Networks, and the Circular Economy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. [More Information]
- Baird, M., McGrath-Champ, S. (2000). Industrial Relations Developments. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Longman.
Edited Books
- McGrath-Champ, S., Herod, A., Rainnie, A. (2010). Handbook of Employment and Society: Working Space. Cheltenham United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Stacey, M., Fitzgerald, S., Wilson, R., McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M. (2024). Teachers, fixed-term contracts and school leadership: toeing the line and jumping through hoops. In A. McKay, J. Wilkinson (Eds.), Educational Leadership and Policy in a Time of Precarity. London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Gavin, M., McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S., Stacey, M. (2022). Teacher Workload in Australia: National reports of intensification and its threats to democracy. In Not known (Eds.), New Perspectives on Education for Democracy: Creative Responses to Local and Global Challenges, (pp. 110-123). TBC. [More Information]
- Veen, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2021). Evolving Employment Relations in the Australian Construction Industry. In D. Belman, J. Druker, G. White (Eds.), Work and Labor Relations in the Construction Industry: An International Perspective, (pp. 34-56). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Parding, K., Gavin, M., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S., Jakobsson, M., McGrath-Champ, S. (2024). Intra-professional collaboration and organization of work among teachers: How entangled institutional logics shape connectivity. Journal of Professions and Organization, 11(1), 83-98. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., Gavin, M., Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R. (2024). Reducing teachers’ workload or deskilling ‘core’ work? Analysis of a policy response to teacher workload demands. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 45(2), 187-199. [More Information]
- Gavin, M., McGrath-Champ, S. (2024). Teacher workload and the organisation of work: a research agenda for a post-pandemic future. Labour and Industry, 24(1), 88-99. [More Information]
- Parding, K., McGrath-Champ, S., Stacey, M., Berg-Jansson, A. (2019). Governance reform and the differentiation of employment and working conditions - the case of upper secondary teachers in Sweden. 33rd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M. (2019). Occupational and organisational professionalisation: Teaching, work and the case of an Australian Teachers' Union. 33rd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Stacey, M., Wilson, R., Gavin, M. (2019). The work and workload experiences of fixed contract teachers: New casualisation of staff in schools? 33rd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- Wilson, R., McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Fitzgerald, S. (2023). NSW Parliament Inquiry into teacher shortages in New South Wales Submission from the Teachers' Work in Schools Research Team. [More Information]
- Wilson, R., McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Fitzgerald, S. (2022). Submission to Productivity Commission Review of National School Reform Agreement. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S., Stacey, M., Gavin, M. (2020). Valuing the Teaching Profession Inquiry - Submission from the Teachers' Work in Schools Research Team.
Research Reports
- Handley, K., Leung, P., McGrath-Champ, S., Kidd, M. (2015). Work Conditions, Balance and Gender Equity: A Study of Chartered Accountants 1995 to 2013, (pp. 11 - 29). Sydney, Australia: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
- Rainnie, A., Herod, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2024). Industry 4.0 and the Future of Work: Global Production Networks, Global Disassembly Networks, and the Circular Economy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. [More Information]
- Parding, K., Gavin, M., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S., Jakobsson, M., McGrath-Champ, S. (2024). Intra-professional collaboration and organization of work among teachers: How entangled institutional logics shape connectivity. Journal of Professions and Organization, 11(1), 83-98. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., Gavin, M., Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R. (2024). Reducing teachers’ workload or deskilling ‘core’ work? Analysis of a policy response to teacher workload demands. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 45(2), 187-199. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Fitzgerald, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Wilson, R. (2023). Labour Commodification in the Employment Heartland: Union Responses to Teachers' Temporary Work. Work, Employment and Society, 37(5), 1165-1185. [More Information]
- Wilson, R., McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Fitzgerald, S. (2023). NSW Parliament Inquiry into teacher shortages in New South Wales Submission from the Teachers' Work in Schools Research Team. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R. (2023). Teacher attributions of workload increase in public sector schools: Reflections on change and policy development. Journal of Educational Change, 24(4), 971-993. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Wilson, R. (2022). Collaborating for policy impact: Academic-practitioner collaboration in industrial relations research. Journal of Industrial Relations, 64(5), 759-784. [More Information]
- Gavin, M., Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S. (2022). From marketising to empowering: Evaluating union responses to devolutionary policies in education. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33(1), 80-99. [More Information]
- Wilson, R., McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Fitzgerald, S. (2022). Submission to Productivity Commission Review of National School Reform Agreement. [More Information]
- Veen, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2021). Evolving Employment Relations in the Australian Construction Industry. In D. Belman, J. Druker, G. White (Eds.), Work and Labor Relations in the Construction Industry: An International Perspective, (pp. 34-56). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Parding, K., McGrath-Champ, S., Stacey, M. (2021). Governance reform in context: Welfare sector professionals' working and employment conditions. Current Sociology, 69(1), 119-139. [More Information]
- Fee, A., McGrath-Champ, S., Berti, M. (2021). Protecting expatriates in hostile environments: institutional forces influencing the safety and security practices of internationally active organisations. In B. Bader, T. Schuster, M. Dickmann (Eds.), Danger and Risk as Challenges for HRM: Managing People in Hostile Environments. London: Routledge. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M. (2020). Strategy and policy: The 'professionalisation' of teaching and the work of an Australian teachers' union. In R.D. Lansbury, A. Johnson & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions, (pp. 110-126). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S., Stacey, M., Gavin, M. (2020). Valuing the Teaching Profession Inquiry - Submission from the Teachers' Work in Schools Research Team.
- Parding, K., McGrath-Champ, S., Stacey, M., Berg-Jansson, A. (2019). Governance reform and the differentiation of employment and working conditions - the case of upper secondary teachers in Sweden. 33rd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Stacey, M., Wilson, R., Gavin, M. (2019). Intensification of teachers' work under devolution: A "tsunami" of paperwork. Journal of Industrial Relations, 61(5), 613-636. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M. (2019). Occupational and organisational professionalisation: Teaching, work and the case of an Australian Teachers' Union. 33rd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- Fitzgerald, S., Stacey, M., McGrath-Champ, S., Parding, K., Rainnie, A. (2018). Devolution, market dynamics and the Independent Public School initiative in Western Australia: 'winning back' what has been lost? Journal of Education Policy, 33(5), 662-681. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Gavin, M., Stacey, M., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S. (2018). Reconciling teachers' workload and wellbeing: an examination of system demands around workload affecting women's roles as teachers and union activists. Gender, Work and Organisation 10th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Sydney 13-16 June.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Fitzgerald, S., Stacey, M., Gavin, M., Parding, K. (2018). Submission to the Employment, Education and Training Standing Committee, Valuing Australia's Teachers - Inquiry into the Status of the Teaching Profession. [More Information]
- Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Stacey, M. (2017). A "tsunami of paperwork": Professionally engaged teachers' reports on changes to conditions of work and employment conditions under devolution. 31st Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Canberra, 10th February.
- Handley, K., McGrath-Champ, S., Leung, P. (2017). A New Way of Working: Flexibility and Work-Life Balance in the Accounting Profession in Australia. In Y. Blount, & M. Gloet (Eds.), Anywhere Working and the New Era of Telecommuting, (pp. 113-143). Hershey: IGI Global. [More Information]
- Zettna, N., McGrath-Champ, S., Johnson, A. (2017). Behind the Smiles: Collectivism and uncertainty avoidance - Exploring the moderating effect of power distance on employee silence. 31st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management ANZAM Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 5-8 December 2017: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management ANZAM.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Stacey, M., Fitzgerald, S. (2016). "I just try and be nice to them, I tell a few jokes": Principals explain their changing roles and support for staff in two devolved Australian schooling systems. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2016, Melbourne: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE). [More Information]
- Zettna, N., McGrath-Champ, S. (2016). Behind the smiles: a study of cultural factors and employee silence in Thai manufacturing. Thailand in Comparative Perspective: An International Symposium, University of Sydney: University of Sydney.
- Fitzgerald, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Wilson, R., Stacey, M., Rainnie, A. (2016). Submission. Education and Health Standing Committee Inquiry into the Department of Education's Independent Public Schools Initiative. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Rainnie, A., Pickren, G., Herod, A. (2015). Global destruction networks, the labour process and employment relations. Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(4), 624-640. [More Information]
- Rainnie, A., Herod, A., McGrath-Champ, S., Pickren, G. (2015). Wasted Commodities, Wasted Labour? Global Production and Destruction Networks and the Nature of Contemporary Capitalism. In Kirsty Newsome, Phil Taylor, Jennifer Bair, Al Rainnie (Eds.), Putting Labour in its Place: Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains, (pp. 249-265). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave. [More Information]
- Handley, K., Leung, P., McGrath-Champ, S., Kidd, M. (2015). Work Conditions, Balance and Gender Equity: A Study of Chartered Accountants 1995 to 2013, (pp. 11 - 29). Sydney, Australia: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
- Liu, H., McGrath-Champ, S. (2014). 'Inspired by Business': A case of mentoring among low socio-economic students. International Studies in Widening Participation, 1(1), 2-14.
- Herod, A., Pickren, G., Rainnie, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2014). Global destruction networks, labour, and waste. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(2), 421-441. [More Information]
- Liu, H., McGrath-Champ, S., Fletcher, S. (2013). 'Inspired by Business': A case of mentoring among disadvantaged first year students. 16th International First Year in Higher Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand: First Year in Higher Education.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Fee, A., Liu, H. (2013). Emergency expatriate evacuation: Literature and research. 27th Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand AIRAANZ 2013 - Work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world, Freemantle: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- McGrath-Champ, S., Zou, M., Taylor, L. (2013). Exploring new frontiers in an internationalised classroom: Team-based learning and reflective journals as innovative learning strategies. In Janette Ryan (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning for Home and International Students: Internationalisation of Pedagogy and Curriculum in Higher Education, (pp. 27-40). Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Ellem, B., McGrath-Champ, S. (2012). Labor geography and labor history: insights and outcomes from a decade of cross-disciplinary dialogue. Labor History, 53(3), 355-372. [More Information]
- Taylor, L., McGrath-Champ, S., Clarkeburn, H. (2012). Supporting student self-study: The educational design of podcasts in a collaborative learning context. Active Learning in Higher Education, 13(1), 77-90. [More Information]
- Fee, A., McGrath-Champ, S., Yang, X. (2011). Expatriate performance management and firm internationalization: Australian multinationals in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 49(3), 365-384. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Rosewarne, S., Rittau, Y. (2011). From one skill shortage to the next: The Australian construction industry and geographies of a global labour market. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(4), 467-485. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Zou, M., Taylor, L. (2011). Managing diversity: Workplace and classroom connections. 25th Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand AIRAANZ 2011, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Zou, M., Taylor, L. (2010). Deploying Student Diversity as a Microcosm of the World: Teaching Work and Employment Issues in an Internationalised Classroom. Internationalising Learning and Teaching in Academic Settings: Engagement, Collaboration and Sustainability, Australia: Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Rosewarne, S., Rittau, Y. (2010). Education, Skill and Unions in the Australian Construction Industry. Labour and Industry, 21(1), 438-462.
- Herod, A., McGrath-Champ, S., Rainnie, A. (2010). Foundations. In S McGrath-Champ, A Herod, A Rainnie (Eds.), Handbook of Employment and Society: Working Space, (pp. 1-16). Cheltenham United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Rosewarne, S. (2009). Organizational change in Australian building and construction: Rethinking a unilinear 'leaning' discourse. Construction Management and Economics, 27(11), 1111-1128. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Rosewarne, S. (2009). The Australian Construction Industry: Skills Challenges and the Global Labour Market. 23rd Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand AIRAANZ 2009, Australia: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- Kamvounias, P., McGrath-Champ, S., Yip, J. (2008). "Gifts" in mentoring: mentees' reflections on an academic development program. International Journal for Academic Development, 13(1), 17-25.
- Yang, X., McGrath-Champ, S., Fee, A. (2008). Expatriate Performance Management and Firm Internationalisation: Evidence from China and Hong Kong. Australia and New Zealand Chapter of the Academy of International Business Symposium on Research and Teaching in International Business 2008, Australia: Academy of International Business - Australia and New Zealand Chapter.
- Kamvounias, P., McGrath-Champ, S., Yip, J. (2008). Mentoring in academic settings: The views of mentees. Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference AARE 2007, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- Rainnie, A., Herod, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2007). Spatialising industrial relations. Industrial Relations Journal, 38(2), 102-118.
- Freeman, M., McGrath-Champ, S. (2007). To Adopt or Not Adopt Team-based Learning: A Diffusion of Innovations Analysis. Team Based Learning Conference TBL 2007, Canada: Creative Commons.
- Herod, A., Rainnie, A., McGrath-Champ, S. (2007). Working space: why incorporating the geographical is central to theorizing work and employment practices. Work, Employment and Society, 21(2), 247-264. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Rosewarne, S., Toner, P. (2006). 'Skills infrastructure and structural transformation of the building and construction industry'. Social Actors, Work Organization and New Technologies in the 21st Century. IIRA 14th World Congress, N/A: International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA).
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2006). A spatial perspective on international work and management: Illustrations from China. In Mark Hearn and Grant Michelson (Eds.), Rethinking Work, Time, Space and Discourse, (pp. 165-186). Port Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2006). Industrial relations and space: new global frontiers. International Industrial Relations Association 14th World Congress. International Industrial Relations Association European Chapter.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2005). Enterprise Bargaining and Regional Prospects: The Effects of Rescaling Wage Regulation in Australia. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26(3), 413-442. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2005). Globalization's Challenge to Labour: Rescaling Work and Employment. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26(3), 323-334. [More Information]
- McGrath-Champ, S., Searle, G. (2005). Regional policies over the last decade: Imprinting working nation. Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 9(2), 89-109.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2004). Enterprise Bargaining and Australia's New Regional Economies: The Effects of Rescaling Wage Regulation. 18th AIRAANZ Conference: New Economies, New Industrial Relations. Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ).
- Rosewarne, S., McGrath-Champ, S., Toner, P., Morgan, C. (2004). Labour Force Challenges in the Australian Building and Construction Industry: Skills Infrastructure and Migrant Workers. Labour Force Challenges in the Australian Building and Construction Industry: Skills Infrastructure and Migrant Workers, Sydney University.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Yang, X., Kang, R. (2004). Performance Management And Cross-Cultural Training In Australian Firms In China. Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference ANZIBA 2004, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia: University of Canberra.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2003). Employment benefits in enterprise agreements: An overview. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 29(1), 46-61.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2003). Employment benefits in enterprise agreements: an overview of recent provisions. In Marian Baird, John Burgess (Eds.), Employee Entitlements in Australia: Proceedings of conference "Employee Entitlements in Australia" held at University of Sydney, (pp. 26-34). Newcastle, N.S.W: University of Newcastle, Employment Studies Centre.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Baird, M. (2003). Enterprise bargaining, the network economy and the changing nature of human resource management: an Australian perspective. The International Industrial Relations Association World Congress, Germany.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2002). Back to the Map? Enterprising agreements in rural, regional and urban Australia. Labour and Industry, 13(2), 118-145.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2002). Book Review: Regional Employment Relations at Work: The Illawarra Regional Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. International Journal of Employment Studies, 10(1), 158-161.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Yang, X. (2002). Cross Cultural Training, Expatriate Quality of (Work?) Life and Venture Performance. Employment Relations Unit Annual Conference 2002.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Yang, X., Chao, G. (2001). Effects of expatriate training on firm performance: A conceptual approach. Academy of International Business Conference 2001.
- McGrath-Champ, S. (2001). Space, scale and employment relations: Enterprise agreements in rural, regional and urban Australia. 2001 Joint Symposium of the Economic Geography Study Group of the Institute of Australian Geographers and Work and Organisational Studies Discipline, Sydney: University of Sydney.
- McGrath-Champ, S., Carter, S. (2001). The art of selling corporate culture : management and human resources in Australian construction companies operating in Malaysia. International Journal of Manpower, 22(4), 349-365.
- Baird, M., McGrath-Champ, S. (2000). Industrial Relations Developments. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Longman.
Selected Grants
- Women and Work Research Network, Baird M, Chen M, Cooper R, Cutcher L, Foley M, Ford M, Hardy C, Hill E, McGrath-Champ S, Piper N, Probyn E, Riley J, Seymour R, Smith B, Vromen A, Williamson S, DVC Research/Research Network Scheme (SyReNS)
- Labour Force Cahllenges in the Building and Construction Industry: Skills Infrastructure and Migrant Workers, McGrath-Champ S, Toner P, Rosewarne S, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)
- Labour force challenges in the building and construction industry: skills infrastructure and migrant, Cheung K, McGrath-Champ S, Rosewarne S, COMET Training/Project Support