Inaugural Charles Perkins Centre Director to step down - The University of Sydney
Professor Stephen Simpson

Inaugural Charles Perkins Centre Director to step down

30 July 2024
Professor Stephen Simpson to step down as Academic Director of CPC
After 13 years as inaugural Academic Director of the Charles Perkins Centre, Professor Stephen Simpson will step down from the role at the end of March 2025.

Professor Simpson AC FRS FAA will continue as a Professor in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences as an NHRMC Investigator Fellow.

“Steve’s contribution to creating the flourishing multidisciplinary research and education ecosystem for which the University of Sydney is now so well-known is simply beyond measure. That journey started in earnest when he took on the role of Academic Director to lead the establishment of our first whole-of-university Multidisciplinary Initiative, the Charles Perkins Centre," said Professor Emma Johnston, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).

"His vision and dedication have not only been the driving force behind the success of the Charles Perkins Centre; they have been instrumental in fostering a truly multidisciplinary environment at the University. We know that the ability to harness different disciplinary perspectives is key to tackling complex challenges. Helping to create an environment where our experts are encouraged and supported to do this is a wonderful legacy." 

Since launching the Charles Perkins Centre Hub in 2012, CPC has grown to include more than 1000 academic members from across the University’s faculties, and each year 20,000 students pass through its teaching laboratories. Through its dedicated clinical facility, the CPC Royal Prince Alfred Clinic, around 10,000 patients annually receive treatment.

Professor Stephen Simpson speaking at the Charles Perkins Centre 10 year anniversary in 2022.

CPC’s successful operating model has served as the blueprint for the six Multidisciplinary Initiatives (MDIs) which have since been established, and now informs a major component of the University’s Sydney in 2032 strategy to tackle the greatest global challenges.

Professor Kathy Belov, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Research and Engagement), added: “Steve’s leadership and vision have allowed the Charles Perkins Centre to make amazing advances in their mission to ease the burden of chronic diseases through innovative research collaborations, research partnerships, and teaching.  

“Under Steve’s guidance, CPC has grown from the first multidisciplinary institute at the University, to having multiple nodes across Sydney, collaborations with leading global universities including Glasgow, and collaborations with industry stalwarts like Qantas.”

An international search for the next Academic Director of the Charles Perkins Centre will soon commence. Professor Simpson will remain in the role until March 2025. He will continue to lead research with his group and many collaborators at the CPC. 

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