Expressions of interest for 2025 writer in residence - The University of Sydney
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Writer-in-Residence 2025 open for Expressions of Interest

10 March 2025
The power of creativity in exploring issues around health
The Judy Harris Writer-in-Residence at the Charles Perkins Centre was first established in 2016 to foster collaboration between Australian writers and researchers at the Charles Perkins Centre using the power of creativity to explore issues around health.

We are delighted to announce that Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are now open for the Judy Harris Writer-in-Residence Fellowship at the Charles Perkins Centre 2025.

The Judy Harris Writer-in-Residence Fellowship was established in 2016 to foster collaboration with Australian creative writers in exploring issues around health. The program encourages the power of creativity in the exploration and understanding of the sytemic causes of chronic disease and translating complex ideas of what it is to be human, particularly when facing the unease caused by disease.

Our patron and our alumni

The Fellowship is made possible by the very generous and ongoing support from University of Sydney alumna and patron, Judy Harris.

The program has, to date, hosted eight Australian writers across creative genres including fiction, poetry and essays: Charlotte Wood (2016), Mireille Juchau (2017), Alana Valentine (2017), Emily Maguire (2018), Tracy Sorensen (2019), Sarah Holland-Batt (2021), Lech Blaine (2023) and Fiona Wright (2024).

various headshots of writers in residence

L-R: Charlotte Wood (2016), Mireille Juchau (2017), Alana Valentine (2017), Emily Magure (2018), Tracy Sorensen (2019), Sarah Holland-Batt (2021), Lech Blaine (2023), Fiona Wright 2024

What the Fellowship offers

The Fellowship supports an established Australian creative writer to develop a new piece of work while in residence at the Charles Perkins Centre

The Fellowship is for one year (2025–26) and includes:
– a stipend of $100,000
– a University of Sydney Honorary appointment
– a base at the Charles Perkins Centre
– full access to the University of Sydney Library
– the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse range of researchers, educators and clinicians at the Charles Perkins Centre.

Eligibility and criteria

Eligibility and selection criteria are listed in the Information and Guidelines.

How to submit an Expression of Interest

Please submit your Expression of Interest using this form.

Closing date

Expressions of Interest for the Judy Harris Writer-in-Residence Fellowship is 11:59pm Monday 19 May 2025.

Further information

If you have any questions not addressed in the Information and Guidelines, please contact Courtney Weston.

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