University policies

University of Sydney policies

We have a transparent and open approach to policy

University of Sydney policies

We have a transparent and open approach to policy

Internal policies

As a public institution, we have a rigorous and robust policy framework under the jurisdiction of the Policy Management Unit in the Office of the General Counsel.

Our framework consists of four types of documents:

  • Policy - a mandatory statement of the principles guiding operations and decision making.
  • Procedures - mandatory statements of the standard and required practice.
  • Local provisions - binding statements of principles applicable only within a particular faculty, academic college or administrative unit.
  • Guidelines - advisory and explanatory statements offering detail, context or recommendations for good practice.

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Community consultation on five key policies

It is important that we uphold our cherished values around free speech and academic freedom while also welcoming and supporting every member of our community on our campuses and online. The ways in which we communicate with each other are central to this objective and we continue to review and update our policies accordingly.

Last year we sought your feedback on the Campus Access Policy and received a range of views, many critical and some supportive. We are now considering this feedback as we redraft this policy.

We are also now inviting feedback on revisions to five other key policies:

Some of the recommendations from the Hodgkinson External Review report (specifically recommendations 3, and parts of 4 and 15) have been included in these draft revisions to policies. The recommendation to introduce a new 'civility rule' is still under consideration, however, and will be open to consultation later.

Submit your feedback

Feedback for the five key policies closed at 5pm AEDT 13 February 2025. All submissions will be carefully considered as part of the consultation process. 

If you have any further questions or need more information, please contact  

Policy Register

Our Policy Register is the authoritative source for University policy documents and can be searched by students, staff and the general public. The Policy Register contains documents on topics such as health and safety, community relations, infrastructure and procurement.

The Policy Register does not contain course resolutions, faculty resolutions and other documents relating to the academic governance of individual faculties or University schools and their courses. To find them, please go to the handbooks website.

Higher education and research policy submissions

As a major publicly-funded education and research institution, we maintain important relationships with governments at all levels.

The federal government has a comprehensive policy framework for education and research that provides the context for our core education and research activities. We also engage with the NSW government across a wide range of issues, as well as with local governments in the communities we serve.

Activities relating to higher education policy are led by staff based in the Vice-Chancellor's Office.

We regularly provide input to government and parliamentary policy processes that affect the University’s operations. Our submissions for the last 5 years are made publicly available here in the interests of transparency.