Brain and Mind Symposium 2023 - Brain and Mind Centre

Brain and Mind Centre Symposium 2023

Bridging Gaps; Inclusivity in Brain and Mind Sciences
The 6th Annual Symposium, offered up presentations by renowned international guest speakers.

Brain and Mind Centre Symposium 2023

Re-watch the 2023 Brain and Mind Centre Symposium, Bridging Gaps: Inclusivity in Brain and Mind Sciences.

For 2023 we explored the theme, 'Bridging Gaps; Inclusivity in Brain and Mind Sciences,' with our opening address to be given by Professor Pat Dudgeon.

We were delighted to have keynote presentations from:

Dr Wendy Troxel: Senior Behavioural and Social Scientist at the RAND Corporation, Adjunct Faculty at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Utah.

Professor Peter Enticott: Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Associate Dean, Research in the Faculty of Health, Deakin University.

Professor Scott Ayton: Director of the Centre of Research Excellence in Enhanced Dementia Diagnosis (CREEDD) and head of the Dementia Mission and the Translational Neurodegeneration Group at The Florey.

Symposium Poster Award Recipients

A big thank you to all our entrants and for their immaculate poster presentations. We had an overwhelming response to this year's open submissions and welcomed presentations on the day from MA students, HDR students, researchers and professional staff. 


Honours/Masters/Research Professional Staff: Irene Lee

HDR Student: Mengjie Huang

EMCR: Dr Megan Finch-Edmondson

People's Choice Award: Connie Janiszewski

Event details: 

Thursday 23rd November 

Sydney Nanoscience Hub, Lecture Theatre 4002

9.30 am - 4.30 pm 

Sydney Nanoscience Hub

Brain and Mind Centre

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