Courses - The University of Sydney Business School
Blurred lights in traffic


Developing the next generation of transport and logistics experts
We offer specialist degrees, short courses, and research programs in transport, infrastructure, logistics and supply chain management.

Where will a course in transport and logistics take you?

Transport and logistics degrees

Short courses and professional development

We offer accreditation and training courses across the sector.

Bus and coach accreditation

We provide three training courses for the Bus and Coach Sector in NSW:

Data science and AI for supply chain management

The introduction to data science and AI for supply chain management course is delivered online in partnership with GS1 Australia. This micro-credential is aimed at managers and business analysts who want to understand the current trends in data science and AI.

Discrete Choice Analysis

Foundations of Intelligent Supply Chain Management

The Foundations of Intelligent Supply Chain Management course is delivered online in partnership with Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA). This micro-credential is for managers and business owners who want to broaden their understanding of supply chain management and the latest trends and technological developments in managing complex supply chains.


  • The Infrastructure course highlights the management skills required to deliver complex infrastructure projects in an increasingly challenging environment.

Railway planning

Travel Demand Management

  • The Travel Demand Management course provides insights into new trends affecting travel demand management implementation such as working and studying from home; MaaS, greening of transport, and active travel.


Student profile

Kerry Zhuang, Logistics and Supply Chain Management graduate
Kerry Zhuang, Logistics and Supply Chain Management student
"My course has given me a solid grounding in supply chain management theory, strategy and practice, backed with technical skills. The enthusiasm among the teaching staff is infectious, and industry professionals were regular guest lecturers, enabling me to connect my studies to the real-world. As a result, I graduated industry-ready and secured a permanent job before I completed my studies."
Discover our Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management