Learn Chinese - Confucius Institute
Students engaging in a Chinese Mandarin lesson
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Learn Chinese

Achieve your ambitions with our Chinese Mandarin courses
Our Chinese Mandarin program is one of the best in Australia. We offer beginner-level non-award short courses throughout the year, open to everyone.

Our Chinese language courses can help you further your career, expand your business, communicate with your Chinese customers and friends, or travel across China.

Our Chinese language courses are open to all adult learners.

Choose from our high-quality beginner-level Chinese Mandarin programs to help you achieve your personal or professional goals. 

Please note: All our classes are delivered via Zoom.

Select your course

Level Vocabulary range Standard (1 x 2 hrs per week) Intensive (2 x 2 hrs per week) Textbook

Beginner Level 1


1011 / 1012


Integrated Chinese
Volume 1



1021 / 1022


Integrated Chinese
Volume 1



1031 / 1032


Integrated Chinese
Volume 2



1041 / 1042


Integrated Chinese
Volume 2

Our tutors are dedicated, engaging and experienced

Every year, many community members learn Chinese Mandarin with us.

Our tutors are experienced Chinese speaking teachers who use the latest teaching methods, developed alongside Sydney's leading Chinese language experts. Together, we've created one of Australia's most effective Chinese language programs.

Our courses are in line with the internationally recognised Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) learning progression and we use the highest-calibre textbooks to ensure we meet contemporary standards.

Please note that academic credits are not available.

The course was well-structured, with achievable learning objectives and support. The tutor was excellent and provided good support for students.
Student testimonial, Chinese Mandarin Course