Solar cell research: powering a bright future - The University of Sydney
solar cell design

Solar cell research: powering a bright future

Innovations in nanotechnology and clean energy generation

We have a strong natural resource in solar. Imagine we can turn sun-exposed surfaces into power generators through nanotechnology. Professor Anita Ho-Baillie, a world expert in solar cell research, will shed further light on this field.

Update (Monday 16 March, 2020) 

In light of COVID-19 developments, please be advised this event will not be going ahead at this time. The Sydney Ideas program will continue, with our talks and conversations available as a podcast. Stay in the loop by signing up to our newsletter or following Sydney Ideas on Facebook and Twitter.

We are feeling the impact of climate change and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals identify affordable and clean energy as a central priority.

Professor Anita Ho-Baillie, our inaugural John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience, will deliver a lecture outlining how nanoscience is driving innovations in solar technology. She will also give examples on how her research has taken a multidisciplinary approach from physics, chemistry, material science, electrical engineering and techno economic analysis. 

The speaker

Anita Ho-Baillie is the John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience at the University of Sydney. She completed her Bachelor of Engineering degree on a Co-op scholarship and her PhD at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2005. Anita has worked at British Aerospace, Alcatel Australia, Pacific Solar and Solar Sailor. She is also an Adjunct Professor at UNSW. Her research interest is to engineer materials and devices at nanoscale for integrating solar cells onto all kinds of surfaces generating clean energy. A highly cited researcher, she has been identified as one of the leaders in advancing perovskite solar cells. She is well known in the media for her building integrated photovoltaics research and her achievements in setting solar cell energy efficiency world records in various categories placing her research at the forefront internationally.

Event image credit: Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

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