Crime and justice issues examined in re-launched journal - The University of Sydney
Sydney Law School

Crime and justice issues examined in re-launched journal

7 March 2019
First co-published edition with major international publisher
New research into autonomy and responsibility in sexual assault law, trends in the police use of drug detection dogs, and violence in the Australian punk scene are featured in the latest edition of Current Issues in Criminal Justice.

The Sydney Institute of Criminology will celebrate the first co-published edition of Current Issues in Criminal Justice with Taylor and Francis on Wednesday 13 March.

This edition – which is online now – includes new research on autonomy and responsibility in sexual assault law in New South Wales, analysing several cases emerging from the prosecution of a young man, Luke Lazarus, for the sexual assault of an 18-year-old woman in Sydney.

“While there are encouraging signs of progress in judicial interpretation of women’s sexual autonomy, there is reason to be concerned that law reform in this area may have had little impact when it comes to placing an expectation upon men to take responsibility for sexual communication,” argue the article’s co-authors Professor Gail Mason and James Monaghan, both from Sydney Law School. Read more.

The edition also includes new research on:

  • Trends and offending in the police use of drug detection dogs in New South Wales between 2008-2018. Read more.
  • The politicisation of parole in Victoria. Read more.
  • Critical reflections on concepts of young people and crime in Australia. Read more.
  • Assault within the Australian punk scene. Read more.
  • Enhancing early detection of cognitive impairment in the criminal justice system. Read more.

This edition also includes the 2018 Paul Byrne Memorial Lecture: ‘Our first nations people in custody: a national disgrace’ by Phillip Boulten SC. The lecture is also available as a podcast.

About Current Issues in Criminal Justice

Current Issues in Criminal Justice is Australia’s leading peer-reviewed academic journal on criminal justice with a focus on criminology and criminal law.

First published in 1989, the journal has been informing critical debate in criminal justice issues in Australia and internationally for close to three decades, and continues to provide detailed analysis of local, regional and global issues from outstanding academic contributors.

With this partnership the journal moves to four issues a year, with the distribution power of a major publisher.

Current Issues in Criminal Justice will still focus on contemporary debates in Australian criminal justice but will be more outward looking and welcome even more international scholars.

In 2019, the journal is edited by Professor Murray Lee from Sydney Law School.

Join the re-launch

Join the Sydney Institute of Criminology to celebrate the relaunch of Current Issues in Criminal Justice in publishing partnership with Taylor and Francis, to acknowledge the many people who have contributed to the journal’s success and to toast its continued success into the future. 


Date: Wednesday 13 March
Time: 5.30-7.30pm (cocktail reception and presentations)
Location: Sydney Law School, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, Camperdown
Register: Please email to register