Sydney Law School academics recognised among Australia’s best lawyers - The University of Sydney

Sydney Law School academics recognised among Australia’s best lawyers

29 March 2019
Professor Mary Crock, Professor Sheelagh McCracken and Professor Chester Brown named by peer review
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Professor Mary Crock was selected by peer review for her work in Immigration Law. Her expertise spans immigration, citizenship and refugee law, administrative and constitutional law, public international law - particularly human rights and international refugee law, and comparative law. 

Professor Crock is the author of 13 books and boasts more than 80 articles and book chapters to her name. Supported by DFAT and UNHCR, she led a six-country study on the legal protection of refugees with disabilities in displacement situations from 2014-2016. Her most recent book, published in 2018, looks at: Protecting Migrant Children: In Search of Best Practice, jointly edited with Lenni B. Benson, Professor of Law at New York Law School.

Professor Sheelagh McCracken, recognised in the area of Banking and Finance Law, is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. She has taught finance law in various centres in Australia and around the Asia-Pacific region including Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Tokyo.

Professor McCracken writes and speaks regularly on finance law, recently focusing in particular on secured transactions law. Amongst the range of books she has published is a standard Australian text, Everett & McCracken’s Banking and Financial Institutions Law, which she has co-authored for over 30 years and the 9th edition of which was published in 2017.

Professor Chester Brown was selected by peer review for his work in international arbitration. He is Professor of International Law and International Arbitration at the University of Sydney Law School, and the Co-Director of the Sydney Centre for International Law. He is also a Barrister at 7 Wentworth Selborne Chambers, Sydney, and an Overseas Associate of Essex Court Chambers, London, and Maxwell Chambers, Singapore.

He teaches and researches in the fields of public international law, international dispute settlement, international arbitration, international investment law, and private international law. He also maintains a practice in these fields, and has been involved as counsel in proceedings before the International Court of Justice, the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, inter-State and investor-State arbitral tribunals, as well as in inter-State conciliation proceedings and international commercial arbitrations.

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