The Justice Peter Hely Scholarship - The University of Sydney
Sydney Law School Building at the University of Sydney

Celebrating Legal Excellence: The Justice Peter Hely Scholarship

19 June 2024
A scholarship that drives excellence in commercial law and equity
The Justice Peter Hely Scholarship was established in 2008 by the University of Sydney Law School through contributions from the friends and colleagues of the late Justice Hely. Scholarship recipients reflect on its impact.

The Justice Peter Hely Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship that aims to foster advanced postgraduate studies in commercial law and equity, reflecting Justice Hely's significant contributions to these fields.

The late Justice Hely was a respected advocate, judge and a leading member of the New South Wales Bar. He was known for his profound understanding of commercial law and his fair, incisive judgments. 

His passing in 2005 left a void in the legal world, but his legacy lives on through his scholarship, which supports aspiring legal scholars in their postgraduate education. 

The scholarship was created to inspire future generations to continue his work and uphold the standards of excellence he set.

Daniel Fletcher

Daniel Fletcher, 2015 scholarship recipient.

Daniel Fletcher was the 2015 scholarship recipient, and for him, the scholarship provided a fantastic opportunity to study at Oxford. 

"In 2015-16, I read for a Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) at Magdalen College, Oxford. I took a range of subjects, including commercial remedies and restitution," he recalls. 

Beyond academics, Daniel immersed himself in extracurricular activities, singing with Lincoln College's chapel choir and playing cricket for Magdalen.

The rigorous program at Oxford equipped Daniel with critical analytical skills, essential for his career. 

"The Oxford BCL was a fantastic opportunity. It was a demanding degree, requiring me to analyse case law and legal theory in new ways," he says. 

Following a brief stint at White & Case in London, Daniel was called to the English bar and joined One Essex Court, a prestigious set of chambers specialising in commercial disputes. 

Reflecting on his journey, Daniel highlights the scholarship's pivotal role.

"My year in Oxford was an invaluable step in my career. It led me to the English commercial bar, and I am very grateful for the support provided by the scholarship."

Adam Fovent

Adam Fovent, 2017 scholarship recipient.

Adam Fovent, the 2017 recipient, pursued a Master of Laws (LLM) at Harvard Law School, focusing on U.S. financial and securities regulation. 

"My Harvard LLM, supported by the Justice Peter Hely Scholarship, was instrumental in launching my career," he notes. 

The scholarship enabled him to delve deep into financial regulation, commercial law, and fiduciary obligations while building invaluable relationships that helped him secure career opportunities in the United States.

Since graduating, Adam has carved out a successful career as a financial regulatory attorney in the United States. 

He is currently a senior associate at Latham & Watkins LLP in Boston, specialising in U.S. financial regulation and derivatives. 

"One of the highlights of my career is working at the cutting edge of legislative and regulatory developments grappling with financial technology innovations," he says. 

The scholarship not only made his postgraduate studies possible but also provided “an invaluable vote of confidence and encouragement from those who knew Justice Hely personally.”

Adam Fovent at his Harvard Law School graduation

Adam Fovent, 2017 scholarship recipient, at his graduation from Harvard Law School.

Aarushi Sahore at her Cambridge Graduation.

Aarushi Sahore, 2018 scholarship recipient, at her LLM Graduation at Cambridge University.

Aarushi Sahore, the 2018 recipient, completed her Master of Laws (LLM) at Queens’ College, Cambridge with the support of the scholarship. 

"This was a really enjoyable and exciting year for me, to be able to study full-time in the UK, and getting the opportunity to think about the law more deeply," she shares. 

The scholarship enabled her to explore equity and commercial law from different angles and learn from world-leading academics including English legal history academic Professor Ibbetson. 

The scholarship enabled me to pursue a master’s which I otherwise would not have been able to afford as an overseas student.
Aarushi Sahore, 2018 scholarship recipient.

After completing her LLM at Cambridge University, Aarushi pursued a successful career in the United Kingdom, securing pupillage at Brick Court Chambers in London. 

"When I became a tenant in my chambers, started taking on my own cases and appearing in the London courts it was a wonderful experience," she says. 

The scholarship played a crucial role in her journey, providing financial support, a wealth of international opportunities, and a sense of encouragement, support and confidence from the University of Sydney Law School. 

You can apply now for the 2024 Justice Peter Hely Scholarship.

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