Youth advisory board update - The University of Sydney
Cheryl Ou presenting at CAMH

Celebrating achievements from our Youth Advisory Board

8 July 2022
Project Profile: Youth Advisory Board
The Youth Advisory Board has launched a national survey asking young people about the most important issues in mental health and substance use research. This group of young Australians have also presented at key mental health conferences and welcomed three new members.

The Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Illness and Substance Use Centre of Research Excellence (PREMISE) and Matilda Centre fund our Youth Advisory Board (YAB). The YAB contribute to specific youth-focused research projects and provide input into the governance and research priorities of PREMISE.

The YAB is a culturally, linguistically and gender diverse group of 10 members aged 16-25, with representatives from metropolitan, rural, regional, and remote areas of Australia. They bring expertise and an interest in mental health and substance use through their own lived experience and that of their friends, families, or communities.

Map of Australia with location of YAB members

This year has been an exciting time for the YAB, with the launch of a national online survey for young people, presentations at key mental health conferences, and welcoming three new members to the board.

The National Youth Priorities Survey

The YAB has recently launched a national online survey to understand perspectives of Australian youth (aged 16-25) on priorities for prevention research in mental health and substance use.

The survey was co-designed with YAB members and builds upon the principles and priorities for youth mental health and substance use research identified by the YAB and presented at the Leaders in Prevention Summit in 2020.

Our YAB members at key mental health conferences

Congratulations to our YAB members who recently presented at key conferences in mental health and substance research.

  • Mason Wright (TAS) presented at the 42nd Annual Society for Mental Health Research Conference in Hobart, Tasmania.
  • Cheryl Ou (QLD) presented at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference in the Gold Coast, Queensland.
  • Mason and Cheryl shared their experiences as members of the YAB and how to effectively engage with young people in research.

Introducing our new members

This year, we are pleased to introduce three new members to the Board: Tahlia-Rae Willcocks (WA), Daesha Corporal (QLD) and Alix Beckett (NSW).

We are looking forward to working with our new members over the next few years.

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