Celebrating our partnership with Sydney Local Health District - The University of Sydney

Celebrating our partnership with Sydney Local Health District

13 July 2018
A historic alliance for health
The collaboration between the University and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA) ­– a premier teaching hospital of Sydney Local Health District – is one of the most significant health-related partnerships in NSW history.
Baby in hospital

The University of Sydney has signed a historic Collaboration Agreement with the Sydney Local Health District.

For the last 136 years, the University and Sydney Local Health district have collaborated to promote, facilitate and encourage health and medical research. 

This agreement affirms our commitment to excellence in the pursuit of not only research, but also education, community engagement and health delivery.

Aimed at increasing the interaction of our staff and students, the agreement provides a high-level framework for, among other things: access to facilities and equipment, research integrity, student supervision and placements, and collaboration governance.

A separate agreement has also been executed, bringing together the University, the District, and several affiliated Medical Research Institutes into a common methodology for determining the ownership of Intellectual Property.

The Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence explained that the execution of the agreements “provides a significant platform which formalises at an institutional level what has been an incredibly productive relationship over more than a century”.

Adjunct Associate Professor Vicki Taylor, Executive Director - Sydney Research, further commented that the agreement is a big step toward enhancing the capability of the partnership to increase the pace of research translation to health outcomes and set the agenda for the development of health technologies.

This agreement is an opportunity to showcase the way our organisations work together to transform the way we provide healthcare and have done for more than 135 years. Locally and internationally the Sydney research campus is recognised as a knowledge centre.
Dr Teresa Anderson AM, Chief Executive, Sydney Local Health District

Outcomes of the collaboration

We have already seen positive results of the ongoing cooperative relationship between the University and the District, including:

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