Microsurgical skills - Faculty of Medicine and Health
microsurgical procedure
Study area_

Microsurgical skills

Develop your skills in periocular, cornea and cataract surgery
This practical course is suitable for medical residents and ophthalmic registrars interested in developing their surgical skills.

The University of Sydney is offering a short course in microsurgical skills for ophthalmology. The course is suited to junior doctors considering a career in ophthalmology, non-training or pre-vocational eye registrars, and first-year vocational training registrars. This course will provide you with the foundational skills necessary to advance your surgical skills in periocular, skin and cataract surgery.

Ten hours of online lectures are followed by a three day intensive practical at the Sight for Life Laboratory on the Sydney Hospital campus. A team of consultants, senior registrars and fellows from Australia, New Zealand and the UK supervise the wet labs and workshops with a staff to student ratio of 3:1.

Please note that from 2023 onwards, this course will form a compulsory element of training for first year ophthalmology registrars. If you have completed the course prior to gaining a registrar position, you will be required to do the course again in your first year of training and will be liable for the full course fee.

Key information
Date 12-14 September 2024
Location Sight for Life Training Laboratory, Sydney Eye Hospital, 8 Macquarie St, North Block, Level 2 Sydney NSW 2000
Suitable for Medical residents and ophthalmic registrars.
  • A/Prof Con Petsoglou, The University of Sydney
  • A/Prof Graham Wilson, University of Otago
  • Dr Yves Kerdraon, The University of Sydney
Cost $2,500 plus GST 

Registrations for 2024 are now closed.

Please join our mailing list here to be notified when registrations open for the next course.

Sydney Eye Hospital