Melbourne Cup Gambling - The University of Sydney

6 tips on how to gamble within your limits

31 October 2016
Betting responsibly doesn't mean limiting your fun

As Australian's prepare to celebrate the Melbourne Cup, we asked Kirsten Shannon, manager of the University's Gambling Treatment Clinic, for her top tips on how to gamble responsibly.

Australians are expected to spend more than $300 million betting on the Melbourne Cup this year. For most people, it is a fun and frivolous day out but for many it can lead to some serious financial losses.

If you are planning to join the festivities, here are a few tips to keep your gambling within limits:

Gambling within your limits

View the day as entertainment and not a way to make money.
Remember that the odds offered are not fair odds and there is no such thing as a 'sure thing'. Horse racing is highly unpredictable.
Expect to lose your money and only spend what you can afford.
Limit your access to money by leaving your credit cards at home.
Don't borrow money to gamble.
If betting by mobile apps or online, put some pre-set limits on your accounts before the big day.

If you do think you have a problem, call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 or the University of Sydney's Gambling Treatment Clinic on 1800 482 482.

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