Easter chocolate toxic for dogs - The University of Sydney
photo of colourful chocolate easter eggs

Easter chocolate toxic for dogs

31 March 2021
Don’t be tempted to give your dog an Easter egg
Chocolate is toxic to dogs, and other pets, so don't offer your companion animals Easter Eggs or even hot cross buns, which are high fat and may contain raisins. No matter how hard your dog begs for it. Give them a doggie snack instead.
photo of three dogs in Easter bunny rabbit ears

Dogs don't love Easter bunny hats. Photo: Pixabay

Pet owners need to hide their chocolate stash where their pets can’t reach it and keep their dogs secured on a non-extendable lead while setting up or conducting an Easter egg hunt. Do not be tempted to offer chocolate as a treat or a special occasion present.

“It’s important to keep your pets safe from chocolate over Easter,” says Dr Anne Quain, clinical vet and lecturer in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney.

“Despite efforts to inform owners about the risks of chocolate ingestion, particularly over the Easter period, we still see plenty of animals - especially dogs - for chocolate ingestion. Even owners who are aware of the risks are not always aware how motivated their animals are to find and eat chocolate.”

“Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both toxic to pets. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic to pets. A lot of gourmet and vegan chocolates are even more toxic to dogs because of their higher chocolate content,” said Dr Quain.

photo of a bull dog with a pink ribbon surrounded by colourful balls

Keep your dog safe and happy this Easter. Photo: Pixabay

Dr Quain said dogs are more likely to be victims of chocolate toxicity because “they are great at sniffing chocolate out, and they are highly food motivated.”

Signs of chocolate toxicity range from vomiting and diarrhoea to seizures and collapse. Some animals die from toxicity.

Chocolate should not be given to cats, rabbits, guinea pigs or other household pets, either. “I have seen a rabbit with an intestinal obstruction due to eating a wrapped chocolate.”

Chocolate is high in fat, and fatty foods can trigger gastrointestinal upsets, as well as pancreatitis, in dogs and cats. Signs of pancreatitis include reduced appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea. Pancreatitis causes a spectrum of illness ranging from mild to life-threatening.

“Animals don't show immediate signs of illness after eating chocolate - usually the reason that owners bring them in is because they have read or heard somewhere that chocolate is bad for pets,” said Dr Quain.

Keep your dog safe:

  • If your dog steals an Easter egg, ask it to “drop it”.
  • If they swallow the egg (or any chocolate), ring your vet.
  • Your vet will ask you to estimate your pet’s body weight.
  • Know the time and the amount of chocolate your dog ate.
  • Know the type of chocolate or recipe if the chocolate was in a baked good.
  • Be aware that raisins, artificial sweeteners and alcohol in some baked goods are also toxic to pets.

Elissa Blake

Media Adviser (Humanities and Science)

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