Tools and resources

Tools and resources

Explore the IT systems and faculty resources you will use during your Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidature.

IT systems for HDR students

You will manage your candidature in two key systems: Research Education Candidature System (RECS) and Sydney Student.  

IT support

For advice on using other IT facilities such as campus WI-FI, printing, your university email address or your unikey, please visit the Student IT support page.

If you need help with accessing university systems, please contact the ICT Helpdesk via 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) or +61 2 8627 1444 (press option 4 for ICT).

You can also visit a staffed Learning Hub or submit an online enquiry.

Faculty and school resources

Each HDR student has access to discipline-specific support via their faculty or school HDR site in Canvas.

Explore your faculty/school’s HDR site to get familiar with discipline-specific requirements and opportunities, orientation arrangements and support contacts. Faculty announcements and events may be shared via these sites as well as through faculty HDR e-newsletters.

All currently enrolled HDR students are enrolled into their faculty or school’s HDR site in Canvas (the University’s online learning platform). 

Your faculty/school HDR site will appear on your Canvas dashboard. If the site is not on your dashboard, click the 'Courses' icon in the navigation pane on the left-hand side to locate the site. 

The HDR Canvas sites for each faculty or school are listed below:

HDR community

Stay up to date with news and opportunities by reading HDR News. The latest edition of this university-wide e-newsletter is sent to current HDR students every two months.

Also, find out what’s happening in the University of Sydney HDR community by joining the HDR Students Viva Engage community. Connect with your peers and share information that may be of interest to other HDR students.

HDR Connect event