Piloting an online portal to support those affected by brain cancer - The University of Sydney

Piloting an online portal to support those affected by brain cancer

A study have to evaluate a new online portal, Brains ADAPT that will be used to screen for anxiety, depression, and unmet need in those affected by brain cancer (i.e., patients and carers).

Are you a health care professional who provides support to patients with brain cancer?

Have you been diagnosed with brain cancer or care for someone diagnosed with brain cancer?

The researchers of this study have developed an online portal called Brains ADAPT that will be used to screen for anxiety, depression, and unmet need in those affected by brain cancer (i.e., patients and carers). The researchers are seeking feedback about the acceptability, appropriateness, and useability of the portal. Your perceptions and feedback of the portal will help us refine the user-interface and design.

The study will involve a short survey and a video conference interview. We expect the survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and the interview is expected to take 20 minutes (for health care professionals) or 50 minutes (for patients and carers). 


You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • Are a health care professional and:
  • Are currently employed in a clinical role
  • Provide care to patients with brain cancer
  • Are able to attend an interview via the online platform Zoom
  • Are able to read study material in English

For people diagnosed with brain cancer or care for someone diagnosed with brain cancer, the study may be suitable for you if you:

  • Are aged 16 years or older
  • Diagnosed with brain cancer OR care for someone diagnosed with brain cancer
  • Are able to attend an interview using the Zoom online platform
  • Are able to read study materials in English 

How to participate

If you are interested in assisting with this important and exciting area of research, please contact the study facilitator: Dr Mona Faris mona.faris@sydney.edu.au

Or access the link: https://redcap.sydney.edu.au/surveys/?s=XKEL44JNEFMW9WFC