PreBabe: Can a preconception weight loss program improve maternal and infant outcomes for women with overweight or obesity? A randomised controlled trial . - The University of Sydney

PreBabe: Can a preconception weight loss program improve maternal and infant outcomes for women with overweight or obesity? A randomised controlled trial .

1 in 2 women in Australia start their pregnancy journey above a healthy weight with a BMI of > 25 kg/m2. Although you may be very healthy, carrying extra weight at the start of a pregnancy can be associated with complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes, miscarriage, caesarean delivery. Some babies need to be admitted to a special care nursery. This trial aims to assess whether weight loss prior to pregnancy reduces the risk of these complications.

Losing weight before getting pregnant may help you to conceive naturally and is also safer for you and your baby than trying to lose weight during your pregnancy.
This study is a randomised controlled trial which means that you will be randomly allocated (equivalent to a toss of a coin) to one of two weight loss programs:
1) Combination of meal replacements and conventional healthy meals supported by a trial website.
2) Conventional healthy meals supported by telephone coaching calls.

Both programs involve the same amount of contact with a health professional, dietary advice and a preconception consultation.

Both weight loss programs are safe and are designed to be followed for a duration of 10 weeks, prior to attempting to get pregnant. If you do, however happen to become pregnant whilst in the trial, please contact us and we can advise you on a healthy pregnancy diet. 


Women (18-40 years) with overweight or obesity (BMI>25kg/m2) planning a pregnancy within 6-12 months and intending to deliver at a recruiting centre in the Sydney or Newcastle area. 

How to participate

Women can find more information on the PreBabe website: and on the website they are able to register their interest.