Society and education - Faculty of Science
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Society and education

Scholarship of teaching and engagement with the community
Building mathematical and statistical knowledge in the community.

The mathematical sciences permeate our daily lives more than ever before.

As a result, mathematicians and statisticians need to help the community to be competent in situations involving mathematical or statistical knowledge. Members of our school are actively involved in dissemination, education and outreach.

Mathematics and statistics do not only play a central role in specialised sciences and technology sectors, but penetrate the social and behavioural sciences, some traditionally humanistic domains, as well as government, industry and management. Our staff members also engage in research and research collaborations in unexpected new frontiers.

Header image: Stephan Tillmann: “Exploration with mirrors”

Research areas

Key researchers: Emma CarberryDaniel DanersDavid EasdownSean GasiorekDaniel HauerShelton PeirisGarth TarrDi Warren.

Mathematical Education is a dynamic field. The teaching and learning of mathematics is complex, and the educational environment is ever changing. Maths-Ed encompasses mathematics, statistics and the relatively new field of data science.

Fundamental research questions concern how to identify and navigate the barriers to acquiring understanding in a certain area of mathematics. For example, how do students develop the concept of proof? Or how do students learn to code?

Research problems of the group at the University of Sydney span threshold concepts, statistical literacy, and best practises in teaching and learning, including mentoring new teachers and intensive and HyFlex modes of delivery.

Key leads: Dmitry Badzhiahin, Emma Carberry, Clio Cresswell, Zsuzsanna Dancso, David Easdowne, Stephan Tillmann, Di Warren.

Staff members regularly communicate traditional and cutting-edge research to broad audiences in Sydney and NSW. These include events in partnership with the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute (SMRI) and the Mathematical Association of NSW (MANSW).

Events include the Mathematical Enrichment Day, the International Day of Mathematics on 14 March and National Science Week in August.

Staff have also volunteered for the Mathematicians in Schools Program, a sub-program of STEM Professionals in Schools, supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and CSIRO.