Study technology - Faculty of Science
Inside the cleanroom of the Sydney Nanoscience Hub
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Changing the way people live
Improvements and developments of new technologies drive every facet of life today and will have an increasingly pivotal role to play in the world of tomorrow.

Technology is a broad term encompassing information and communication technology as well as the the research and development of brand new technologies, tools and infrastructure of tomorrow.

Information and communications technology (ICT) is ubiquitous in the 21st century.

ICT is critical to the fight against climate change, what enables video on demand, and the toolset central to discovering cures for disease and mapping the human genome.

Why study with us?

Our laboratories, teaching spaces and learning hubs are designed to help you get the most out of your learning experience. They incorporate the latest technology and equipment and allow interactive study, research and collaboration.

With subjects taught out of the School of Physics and our collaborations with Faculty of Engineering and IT mean access to their computing labs and facilities. We also have unique research intensive spaces such as the Sydney Nanoscience Hub in which students and academics can devise, fabricate, test and deploy new science at the nanoscale.

It includes some of the highest-performing nanoscience facilities in the Asia-Pacific region, from a high-calibre cleanroom for making nanodevices to measurement laboratories and pioneering teaching spaces.

Technology careers

Techology is a rapidly evolving field, and the range of career possibilities grows with each technological advance. There are exciting careers for science graduates in such diverse areas as business consulting and sales, software engineering, web  development, multimedia, research and product development.

Photonics, optics, quantum technology, data analytics and nanotechnologies are at the forefront of tomorrow’s technology sectors, and an undergraduate degree in science or mathematics can lead to a rewarding career in one of these emerging fields.

The Australian Government considers nanoscience such an important field that it helped fund the University of Sydney Nano Institute. With training in chemistry, physics or materials science you could work as a nanotechnologist in this exciting field.

Our graduates can be found in many settings and roles, including:

  • Computer scientist
  • Engineer
  • Industrial chemist/materials scientist
  • Medical physicist
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Optics engineer
  • Photonic research scientist

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